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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
JNK said:

nope your saying graphics (animations, details and co are all graphics) and physics + co is game content and thats wrong. Not beeing able to show one single video about your points just prooves this.


good day.

Youre basicaly reducing the very engine of the game to "graphics". But anyways its clear this is  an impossible conversaion, its like a scientist talking to a fervorous religious about evolution, the religious doesnt need to have any facts or know anything cause he believes he already has all the asnwer, therefore he debunks anything presented by the scientist with unfundamented belief, its like talking to a wall. Also what videos ? There are videos of TloU runing on PS3 everywhere, just google it. What I want to see is a video of a game runing physics, animations, contextual interactivity, AI, expressions and handling all these system together as well as TLoU does on a PS2, youre the one saying PS2 can do it, so plz show me PS2 doing it, with some technical breakdwon explaining exaclty whats going on there and why thats the same as TLoU.


This was my last reply to you, keep believing on "Noas Ark" cause as I said this is not a debate theres no argument coming from your side, a debate needs 2 sides presenting arguments, not 1 doing it and the other saing "show me video" or  "send me a link".

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fatslob-:O said:
JNK said:

Power consumption is already improving very very much.

Smart tvs wont have this problems.

Here is something about the a9x.

That CPU is already running fine on a mobile device.

Its stronger then a Macbook Pro Intel CPU (no ULV cpus)

And the a9x has a low wattage while the macbook pros intel cpus uses around 50 watt.

Mobile Graphic cards are improving as well. 

Smart TVs don't come with the hardware so they have to rely on the cloud with slow internet speeds all around the world ... 

And again the CPU doesn't factor into play when rendering graphics ... 

The actual intel chip itself only uses 28W according to them plus the benchmark you used only measures CPU performance, not the GPU which is extremely important ...

And the fact that you had to use a bigger form factor such as a tablet speaks volumes about your confidence in phones delivering near console quality graphics ... 

Phones are a little ways away, but tablets are already there, the Apple A9X is likely well beyond a Wii U and could probably even run PS4/XB1 ports at a lowered resolution. The A9X is a 12-core PowerVR 7XT series which they peg as even with a Nvidia 730M ... that processor can run things like Witcher III and AC Unity (next-gen only games) that are playable enough. 

The A10X is coming this year too, so these chips just get better and better every year. 

RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

I think Sony got Naughty Dog to make a game like that once... I can't remember how that panned out. Ohh wait, the Crash Bandicoot series for PS1 did 20 million in sales. Now I know that's 3 games, but that's not too shabby compared to Mario 64's 12 million in sales. It seems to me when Sony takes platformers seriously, like Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Now I know that MS hasn't had as much luck but they haven't really tried,  Fable is a bit in that vein. There have been plenty of successful platformers that never touched a Nintendo console.

However, you have that backwards. Without third parties, Nintendo finds itself unable to compete with Sony and Microsoft. The Wii U has many absolutely incredible first party titles - that almost no one in the gaming community has played. Take a look at WIi U sales - that's what happens when you have no third party support.

Note that all of the IPs you named are older than ten years, and the ones that still exist don't pull off impressive numbers anymore. Basically, the Wii U's installed base is high enough for Nintendo to beat Sony's games which are released on the PS4.

Regarding the second paragraph, the point of contention was what happens when third party games get removed from the equation. The answer is Nintendo wins.

So your logic is that because Nintendo literally has no competition from third parties, and accounts for practically all game sales, this somehow means that their games are better than Sony's or Microsoft's whose games have to compete with legitimate third parties? Okay. Tell me, do you think Sony and MS's first party titles wouldn't sell any better if gamers on those platforms didn't have games like Fallout 4, or Metal Gear Solid 5, or the Witcher 3 to choose from? I assure you, they would.

Nintendo isn't winning without third parties. Nintendo isn't beating anyone right now - not where it matters at least.

fatslob-:O said:
JNK said:

Power consumption is already improving very very much.

Smart tvs wont have this problems.

Here is something about the a9x.

That CPU is already running fine on a mobile device.

Its stronger then a Macbook Pro Intel CPU (no ULV cpus)

And the a9x has a low wattage while the macbook pros intel cpus uses around 50 watt.

Mobile Graphic cards are improving as well. 

Smart TVs don't come with the hardware so they have to rely on the cloud with slow internet speeds all around the world ... 

And again the CPU doesn't factor into play when rendering graphics ... 

The actual intel chip itself only uses 28W according to them plus the benchmark you used only measures CPU performance, not the GPU which is extremely important ...

