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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 has sold through 35.9million units as of January 3rd!

JRPGfan said:


Wanna signature bet that PS4 sells over 19m next year?
My gut feeling is it does.

Next early jan 2017, when Sony again release sales numbers, it ll be that it sold 19m+ and be around 54,9m sold or more.

If you lose you ll have to carry "took a bet with JRPGfan and lost: underestimated PS4 sales".

If I lose, i ll carry the reverse. Lets say for a few months?

Ok if ps4 sell through is less than 54.9m by the time sony releases there sell through numbers in early january 2017 then i win, you win if it is 54.9m or more.

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kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:
kowenicki said:

Brilliant figures. But that PS2 comparison is bogus to anyone with a brain.

PS4 wont pass PS2 lifetime.

The comparisons to PS2, the mere two posts that mention it, aren't bogus at all. One says that the PS4 is tracking ahead of the PS2 - true. The other asks what the PS2 was at in the same time frame. Not sure where the issue is.

OT: I'll be honest, I expected a teeny bit more (36.5m by Jan 3rd), but 35.9m is still fantastic (basically 36m)! 

Like I said... those comparisons are bogus.

Similar to the article that was once posted here, front page, to say PSV was ahead of PSP, bogus.

Apples and oranges and you know it... or you should.


You can't on one hand say the Ps2 has one disadvantage and then ignore the massive advantage it had.  And that was price.  


We all know the ps4 won't pass the ps2 but the fact it's easily ahead even at this stage is amazing.  Especially when the ps2 had games and the ps4 is competing with consoles that also have games.

OneKartVita said:
Metroid33slayer said:

But you also have to factor in that most of the people that want a ps4 have already got one. I remember people saying that 3ds would sell gangbusters in 2013 because of poke'mon x & y, monster hunter 4, zelda ALBW and animal crossing etc. It actually sold worse than the previous year when there were no huge exclusives.

And i got it wrong it actually sold 17.4 million for the year. For some reason i thought it sold 18.2 million at the beginning of jan 2015 but it was at 18.5 million.


Except the big games for ps4 like gran turismo 6, uncharted 4, gta 6, Final fantasy 15/7 haven't released yet. The ps4 will pass out the 3DS with EASE.  

LOL I wouldn't expect GTA 6 to come out until 2018/19.

Metroid33slayer said:
JRPGfan said:


Wanna signature bet that PS4 sells over 19m next year?
My gut feeling is it does.

Next early jan 2017, when Sony again release sales numbers, it ll be that it sold 19m+ and be around 54,9m sold or more.

If you lose you ll have to carry "took a bet with JRPGfan and lost: underestimated PS4 sales".

If I lose, i ll carry the reverse. Lets say for a few months?

Ok if ps4 sell through is less than 54.9m by the time sony releases there sell through numbers in early january 2017 then i win, you win if it is 54.9m or more.

Deal :)

Now im abit scared though but i ll take it... maybe I shoulda gone with 18m lmao.

kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:
Metroid33slayer said:

So 17.7 million for the calendar year, very impressive indeed. Console's usually peak in their second year so 2015 is as good as its going to get in regards to ps4 sales.

One has to wonder why this wasn't called bogus. Consoles normally peak in their 2nd year? False. On top of that, a PlayStation won't peak before dropping to $299.99 (going by historic data). So, this should prove to be far off.

It is bogus. Peak year IS 3rd year usually..... BUT then the different geographical launchtime comes into play this gen, a first. There is every reason to believe this gen will be more front loaded than any other.  So perhaps it will be 2nd year this time. I'd figure minimal increase year 3 if any.  The price thing is largely irrelevant theses days, we had a similar point repeatedly thrown around during the ps3 era, it never materialised.

lol you are wrong PS4 is ahead of PS2. What makes you think this generation is front loaded, no explanation. This generation will have a lot of legs with the x86 architecture, crossgen will be a lot bigger nextgen

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kowenicki said:

I just prefer the truth and reality and facts that I see you aren't arguing with, because you cant, they are after all facts. You carry on though... its fine.


Your sodium levels are pretty high Kowenicki. Will you ever be positive about Sony as a company?

They are literally destroying the competition yet you still find something to petty to say to people who are happy with the sales of their console of choice.

"I just prefer the truth and reality and facts that I see you aren't arguing with, because you cant, they are after all facts. You carry on though... its fine."

Have you seen truth and reality in console sales/consumer mindshare?

- Moderated, Carl

Metroid33slayer said:
OneKartVita said:


Except the big games for ps4 like gran turismo 6, uncharted 4, gta 6, Final fantasy 15/7 haven't released yet. The ps4 will pass out the 3DS with EASE.  

LOL I wouldn't expect GTA 6 to come out until 2018/19.


Exactly.  So expect big legs for this generation because that game will move millions of ps4 on its own.  Sony hardware doesn't fall off a cliff and die.  This is the 4th console so you should see the pattern by now. 

Roronaa_chan said:
I've been hearing that everyone who wanted a PS4 already got one since summer/fall 2014
Yet it keeps being up
If you keep saying it every year, it'll eventually be true.

Every time i hear that argument i buy a new PS4 just to spite them.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

This is what you would call 'a beast'. Congrats to Sony and those those that picked up a PS4.

CGI-Quality said:
kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:

Defensive retort? Your first post was aimed at attacking posters (which you've now "adjusted"). It's not a road you want to head down.

As for the rest of the post, I will continue to disagree. Comparing systems to historic data will always be fine in my book. There was only one poster in here that said the PS4 would overtake the PS2 and it certainly didn't require the noise you gave it.

I just prefer the truth and reality and facts that I see you aren't arguing with, because you cant, they are after all facts. You carry on though... its fine.

And what truth would that be? Is it false that the PS4 is ahead of the PS2 at this point in its life? If it is, a lot of pros have it toally wrong and we should let you do all of the talking. 

Exactly, we should let the "true analyst" do all the talking instead!