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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to unify PC and Xbox One platforms, ending fixed console hardware

zero129 said:
OneKartVita said:

damn that sucks. so you need a high end pc instead of a middle ranged pc to play most new games? yeah maybe comsole is a better option then

Lets not try twist words here . Yes if you want to "Max" the game out your going to need a pretty high end reg that will cost you more then a console.

Think of it like this

X1 version = Mid Range@300€ /PC build cost about 400-500 euro

X10 Version = High End@450-500€ /PC Build Cost about 600-800 euro

Win10 version = Ultra@1000€

So as you can see depending on what you want the console version at least on the Xbox10 could be the console version to get.

And as for your last comment this comes back to the twisting things. You know well PC games have settings so you can play this game on a low end system if you want graphics looking worse then the X1 version. But hey if you dont mind that work away.

The PS4, already cost over 350 Euros, do you really think that Microsoft, can make a Hight End with 500 Euros, while they are still selling Halo Bundle, for 500US$, that is more than 450 Euros, a "Hight End Console". would cost more than 1000US$ if you plan to do this, and so you will have to convence people to purchase Xbox Two, in 2-3 Years after this, so is not a good.


Who would make the Hardware ?, who in the hell would purchase a more than 1000US$ Xbox, as you said, being able to play the Same games that the other versions, but just with a "Better Version", Xbox One, is not selling at 300US$, even on USA, even if had the Power of a Time Machine, but the cost was on Thousands, no one would purchase this, This move will only piss off Xbox's Costumers, they will feel really damaged, because they will have no Exclusive, and Microsoft, will replace what they paid 500US$ for, more often, this will only make Microsoft, make more money from Hardware, from Die Hard Xbox fans, this if they make Profit from Hardware, if they try to sacrifice Profit per Hardware, they will lose a lot of money, because Profit per Software, will be Low, not everyone would purchase it, you can Purchase a PC, with the same money, to run the same games plus Xbox Exclusives, and also PC Exclusives.


Xbox One's Elite Console, and Controler, already is enought of a Upgrade, and future Slim Versions are also welcome, but not a "Upgradable Machine", just something to make the Loading better, the Multimidia, Storage Capacity, and don't interfere on Gameplay, this kind of Upgrade, will not piss off any Xbox Consumer, and everyone can live without that.

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TheMessiah said:
potato_hamster said:

You quite literally said "you don't have to play the latest games". That's a literal quote, just a couple comments above this one.

Read that bit again. I said ' you don't have to to play the latest games'. upgrade that is.

You're right. two to's right in a row. My bad.

TheMessiah said:
teigaga said:

Making existing owners folk out on an entirely new $400 box or stick with their current model every few years doesn't sound like smart business, many will keep their existing box despite wanting the new benefits, which means Microsoft will miss out on potential sales. For developers aswell, it'll be far reassuring if upgrades were not confined to entirely new SKU's.


Unless there are serious logistical problems at hand, having an interchangeable hardware slot as well as selling the upgrades as entirely new SKU's makes the most sense. Every 6-7 years they can introduce an entirely new model like we see in a traditional generation where you have to buy the new box to experience the benefits.


I personally don't think we'll see this with the Xbox One, but their next system(2018) will be built around this ideology. The Xbox One will be where they implement and fine tune the universal software vision.

I thought my post ws pretty self explanatory. Noone is forced to do anything. Are you forced to get galaxy s7 when galaxy s6 is plenty fine nd runs newer versions of android?

If you dont want to upgrade from xbox 2013 then you dont have to. And cn still play all the latest games till 2021 if you wish. For those console gamers who want awesome graphics more frequently then they can trade in thei old version for a new one, or sell the old one. The same as every other technology market in existence.

Having interchangeble hardware is confusing for mums at christmas. But mums understand iphones, galaxys etc. The xbox will be no different to other markets. I know plenty of gamers who chose PS4 this gen not for any exclusives but just because it had slightly more power for multiplats they play. So power is definately a thing in the console world. They woud trade every 3 years for the latest console visuals. And get to kep their library for years and years unlike the existing model.

Again no everyon has to upgrade. But those who want cutting edge visuals on console more frequently than 6-8 years apart can and will in big numbers I believe.


