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Forums - Gaming Discussion - (Before Jan 1st 2017) I Challenge You to Complete...

Thinking of maybe giving Kingdoms of Amalur a go on the harder setting without using magic, though I believe you do need to in order to progress in some areas so I'll probably think on this.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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100% Xenoblade X. That's right, every side mission, all the collectapedia, and get all the super skells and super weapons.

John2290 said:
So, I'ma post mine. I will platinum Super Meat Boy. I'm sure I will land myself in hospital a few times but I WILL DO IT. .


If you manage this then, well, massive kudos to you, good sir. Tbh I don't really believe you can do it, but good luck

John2290 said:
Aeolus451 said:


How is platinuming Dragon age Inquisition or the witcher 3 harder?


Dragon age is much harder than bloodborne/souls on hardcore mode, you need skill. Witcher 3 might not be harder but the shear amount of effort and time to platinum makes it harder in my book. Now MGS5 is where the real difficulty is. Bloodborne is like a learning to play a musical instrument, its tough, annoying at first, some might make your fingers bleed but no matter how inept you are you'll get there in the end. Take a look at how many people plat'd bloodborne/souls and it proves my point. I would have prefered if they had tropies right up until NG+7, Then it would live up to the talk of how they are. Theyare nothing compared to skill based games like Ninja Gaiden, devil may cry, god of war on their highest difficulty. And yes, they are nothing to the plats for the three games I mentioned, which I happened to have plat'd myself.


Well, Bloodborne is not comparible in difficulty to the souls games in all honesty. Hmm. How to describe it..... It's a souls game on very easy mode basically.  I can tell that you never gotten those platinums though because you're using BB to judge the difficulty of the souls games. *shakes head*. Not many people have gotten a demon souls platinum or a dark souls platinum. They're probably be much easier now because you don't have to deal with invaders in every area. I've never tried the higher difficulties in those games that you mentioned but I might try dragon age at that difficulty just to see if it's that difficult or not. I disagree on the witcher 3. Platinuming a souls game is not quick. It would require hundreds of hours of normal playthroughs. I don't know about if someone's goal was to platinum as quick as possible.


I'd say i will platinum geometry wars in vita, but those coop trophies :(


So maybe I'll settle for double dipping and plating resogun again on vita (its harder than ps4 for some reason).

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Bloodborne is an easy Platinum. Not a Platinum trophy hunter and I got it. The main reason is it doesn't have any grinding trophies or mundane tasks

Fei-Hung said:
Bloodborne is an easy Platinum. Not a Platinum trophy hunter and I got it. The main reason is it doesn't have any grinding trophies or mundane tasks

 Ill get bloodbourne platted this year... i just need to plat first:


SAO:HF (over 105 hours in)

Order 1886

Fallout 4 (over half way to plat)

Life is strange

Grim Fandango (over halfway to plat)


Then bloodborne and/ or Witcher 3


Then replay DA3 on nightmare for the plat


I clearly have a backlog.

Aeolus451 said:
I'll have to think of something. I already got the platinums for Demon's souls and Dark Souls. Hmmm I could platinum BB but I consider that game easier than the others.


The plat involves gettint through Defiled Dungeon, which most people consider the hardest part of the game. You should try it! It's not only hard and a bit unfair, it's also extremely boring and repetitive! :P

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

I already challenged myself to not play any MMOs till 2017 (addictive stuff).

Only 10 days in, and it's already getting tough...

    CU......or CF ?

Go to and win a Sm4sh weekly/monthly tournament. It's already hard going, winning will be fun

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988