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RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

I think Sony got Naughty Dog to make a game like that once... I can't remember how that panned out. Ohh wait, the Crash Bandicoot series for PS1 did 20 million in sales. Now I know that's 3 games, but that's not too shabby compared to Mario 64's 12 million in sales. It seems to me when Sony takes platformers seriously, like Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Now I know that MS hasn't had as much luck but they haven't really tried,  Fable is a bit in that vein. There have been plenty of successful platformers that never touched a Nintendo console.

However, you have that backwards. Without third parties, Nintendo finds itself unable to compete with Sony and Microsoft. The Wii U has many absolutely incredible first party titles - that almost no one in the gaming community has played. Take a look at WIi U sales - that's what happens when you have no third party support.

Note that all of the IPs you named are older than ten years, and the ones that still exist don't pull off impressive numbers anymore. Basically, the Wii U's installed base is high enough for Nintendo to beat Sony's games which are released on the PS4.

Regarding the second paragraph, the point of contention was what happens when third party games get removed from the equation. The answer is Nintendo wins.

So your logic is that because Nintendo literally has no competition from third parties, and accounts for practically all game sales, this somehow means that their games are better than Sony's or Microsoft's whose games have to compete with legitimate third parties? Okay. Tell me, do you think Sony and MS's first party titles wouldn't sell any better if gamers on those platforms didn't have games like Fallout 4, or Metal Gear Solid 5, or the Witcher 3 to choose from? I assure you, they would.

Nintendo isn't winning without third parties. Nintendo isn't beating anyone right now - not where it matters at least.