Cellphone is a Market with More consumers than Humans on the Earth, we have Billions of Smart Phone working out there, we have Less than 500 Millions of Consoles working out there, Consoles are More Expensive, and Changing the Console, so OFten, is like purchasing a new Sofa, and a New TV, every year, there are kind of Goods, that need to last Longer, and consoles are the ones, do you sell a new Table for the same Person every year ?, a new Bathroom ?.

Swordmasterman said:
TheMessiah said:

I thought my post ws pretty self explanatory. Noone is forced to do anything. Are you forced to get galaxy s7 when galaxy s6 is plenty fine nd runs newer versions of android?

If you dont want to upgrade from xbox 2013 then you dont have to. And cn still play all the latest games till 2021 if you wish. For those console gamers who want awesome graphics more frequently then they can trade in thei old version for a new one, or sell the old one. The same as every other technology market in existence.

Having interchangeble hardware is confusing for mums at christmas. But mums understand iphones, galaxys etc. The xbox will be no different to other markets. I know plenty of gamers who chose PS4 this gen not for any exclusives but just because it had slightly more power for multiplats they play. So power is definately a thing in the console world. They woud trade every 3 years for the latest console visuals. And get to kep their library for years and years unlike the existing model.

Again no everyon has to upgrade. But those who want cutting edge visuals on console more frequently than 6-8 years apart can and will in big numbers I believe.


Cellphone is a Market with More consumers than Humans on the Earth, we have Billions of Smart Phone working out there, we have Less than 500 Millions of Consoles working out there, Consoles are More Expensive, and Changing the Console, so OFten, is like purchasing a new Sofa, and a New TV, every year, there are kind of Goods, that need to last Longer, and consoles are the ones, do you sell a new Table for the same Person every year ?, a new Bathroom ?.

I find it hillarious they we are being sold this crock that LESS choice for us as consumers is good for us. 

The game industry isn't a bunch of little kids to whom a new console model is a huuuuuge deal because it means they have to beg mom/dad for the next 10 months to buy them the new system. 

We're grown adults. $400-$500 upgrade for me every 3-4 years is no big deal. You can't buy shit for $400 these days anyway, what does that get you today? A ticket to one night out at a pro sports event for you and your girl, a couple of hot dogs and beers? Whoopity fucking doo. 

I'm not 12 years old anymore where $400 is like a lottery sum. This industry has grown up, I for one welcome CHOICES that reflect the modern market, not 1991.

If you don't want an upgraded model or can't afford it ... don't buy it. Simple as that. 

A game console is not a sofa or washroom, it's an ELECTRONIC device, and if we have CHOICE is virtually every other electronic device (phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, cameras, PCs) why not in consoles? 

TheMessiah said:
potato_hamster said:

So your solution is to turn the X1 into a PC. Well why bother with the X1 then? They can just get PC manufacturers to make "X1 certifed PCS" and be done with it.

What's that? That sounds a lot like Steam Machines? You mean the same Steam Machines that no body wants because it has many of the limitations of consoles with few of the positives? Great idea.

The original plan of the original Xbox was to upgrade frequently. It wasnt Steams Idea.

Furthermore Its not like Steam. Valve dont support Steambox. Its just  box with 3rd party digital software. Also open to viruses.

Having a choice to upgrade to a better Xbox every 3 years is great. Its a choice. You dont hve to to play the latest games. But if you are a console gamer that wants top end PC visuals you can trade in your old one, or just pick up a new one. Simple. It hurts noone. Its good for the consumer.

Valve do support Steam Machine, it will play a lot of games from Steam, and Valve, is a Third Party Company, Left 4 Dead, Half-life, Portal, are All Valve's game.

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Soundwave said:
Swordmasterman said:

Cellphone is a Market with More consumers than Humans on the Earth, we have Billions of Smart Phone working out there, we have Less than 500 Millions of Consoles working out there, Consoles are More Expensive, and Changing the Console, so OFten, is like purchasing a new Sofa, and a New TV, every year, there are kind of Goods, that need to last Longer, and consoles are the ones, do you sell a new Table for the same Person every year ?, a new Bathroom ?.

I find it hillarious they we are being sold this crock that LESS choice for us as consumers is good for us. 

