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RolStoppable said:
StarOcean said:
Why censor a book w/ art? That's disrespectful to the artist... I'd be pissed if I knew my art was taken out of a compilation book I made because I worked hard on everything that's in it. I dont know how Nintendo expects to win any favors from anyone with this unneeded censorship.

You want to talk about lack of respect? Square-Enix doesn't want to localize their 3DS games because gamers in America and Europe aren't worth it, even though it's obvious that those regions have an interest in Square-Enix games.

You want to know how Nintendo wins favors? They are using their resources to bring games over that the pricks who are in charge of Square-Enix would hold hostage in Japan otherwise.

Here are your choices:

1. Accept Nintendo's "outrageous" censorship.
2. Learn Japanese.

If you aren't happy about these choices, let Square-Enix know that they shouldn't be so dismissive of their fans who don't live in Japan or don't know Japanese. That way Nintendo wouldn't get their hands on the games in the first place.

i took a Japanese class for 2 years and is pretty hard lanuage to learn and at that point why don't just try and get a job at NoA's localization team and try to stop this shit from happening and what about First party games games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade or else am i going to say this bullshit to?