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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Art Book For Bravely Second Censored Outside Japan

RolStoppable said:
StarOcean said:
Why censor a book w/ art? That's disrespectful to the artist... I'd be pissed if I knew my art was taken out of a compilation book I made because I worked hard on everything that's in it. I dont know how Nintendo expects to win any favors from anyone with this unneeded censorship.

You want to talk about lack of respect? Square-Enix doesn't want to localize their 3DS games because gamers in America and Europe aren't worth it, even though it's obvious that those regions have an interest in Square-Enix games.

You want to know how Nintendo wins favors? They are using their resources to bring games over that the pricks who are in charge of Square-Enix would hold hostage in Japan otherwise.

Here are your choices:

1. Accept Nintendo's "outrageous" censorship.
2. Learn Japanese.

If you aren't happy about these choices, let Square-Enix know that they shouldn't be so dismissive of their fans who don't live in Japan or don't know Japanese. That way Nintendo wouldn't get their hands on the games in the first place.

i took a Japanese class for 2 years and is pretty hard lanuage to learn and at that point why don't just try and get a job at NoA's localization team and try to stop this shit from happening and what about First party games games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade or else am i going to say this bullshit to?

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If I were a collector, which probably who usually buys art books, then this would piss me off a lot more than the changes to the game.

Also, they LEFT IN the bits that actually WERE changed in the game? Now that's hilarious.

Yeah I'm with Rol. Those who are so offended by censorship should have no qualms to order the game in its Japanese format anyhow - if they are so incensed as it would seem.
Mild censorship isn't such a big problem when weighed against the possibility of the population not getting the game - in an widely accessible format - in the first place.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

RolStoppable said:
animegaming said:

i took a Japanese class for 2 years and is pretty hard lanuage to learn and at that point why don't just try and get a job at NoA's localization team and try to stop this shit from happening and what about First party games games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade or else am i going to say this bullshit to?

Nintendo's instances of censorship are so negligible in the big picture that people who are upset about them should ask themselves where their priorities lie. When some minor things get changed during the process of localisation, and said things don't alter the games in any significant way, then what makes it such a big problem?

On the other hand, you have a publisher (Square-Enix) who refuses to localize their 3DS games themselves. That's something that people should pay more attention to. That would be something to be legitimately upset about.

i wouldn't this change to Fire Emblem is minor at all.

BasilZero said:

Also that first part in the video - I'm not sure, can someone explain to me why it was censored? The image on the left - they used the first of the four images in the western version but the other three were removed, can anyone tell me what it was I was looking at cause I couldnt tell lol.

The black and white images?  It looked like a girl standing with her arms tangled with a red ribbon behind her back.  Perhaps had to do with the red ribbon of fate, which is a big source of symbolism in Japan.  They colored out the ribbon in the first image and deleted the other three.  Maybe they got lazy and realized they'd have people on the internet defending them by saying, "you're lucky it's being released at all so you should be happy with anything they offer you," so they could half-ass it without restraint.

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Man, I'm only upset at myself for not ordering the special edition. Lately, many collector's editions I've gotten with artbooks have been light with the amount of pages available. I figured Bravely Second would have been the same, but it's actually quite beefy, and I am kicking myself for not getting a copy...

As for the minor things cut, I don't really mind. Sure, they cut things out, but it's only like... 3 things in a big book, and sure, I can see the likely reason. Weird bondage and a pic full of blood. Got it. Would I miss it? Likely not. There's a lot of other cool/interesting things in there to see. Though it is really strange they kept the Tomahawk class concepts in there, since it was changed in the western version. It will probably confuse some unaware buyers.



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RolStoppable said:
StarOcean said:
Why censor a book w/ art? That's disrespectful to the artist... I'd be pissed if I knew my art was taken out of a compilation book I made because I worked hard on everything that's in it. I dont know how Nintendo expects to win any favors from anyone with this unneeded censorship.

You want to talk about lack of respect? Square-Enix doesn't want to localize their 3DS games because gamers in America and Europe aren't worth it, even though it's obvious that those regions have an interest in Square-Enix games.

You want to know how Nintendo wins favors? They are using their resources to bring games over that the pricks who are in charge of Square-Enix would hold hostage in Japan otherwise.

Here are your choices:

1. Accept Nintendo's "outrageous" censorship.
2. Learn Japanese.

If you aren't happy about these choices, let Square-Enix know that they shouldn't be so dismissive of their fans who don't live in Japan or don't know Japanese. That way Nintendo wouldn't get their hands on the games in the first place.

I know a fair bit of Japanese and import regularly (actually am waiting on a few PSP and DS games from Japan off of Amazon as we speak XD) but you don't have such luck on the 3DS as it is region locked. I'd import if it meant I didn't need to buy another system just to play a game


Ruler said:
97alexk said:

seriously who gives a sh*t. I know,  i dont like it, but i just think if you want somethig ''hot'' just check on the internet

if you dont give a sh#t then dont reply, at least in this way. 

And yes its part of the art and artbook, the most hardcore fans will buy it so i let them know.

Why couldn't i reply in this way? its just critism. Why cant i critise just like you critise the censorship? Also its not just because i want to critise i want to speak my opinion here

Hiku said:

I know enough Japanese to have played a fair share of them in their original language. But sadly due to Nintendo's archaic region locking policies, I'd have to buy a Japanese 3DS to play it. At least legally.
Though for people who don't know Japanese, there are some times fan translations of popular games that were never localized, that can be played through illegal means. But if they are localized, you'll never see anyone waste their time on making a fan translation no mater how much the game got botched up in the west. At this rate I would almost wish that Nintendo didn't get involved with some of my favorite games like this. If they don't localize it, then maybe someone else would, like XSEED. They're also changing the personality of some characters in Fire Emblem Fates (though Nintendo are not the only ones known to have done this). It comes to the point where I have to wonder if the character or story I'm learning about are straying too far from the source materia. And that's not something I want to get paranoid over to this degree.

You're looking at this the wrong way.  People should be thanking Nintendo for region locking games because it gives them a reason to learn a new language.

RolStoppable said:
animegaming said:

i wouldn't this change to Fire Emblem is minor at all.

That looks more like an overlooked mistake during localisation than deliberate removal. Regardless of the reason, it is a very minor thing. The omitted information is so general that it's going to appear in other support conversations as well, plus the real meat of these two characters' exchange is in the following conversations which seem to be intact in the localized version.

considering this is the same company that did this i don't think its a mistake