The game industry isn't a bunch of little kids to whom a new console model is a huuuuuge deal because it means they have to beg mom/dad for the next 10 months to buy them the new system. 

We're grown adults. $400-$500 upgrade for me every 3-4 years is no big deal. You can't buy shit for $400 these days anyway, what does that get you today? A ticket to one night out at a pro sports event for you and your girl, a couple of hot dogs and beers? Whoopity fucking doo. 

I'm not 12 years old anymore where $400 is like a lottery sum. This industry has grown up, I for one welcome CHOICES that reflect the modern market, not 1991.

If you don't want an upgraded model or can't afford it ... don't buy it. Simple as that. 

A game console is not a sofa or washroom, it's an ELECTRONIC device, and if we have CHOICE is virtually every other electronic device (phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, cameras, PCs) why not in consoles? 

We are on a Industrie different from the Phone industry, look at the Phone, what we do with this ?, play a bunch of dumb Smart Phone Games, acess Social Midias, Streamings Services such as youtube, netflix, crunchyroll, use things like Instagram, and some useless Apps, but that people use.

On the Gaming side, we Play Triple A games, the Highest quality games of the Industry, and of the Actual times, Games that took 2-3 Years to be made, this is the usual ones, the Good ones took even more, games like Resident Evil, Elder Scrolls, GTA, Final Fantasy,  will take 6-10 Years from the Start of the Development, to  Launch, after each entry launch, You will end up purchasing 2-5 Machines before your Desired Franchise's Main game came out, this isn't funny, People don't like Consoles launching so Often, because the Developers took Time to make the game, with More Plataform, worse will be the game development, and more time it will take, It will not have Support for the Lower Selling versions of those Devices, and if the Best Selling is the First Version, the Developers will not bother Using the Power of the Latest version of the Console.


On the PC, they just optimize it with Possiblities for Users to change the Settings, and Maybe, run well the game, because of that you have Better Loking games using more from PC, than worse looking games, just because of the Development, because they don't know what is the specs of the plataform of the game.

Soundwave said:
Swordmasterman said:

Cellphone is a Market with More consumers than Humans on the Earth, we have Billions of Smart Phone working out there, we have Less than 500 Millions of Consoles working out there, Consoles are More Expensive, and Changing the Console, so OFten, is like purchasing a new Sofa, and a New TV, every year, there are kind of Goods, that need to last Longer, and consoles are the ones, do you sell a new Table for the same Person every year ?, a new Bathroom ?.

I find it hillarious they we are being sold this crock that LESS choice for us as consumers is good for us. 

The game industry isn't a bunch of little kids to whom a new console model is a huuuuuge deal because it means they have to beg mom/dad for the next 10 months to buy them the new system. 

We're grown adults. $400-$500 upgrade for me every 3-4 years is no big deal. You can't buy shit for $400 these days anyway, what does that get you today? A ticket to one night out at a pro sports event for you and your girl, a couple of hot dogs and beers? Whoopity fucking doo. 

I'm not 12 years old anymore where $400 is like a lottery sum. This industry has grown up, I for one welcome CHOICES that reflect the modern market, not 1991.

If you don't want an upgraded model or can't afford it ... don't buy it. Simple as that. 

A game console is not a sofa or washroom, it's an ELECTRONIC device, and if we have CHOICE is virtually every other electronic device (phones, tablets, laptops, cameras, PCs) why not in consoles? 

You might be cool with buying a new phone every year, but that doesn't mean that I should be content if I want to hold on to my perfectly good phone for more than 3 years and get pissed off when none of the newest games work well on my 3 year old phone. I have every right to be pissed that developers refuse to support older devices. Do you know how many of the newest games would run perfectly fine on my 3 year old phone if no new versions of my phone came out in the last 3 years? All of them. Yet, very few do. That's mostly why my old iPhone sits in a drawer. New software started running terribly on it if at all. That sucked.

It's not LESS choice, it's lessening the practical useful life, and  the value of our existing consoles, and also future consoles. How many people bought a X1 expecting to never have an issue with game compatibility? All of them. How many people bought an X1 expecting the lastest and greatest games to run on it for the next 8-10 years. All of them. How many of them bought an X1 knowing that in 3-4 years time another better X1 might be introduced that more than likely will give others a competitive advantage in multiplayer? None of them. It changes the game. It makes xboxes less valuable to prospective buyers.

