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Forums - Movies & TV - It's Almost Official Titanic>Star Wars: The Force Awakens ( Box Office )

Where did all this Titanic fans come from? Wasn't it a cheesy drama that everyone's moms enjoy.

I like that movie but didn't know it was so loved, unless it has something to do with hating Star Wars, which is very hip nowadays.

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Lawlight said:
Soundwave said:

Titanic also had "fad-ish" qualities to its run. It was a big deal to teenage girls of that time, but will my kids look at Titanic the same way? No. It is will be associated with the late 1990s and Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys and Jennifer Love Hewitt and the other teen cultural fads of the time. 

It's not a bad movie at all, it's a far better movie than Avatar, but the "Titanic craze" as it were is very much a late 1990s type of thing. 

Star Wars as a "craze" is still going on 40 years later and multi-generational, there are 7/8 year olds who are now huge Star Wars fans because of TFA. 

People moved on from TFA within a month of it being released. That's not what I call a craze. Titanic was a phenomenon like no other. Everyone went to watch that movie.

LOL, not really, everyone now is waiting for Episode VIII. 

Star Wars will be making huge money 20-30-40 years from now, nothing stops that train now, if Jar-Jar couldn't kill Star Wars, if Hayden Christensen's acting couldn't do it ... nothing will ever do it. 

There are more Star Wars fans alive today than probably at any time in its history simply because you now have a new generation of 4-12 year old kids are now into Star Wars on top of all those who were previously into the franchise, TFA has also built a foundation for the franchise in developing markets like China for future movies to build upon. 

Titanic is more of a singular event fixated on the popular culture of the late 1990s and is more for *that* specific generation of teenagers, at that time things like Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and "teen stars" like Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr. were the rage, just like in the 80s it was Molly Ringwald and there were a lot of 80s-centric teen comedies/romance movies. 

But the kid who's 15/16 today does he/she understand Titanic as a pop culture phenemonon? Hell no. It's "just a movie", 1998 might as well be a 100 years ago to them. 

Pavolink said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Everybody loved the Spice Girls too, nobody cares about them anymore, just like Titanic, Star Wars fever has never died, we still on it and next movie will be another brutal success, now that what I call craze.


No. No. No.

Titanic >>>>>>>>>>>>>an abism>>>>>>>>> The force awakenzzzz

Titanic is considered a joke between people that knows about cinema, but ok, keep telling yourself is great because it makes you cry. Even critics dont think the same though, I just looked and for an "all time classic masterpiece" Titanic has a 74 on MC, not very impressive, TFA alone is 7 points higher.

Saying Titanic is a better movie the The Force Awakens is EXTREMELY subjective :P

I was rooting for Star Wars, but I guess James Cameron will just roost at the top for the rest of his life.

Goodnightmoon said:
Lawlight said:

People moved on from TFA within a month of it being released. That's not what I call a craze. Titanic was a phenomenon like no other. Everyone went to watch that movie.

Everybody loved the Spice Girls too, nobody cares about them anymore, just like Titanic, Star Wars fever has never died, we still on it and next movie will be another brutal success, now that what I call craze.

I think you need to look at how much episode 2 and 3 grossed. Marketing can make anything relevant.

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shikamaru317 said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Titanic a masterpiece? Are you serious? Whats next? Avatar is the best movie ever?

^This. James Cameron is so massively overrated. 

With the exception of the first two Terminator movies and Aliens (even though Ridley Scott is the real mastermind behind the start of the Alien franchise).

Lube Me Up

Soundwave said:
Lawlight said:

People moved on from TFA within a month of it being released. That's not what I call a craze. Titanic was a phenomenon like no other. Everyone went to watch that movie.

LOL, not really, everyone now is waiting for Episode VIII. 

Star Wars will be making huge money 20-30-40 years from now, nothing stops that train now, if Jar-Jar couldn't kill Star Wars, if Hayden Christensen's acting couldn't do it ... nothing will ever do it. 

There are more Star Wars fans alive today than probably at any time in its history simply because you now have a new generation of 4-12 year old kids are now into Star Wars on top of all those who were previously into the franchise, TFA has also built a foundation for the franchise in developing markets like China for future movies to build upon. 

Titanic is more of a singular event fixated on the popular culture of the late 1990s and is more for *that* specific generation of teenagers, at that time things like Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and "teen stars" like Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr. were the rage, just like in the 80s it was Molly Ringwald and there were a lot of 80s-centric teen comedies/romance movies. 

But the kid who's 15/16 today does he/she understand Titanic as a pop culture phenemonon? Hell no. It's "just a movie", 1998 might as well be a 100 years ago to them. 

I don't doubt that if you market something with hundreds of millions of dollars, it will be relevant. I mean who would have thought back in the day that 30 years later Transformers would still be relevant?

Goodnightmoon said:
Pavolink said:


No. No. No.

Titanic >>>>>>>>>>>>>an abism>>>>>>>>> The force awakenzzzz

Titanic is considered a joke between people that knows about cinema, but ok, keep telling yourself is great because it makes you cry.

And who are those people that know about cinema?

Is ok you all don't like Star Wars, but say that Titanic is the superior movie... That's beyond my imagination

Click HERE and be happy 

Lawlight said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Titanic is considered a joke between people that knows about cinema, but ok, keep telling yourself is great because it makes you cry.

And who are those people that know about cinema?

The ones that studied about it, and since I have been on an audiovisual university for 5 years (and working as a director assistant and camera in London later), I meet quite a lot of that people, nobody has James Cameron as a rol model because James Cameron is far from an artist, he makes products, and he lacks creativity and personality in almost all of them, he mixes well known cliches with the highest technology, he uses all the manipulative resources it has to create hollow emotions and he is able to spend 100m dollars in the marketing alone, that's mostly the reason of his success.