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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kotaku - Sources: Sony Is Working On A ‘PS4.5’

Well, there goes Sony's lead haha

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fleischr said:

So another hardware addon in addition to PSVR?

Between PSVR, PS Camera, PS Move, PSTV, PS Vita remote play and this, PS4 is rather quickly becoming the most gimmicky home console out there - especially if Sony pushes these add-ons hard enough

If I didn't know better, I'd say Sega of Japan is running Sony. Seems like we're seeing history repeat itself.

Aeolus451 said:
I doubt any of that. Sony gains nothing from doing a PS4.5 and has everything to lose from a move like that. This is most likely some sibling theory that spawned from the unlikely idea that MS is gonna create upgraded versions of the xbox one or allow people to upgrade the xbox one. Why would sony or ms try to emulate steam machines when they didn't really do well at all? It makes no damn sense to have tiered consoles.

I think they have a lot to gain actually: Better VR experience, broader market(ing) appeal, higher profit margin and most off all a larger install base(wich mean more software sales and PS Plus subscriptions). Because what will happen to all those PS4's that get replaced? Exactly they get sold off, giving more people access to an affordable PS4 and thereby creating a larger install base. And the greatest thing for Sony is they don't have to cut into their own profit margins for that, and they make money on every PS4.5 that is sold.

I doubt it's true but I hope it is. I feel console generations must advance faster than they have in the past.

If they do launch a "4.5" console, they should call it something along the lines of PS4 Pro or Elite. It devalues the normal offering less and just provides it as a more high end version. Similar to how they do economy class or business class etc.


4.5 has an immediate connotation of 4 being outdated.

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so on a scale of 1 to 10 how likely will this be Kotaku's final leak since Hulk Hogan just destroyed Gawker?

Would be funny if true considering how MS got shat on here for the same idea.

I doubt its really for 4k gaming, unless they mean maybe at current PS4 graphics at 30fps. Anything more and I think the price will be too high. But 4k video, a better VR experience, and more power for all other games seems like a win win. Idk why people assume it would be terrible. You can have a lower tiered model and a premium model as long as people aren't punished for using the lower tier model.

Interesting, but I don't like this idea. I hope they just wait 3 or 4 years to finally release a brand new hardware (PS5).

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

AnthonyW86 said:
Aeolus451 said:
I doubt any of that. Sony gains nothing from doing a PS4.5 and has everything to lose from a move like that. This is most likely some sibling theory that spawned from the unlikely idea that MS is gonna create upgraded versions of the xbox one or allow people to upgrade the xbox one. Why would sony or ms try to emulate steam machines when they didn't really do well at all? It makes no damn sense to have tiered consoles.

I think they have a lot to gain actually: Better VR experience, broader market(ing) appeal, higher profit margin and most off all a larger install base(wich mean more software sales and PS Plus subscriptions). Because what will happen to all those PS4's that get replaced? Exactly they get sold off, giving more people access to an affordable PS4 and thereby creating a larger install base. And the greatest thing for Sony is they don't have to cut into their own profit margins for that, and they make money on every PS4.5 that is sold.

If you want something like that go with steam machines. The reason why I bought a PS4 is to play it's exclusives and to play the best versions of 3rd party games for consoles. I do not want to have to upgrade to keep doing that. It's why I went with home consoles and not pc or steam machines. Many others echo that line of though hence why steam machines haven't done anything to home consoles. 

I'm seeing a lot of unnecessary pessimism here. The main focus here seems to be 4K capabilities. I doubt we'll see many (if any) retail games designed to exclusively utilize increased horsepower. From the way its being described, the focus seems to be on essentially offering enhancements on regular PS4 games.

I remember reading similar comments back when New 3DS was announced. It was going to fracture the market, people with the old 3DSs would feel cheated as devs began releasing N3DS exclusives, and it was going to be a disaster overall.

A year later, no one really cares about any of that. 3DS has continued to sell decently. The same thing is going probably going to happen here. XD