All it takes is one developer to raise the minimum specs of their game so that the minimum is the X1.5, and you can pretty much forget all of the new  AAA games from that point onwards on your X1. That might be 5 years from now. That might be 2. You will literally have no idea when you buy your X1. Nor will you have any idea how long your X1.5 will be supported when you buy that. But my PS4? That's going to be playing the newest AAA games until about 1.5-2 years after the PS5 comes out. That kind of certainty is going to draw people from xbox to playstation. I guarantee it.

But I mean, if you don't mind spending $400-$500 in upgrades every 3-4 years, then you're actually willing to spend more on consoles than most PC gamers I know spend on their PCs, and they spend $0 a year to play online.

potato_hamster said:
Soundwave said:

I find it hillarious they we are being sold this crock that LESS choice for us as consumers is good for us. 

The game industry isn't a bunch of little kids to whom a new console model is a huuuuuge deal because it means they have to beg mom/dad for the next 10 months to buy them the new system. 

We're grown adults. $400-$500 upgrade for me every 3-4 years is no big deal. You can't buy shit for $400 these days anyway, what does that get you today? A ticket to one night out at a pro sports event for you and your girl, a couple of hot dogs and beers? Whoopity fucking doo. 

I'm not 12 years old anymore where $400 is like a lottery sum. This industry has grown up, I for one welcome CHOICES that reflect the modern market, not 1991.

If you don't want an upgraded model or can't afford it ... don't buy it. Simple as that. 

A game console is not a sofa or washroom, it's an ELECTRONIC device, and if we have CHOICE is virtually every other electronic device (phones, tablets, laptops, cameras, PCs) why not in consoles? 

You might be cool with buying a new phone every year, but that doesn't mean that I should be content if I want to hold on to my perfectly good phone for more than 3 years and get pissed off when none of the newest games work well on my 3 year old phone. I have every right to be pissed that developers refuse to support older devices. Do you know how many of the newest games would run perfectly fine on my 3 year old phone if no new versions of my phone came out in the last 3 years? All of them. Yet, very few do. That's mostly why my old iPhone sits in a drawer. New software started running terribly on it if at all. That sucked.

It's not LESS choice, it's lessening the practical useful life, and  the value of our existing consoles, and also future consoles. How many people bought a X1 expecting to never have an issue with game compatibility? All of them. How many people bought an X1 expecting the lastest and greatest games to run on it for the next 8-10 years. All of them. How many of them bought an X1 knowing that in 3-4 years time another better X1 might be introduced that more than likely will give others a competitive advantage in multiplayer? None of them. It changes the game. It makes xboxes less valuable to prospective buyers.

All it takes is one developer to raise the minimum specs of their game so that the minimum is the X1.5, and you can pretty much forget all of the new  AAA games from that point onwards on your X1. That might be 5 years from now. That might be 2. You will literally have no idea when you buy your X1. Nor will you have any idea how long your X1.5 will be supported when you buy that. But my PS4? That's going to be playing the newest AAA games until about 1.5-2 years after the PS5 comes out. That kind of certainty is going to draw people from xbox to playstation. I guarantee it.

But I mean, if you don't mind spending $400-$500 in upgrades every 3-4 years, then you're actually willing to spend more on consoles than most PC gamers I know spend on their PCs, and they spend $0 a year to play online.

Microsoft already nixed the original XBox after 4 years and went to sell plenty of 360s. Nintendo nixed the GBA after 3 years for the DS and sold the most systems in their company history. This whole "you can't possibly change hardware after less than 5 years" is a lame bogeyman story that's been shoved down the throats of this industry. 

I'm just for a business model in which I'm treated like an ADULT. I make my own money, I'm not a 8-18 year old to whom a new console is a fucking emergency that I can't possibly afford. $400 for something I use for 3-4 years is nothing. That's a whopping $11/month for three years of use. That buys me what? Dinner for two at McDonalds once a month? Oh joy. 

Just like in the past a "superhero movie" like Deadpool would never be allowed to be made because superheroes are supposed to be "for the kids". Well look at that box office and tell me there isn't an adult audience. 

