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curl-6 said:
Ruler said:

i dissagree









and even then its not fair comparison because Next Gen games espacially Bloodborne look a lot better in motion because of the depth of field effects and motion blur

And you have every right to disagree.

Though personally, even looking at your images, this cements my opinion that PS3 to PS4 is not as large a leap as prior generational gaps. Now, this is not to say that games like Bloodborne don't look awesome, just that the leap is not as big as it was from PS1 to PS2 or PS2 to PS3.

In every generation until now, there was that one game that made me say "holy shit, how is this even running in realtime, this is lightyears beyond anything I've seen in a game before". Last gen, it was Gears of War. The gen before that, Rogue Squadron 2. Before that, Mario 64.

This gen, however, I still haven't seen a PS4 or Xbox One game that gives me this feeling.

Don't get me wrong, games like Ryse and Driveclub look fantastic, but they don't look like a quantum leap beyond PS3/360's best to me.


+ there was a 7/8 year gap between 7th and 8th gen, but only 4-5 years between previous gens.