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RolStoppable said:
animegaming said:

i took a Japanese class for 2 years and is pretty hard lanuage to learn and at that point why don't just try and get a job at NoA's localization team and try to stop this shit from happening and what about First party games games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade or else am i going to say this bullshit to?

Nintendo's instances of censorship are so negligible in the big picture that people who are upset about them should ask themselves where their priorities lie. When some minor things get changed during the process of localisation, and said things don't alter the games in any significant way, then what makes it such a big problem?

On the other hand, you have a publisher (Square-Enix) who refuses to localize their 3DS games themselves. That's something that people should pay more attention to. That would be something to be legitimately upset about.

i wouldn't this change to Fire Emblem is minor at all.