In actual fact, I'd be willing to bet a large majority even of comic book buyers today are *adults*. Same for freaking video games. It's about time we were offered a choice. 

If you don't like choice, then simply buy a competing product. Like every other damn electronic device on the face of the planet Earth. It's only for game consoles that we're sold this sales pitch that we as consumers are all stupid 13 year old little kids that can't handle/understand different hardware models. 

Like I'm sorry for the 10-year-old who can't afford to play Calladooty 2048484 now in 4K resolution, just like I'm sorry he can't go see Deadpool at the theater, but so what. Give the consumer the choice and let them decide I say. 

Soundwave said:
potato_hamster said:

You might be cool with buying a new phone every year, but that doesn't mean that I should be content if I want to hold on to my perfectly good phone for more than 3 years and get pissed off when none of the newest games work well on my 3 year old phone. I have every right to be pissed that developers refuse to support older devices. Do you know how many of the newest games would run perfectly fine on my 3 year old phone if no new versions of my phone came out in the last 3 years? All of them. Yet, very few do. That's mostly why my old iPhone sits in a drawer. New software started running terribly on it if at all. That sucked.

It's not LESS choice, it's lessening the practical useful life, and  the value of our existing consoles, and also future consoles. How many people bought a X1 expecting to never have an issue with game compatibility? All of them. How many people bought an X1 expecting the lastest and greatest games to run on it for the next 8-10 years. All of them. How many of them bought an X1 knowing that in 3-4 years time another better X1 might be introduced that more than likely will give others a competitive advantage in multiplayer? None of them. It changes the game. It makes xboxes less valuable to prospective buyers.

All it takes is one developer to raise the minimum specs of their game so that the minimum is the X1.5, and you can pretty much forget all of the new  AAA games from that point onwards on your X1. That might be 5 years from now. That might be 2. You will literally have no idea when you buy your X1. Nor will you have any idea how long your X1.5 will be supported when you buy that. But my PS4? That's going to be playing the newest AAA games until about 1.5-2 years after the PS5 comes out. That kind of certainty is going to draw people from xbox to playstation. I guarantee it.

But I mean, if you don't mind spending $400-$500 in upgrades every 3-4 years, then you're actually willing to spend more on consoles than most PC gamers I know spend on their PCs, and they spend $0 a year to play online.

Microsoft already nixed the original XBox after 4 years.

I'm just for a business model in which I'm treated like an ADULT. I make my own money, I'm not a 8-18 year old to whom a new console is a fucking emergency that I can't possibly afford. $400 for something I use for 3-4 years is nothing. 

Just like in the past a "superhero movie" like Deadpool would never be allowed to be made because superheroes are supposed to be "for the kids". Well look at that box office and tell me there isn't an adult audience. 

In actual fact, I'd be willing to bet a large majority even of comic book buyers today are *adults*. Same for freaking video games. It's about time we were offered a choice. 

If you don't like choice, then simply buy a competing product. Like every other damn electronic device on the face of the planet Earth. It's only for game consoles that we're sold this sales pitch that we as consumers are all stupid 13 year old little kids that can't handle/understand different hardware models. 

Like I'm sorry for the 10-year-old who can't afford to play Calladooty 2048484 now in 4K resolution, just like I'm sorry he can't go see Deadpool at the theater, but so what. Give the consumer the choice and let them decide I say. 


MS nixed the original Xbox after 4 years? That's probably because it came out a few years after the PS2 and MS wanted developers to put all their energy into games for their new console so they could take the fight to the PS3. I remember quite a few original xbox owners that were pissed that MS abandoned the console after 4 years.

And it's awesome man that you want to blow $300-$400 on gaming hardware every 4 years, but most console gamers don't want to. They'd rather buy 8-10 more games for their exisitng console they got a couple years ago. Most people want a console that they know is going to be supported fully for 8-10 years. That's not you? Cool.  There's already a device that supports your desire for upgrades and "adults with adult wallets", it's called a PC. Go buy whatever PC you want. There's nothign stopping you. You already have the option. You just want to create a new option for you, that directly impacts the options of others that don't think like you. You just don't care that your desire for a new option affects them. Go be an adult and buy a PC for however much money you want to spend, put Steam OS on it, and play those games on whatever settings you like. Well gee that seems exactly like what you're asking for! Don't like what Microsoft is currently offering, go buy a competing product, right?

