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fatslob-:O said:
JNK said:

Power consumption is already improving very very much.

Smart tvs wont have this problems.

Here is something about the a9x.

That CPU is already running fine on a mobile device.

Its stronger then a Macbook Pro Intel CPU (no ULV cpus)

And the a9x has a low wattage while the macbook pros intel cpus uses around 50 watt.

Mobile Graphic cards are improving as well. 

Smart TVs don't come with the hardware so they have to rely on the cloud with slow internet speeds all around the world ... 

And again the CPU doesn't factor into play when rendering graphics ... 

The actual intel chip itself only uses 28W according to them plus the benchmark you used only measures CPU performance, not the GPU which is extremely important ...

And the fact that you had to use a bigger form factor such as a tablet speaks volumes about your confidence in phones delivering near console quality graphics ... 

Phones are a little ways away, but tablets are already there, the Apple A9X is likely well beyond a Wii U and could probably even run PS4/XB1 ports at a lowered resolution. The A9X is a 12-core PowerVR 7XT series which they peg as even with a Nvidia 730M ... that processor can run things like Witcher III and AC Unity (next-gen only games) that are playable enough. 

The A10X is coming this year too, so these chips just get better and better every year.