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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mobile devices will be more powerful than PlayStation 4, Xbox One in 2017, ARM forecasts

Not hard to believe.

Mobile tech is moving at a pretty rapid clip these days, while PS4/Xbox One are using circa 2013 parts that weren't high end even at the time.

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ZhugeEX said:
Ljink96 said:
Hmmm...maybe NX is a Smartphone XD

That would backfire so much. 

Why?  Nobody wants to carry a smartphone and a dedicated handheld around. So why not have both? 

Smartphones will continually improve so I wouldn't be surprised either way

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Mobile devices will eventually be more powerful than both the Xbox one and PS4,


OK, that's great and all, but it's a shame we won't actually see this happen in mobiles and tablets. A little thing called wattage and heat are going to hold these chips back from getting anywhere near the performance of the consoles for a good few years.

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How much of that power can be used for gaming and how much would be given nature of the mobile market?

As usual with these claims we shall see. I am willing to bet that come 31st Dec 2017 this claim will be proven false like so many others.

By that time everyone will have forgotten about it so they will make exactly the same claim in 2018. Then someone makes a thread on VGChartz about it again and ... :)

EDIT: Nvidia made a similar claim about their SHIELD (ARM) but used the ageing PS3 as a landmark in 2014. To catch up to the PS4 in three years seems unlikely. It's not impossible but I still won't bet on it. As someone said they have to promote their product.

They currently aren't and I don't think they will be in 2017 but eventually they will be more powerful than consoles at some point I think.

As powerful? Sure. They won't be able to run the games the way the current consoles can though.

An xbox, WiiNX or playstation in your pocket that you can plug in anywhere and play though... Sounds intriguing.

Ka-pi96 said:
sc94597 said:
The CPU's are already there. They just need to work on graphics performance.

Don't forget power consumption. That's a big issue for mobile devices since they have to run on a battery. Consoles can use as much power as is needed, but a mobile has to use as little as possible so that it's actually usable as a mobile and doesn't need to be charging near constantly.

Consoles are very much power limited as well (with respect to PC's.)  Mobile chips are designed with asynchronous multi-cores which they dynamically use based on the task at hand. When gaming, the mobile phone will use all (or most) of the powerful cores. When doing simple web-tasks it only uses the particular cores useful for that, and they tend to consume less power. It is one of the reasons why the ARM architecture is so useful for mobile platforms. The Iphone 6s CPU has a peak performance (by cross-platform benchmarks) comparable to low to mid-end laptop CPU's, very similar to the PS4's/XBone's CPU.