P.S. It's hilarious that you think establishing a console standard, and giving consumers the option to buy a game console that will stay relevant and play current AAA games for 8-10 as "treating gamers like children".  I could just as easily say "I'm an ADULT. I want to buy a console and play the latest AAA games on it for the next 20 years! I'm tired of being treated like a CHILD and only getting 10 years out of it!". The two have nothing to do with one another.

Soundwave said:
potato_hamster said:

You might be cool with buying a new phone every year, but that doesn't mean that I should be content if I want to hold on to my perfectly good phone for more than 3 years and get pissed off when none of the newest games work well on my 3 year old phone. I have every right to be pissed that developers refuse to support older devices. Do you know how many of the newest games would run perfectly fine on my 3 year old phone if no new versions of my phone came out in the last 3 years? All of them. Yet, very few do. That's mostly why my old iPhone sits in a drawer. New software started running terribly on it if at all. That sucked.

It's not LESS choice, it's lessening the practical useful life, and  the value of our existing consoles, and also future consoles. How many people bought a X1 expecting to never have an issue with game compatibility? All of them. How many people bought an X1 expecting the lastest and greatest games to run on it for the next 8-10 years. All of them. How many of them bought an X1 knowing that in 3-4 years time another better X1 might be introduced that more than likely will give others a competitive advantage in multiplayer? None of them. It changes the game. It makes xboxes less valuable to prospective buyers.

All it takes is one developer to raise the minimum specs of their game so that the minimum is the X1.5, and you can pretty much forget all of the new  AAA games from that point onwards on your X1. That might be 5 years from now. That might be 2. You will literally have no idea when you buy your X1. Nor will you have any idea how long your X1.5 will be supported when you buy that. But my PS4? That's going to be playing the newest AAA games until about 1.5-2 years after the PS5 comes out. That kind of certainty is going to draw people from xbox to playstation. I guarantee it.

But I mean, if you don't mind spending $400-$500 in upgrades every 3-4 years, then you're actually willing to spend more on consoles than most PC gamers I know spend on their PCs, and they spend $0 a year to play online.

Microsoft already nixed the original XBox after 4 years and went to sell plenty of 360s. Nintendo nixed the GBA after 3 years for the DS and sold the most systems in their company history. This whole "you can't possibly change hardware after less than 5 years" is a lame bogeyman story that's been shoved down the throats of this industry. 

I'm just for a business model in which I'm treated like an ADULT. I make my own money, I'm not a 8-18 year old to whom a new console is a fucking emergency that I can't possibly afford. $400 for something I use for 3-4 years is nothing. That's a whopping $11/month for three years of use. That buys me what? Dinner for two at McDonalds once a month? Oh joy. 

Just like in the past a "superhero movie" like Deadpool would never be allowed to be made because superheroes are supposed to be "for the kids". Well look at that box office and tell me there isn't an adult audience. 

In actual fact, I'd be willing to bet a large majority even of comic book buyers today are *adults*. Same for freaking video games. It's about time we were offered a choice. 

If you don't like choice, then simply buy a competing product. Like every other damn electronic device on the face of the planet Earth. It's only for game consoles that we're sold this sales pitch that we as consumers are all stupid 13 year old little kids that can't handle/understand different hardware models. 

Like I'm sorry for the 10-year-old who can't afford to play Calladooty 2048484 now in 4K resolution, just like I'm sorry he can't go see Deadpool at the theater, but so what. Give the consumer the choice and let them decide I say. 

Nintendo DS, had 6-7 Years of Life, Xbox 360, had 9 Years of Life, what they are trying to do is Release a console much more often, People will Not Spend 400US$ on a Console every Year, some people wait 3-4 Years before finally purchase a New gen System, Playstation 2, sold Dozens of Thousands on the 4 years after PS3 Launched, Majority of the Last gen Gamers still did not upgraded to new Systems, do you really think that if was 2 Years Generation, they would purchase a console ?, of course not, they would purchase a PC, that would be much more Cheaper, would have much more games than Xbox, with a lot of exclusives, and would run All Xbox games, because those games would be avaliable for PC.