And the fact that you had to use a bigger form factor such as a tablet speaks volumes about your confidence in phones delivering near console quality graphics ... 


the iphone 6s beats the ipad air 2 in terms of power already. tablets and phones are very similar.


also smart tvs do have hardware (chips) inside. they are using common mobile chips. 

DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:

nope your saying graphics (animations, details and co are all graphics) and physics + co is game content and thats wrong. Not beeing able to show one single video about your points just prooves this.


good day.

Youre basicaly reducing the very engine of the game to "graphics". But anyways its clear this is  an impossible conversaion, its like a scientist talking to a fervorous religious about evolution, the religious doesnt need to have any facts or know anything cause he believes he already has all the asnwer, therefore he debunks anything presented by the scientist with unfundamented belief, its like talking to a wall. Also what videos ? There are videos of TloU runing on PS3 everywhere, just google it. What I want to see is a video of a game runing physics, animations, contextual interactivity, AI, expressions and handling all these system together as well as TLoU does on a PS2, youre the one saying PS2 can do it, so plz show me PS2 doing it, with some technical breakdwon explaining exaclty whats going on there and why thats the same as TLoU.


This was my last reply to you, keep believing on "Noas Ark" cause as I said this is not a debate theres no argument coming from your side, a debate needs 2 sides presenting arguments, not 1 doing it and the other saing "show me video" or  "send me a link".


Ps3 GOW 3 boss battle:


Ps2 Shadow os the colusses boss battle:




Silent Hill 3 ps2:


your welcome:


ps: your probl right, but your not the "scientist" ;)

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I just read a comment from you saying that pc gaming is dead and now this. I have no words

leyendax69 said:
I just read a comment from you saying that pc gaming is dead and now this. I have no words

this happens if somebody is not a fanboy (happens REALLY rarely today) and is capable of seeing things objectivly.

Ruler said:

i dissagree









and even then its not fair comparison because Next Gen games espacially Bloodborne look a lot better in motion because of the depth of field effects and motion blur

And you have every right to disagree.

Though personally, even looking at your images, this cements my opinion that PS3 to PS4 is not as large a leap as prior generational gaps. Now, this is not to say that games like Bloodborne don't look awesome, just that the leap is not as big as it was from PS1 to PS2 or PS2 to PS3.

In every generation until now, there was that one game that made me say "holy shit, how is this even running in realtime, this is lightyears beyond anything I've seen in a game before". Last gen, it was Gears of War. The gen before that, Rogue Squadron 2. Before that, Mario 64.

This gen, however, I still haven't seen a PS4 or Xbox One game that gives me this feeling.

Don't get me wrong, games like Ryse and Driveclub look fantastic, but they don't look like a quantum leap beyond PS3/360's best to me.

curl-6 said:
Ruler said:

i dissagree









and even then its not fair comparison because Next Gen games espacially Bloodborne look a lot better in motion because of the depth of field effects and motion blur

And you have every right to disagree.

Though personally, even looking at your images, this cements my opinion that PS3 to PS4 is not as large a leap as prior generational gaps. Now, this is not to say that games like Bloodborne don't look awesome, just that the leap is not as big as it was from PS1 to PS2 or PS2 to PS3.

In every generation until now, there was that one game that made me say "holy shit, how is this even running in realtime, this is lightyears beyond anything I've seen in a game before". Last gen, it was Gears of War. The gen before that, Rogue Squadron 2. Before that, Mario 64.

This gen, however, I still haven't seen a PS4 or Xbox One game that gives me this feeling.

Don't get me wrong, games like Ryse and Driveclub look fantastic, but they don't look like a quantum leap beyond PS3/360's best to me.


+ there was a 7/8 year gap between 7th and 8th gen, but only 4-5 years between previous gens.

Soundwave said:

Phones are a little ways away, but tablets are already there, the Apple A9X is likely well beyond a Wii U and could probably even run PS4/XB1 ports at a lowered resolution. The A9X is a 12-core PowerVR 7XT series which they peg as even with a Nvidia 730M ... that processor can run things like Witcher III and AC Unity (next-gen only games) that are playable enough. 

The A10X is coming this year too, so these chips just get better and better every year. 

At "lower resolution", the game will look like an aliasing mess compared to consoles when you have to render on a bigger screen ... 

An A9X at it's BEST can match a GT 730M but in the average case it will most likely get beaten and maybe the latter can run those next gen games on a low preset of course ...

The A10X is still going to be made on the same transistors they designed on the A9X so don't get your hopes too high up on large performance gains ...

Better luck next time for mobile devices on the next shrink (10nm) I guess ...