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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do people think that Nintendo could go or should go third-party?

Ljink96 said:
Armour1 said:


none are actually saying that, stop posting crap.

People are saying they DO have money and it could be used for a successfull tranition to 3rd party.  Or they can go broke like sega and be forced into going 3rd party.  

But fact is nintey fell hard from they hayday when wii was still selling.  

Nintendo is NOTHING like SEGA. They differ in popularity of IP, and financials. SEGA was on its way to killing itself with its poor console releases back to back. Nintendo has handheld and home consoles to gain income from. Nintendo won't be going broke anytime soon and if they do, you nor I will be living to see the day. That's how wealthy they are. Nintendo is wealthy and there's a huge difference between being wealthy and rich. Nintendo has set plans in stone that will ensure its survival way after Iwata, Reggie, or Miyamoto is gone. Nor will they go third party anytime soon. The end for me.

We don't know that for sure. There's still a chance that Nintendo can fully go third party if the NX fails.

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Armour1 said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:


they lost 3/4s of their value.

They used to have 8billion in cash, its around 3 now if i remember corectly.  

Ninty fans act like they are inviceble, but they have been hit hard after the wii/ds success.  Next gen could make or break them.  Or they can just live of toys and give up game development.  While selling rights to their franchises to the highest bidder.  

I don't get it. You're posting news from them losing money during a worldwide recession. What about the spike in value from when Iwata announced their new ventures? Its nowhere near as bad as you are trying to make it sound.

To answer the OP, I think a lot of it is a combination of severe oversimplification, and simply wanting to play certain games without needing to purchase additional hardware. As someone who highly regards most Nintendo 1st party studios and has plenty of disposable income, this isn't something that I mind, but I imagine someone that either can't afford a 2nd platform, or only cares for the occasional Zelda or Xeno game wouldn't find buying a Nintendo platform to be an ideal situation.

I personally can't speak for how the business would have to change to become 3rd party, but I imagine there are factors that come into play here that most people on forums really don't take into account. If the negative aspects of controlling their own platform really do outweigh the positives, then making that change would likely be worth just seems obvious to me that the question really is more complicated than "Bad Hardware, Good Software".

Personally...I'm not too optimistic that the company's software output would remain unchanged after a huge shift like this. I'd be happy to be proven wrong in this hypothetical scenario, however.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Mr.GameCrazy said:
Ljink96 said:
Armour1 said:


none are actually saying that, stop posting crap.

People are saying they DO have money and it could be used for a successfull tranition to 3rd party.  Or they can go broke like sega and be forced into going 3rd party.  

But fact is nintey fell hard from they hayday when wii was still selling.  

Nintendo is NOTHING like SEGA. They differ in popularity of IP, and financials. SEGA was on its way to killing itself with its poor console releases back to back. Nintendo has handheld and home consoles to gain income from. Nintendo won't be going broke anytime soon and if they do, you nor I will be living to see the day. That's how wealthy they are. Nintendo is wealthy and there's a huge difference between being wealthy and rich. Nintendo has set plans in stone that will ensure its survival way after Iwata, Reggie, or Miyamoto is gone. Nor will they go third party anytime soon. The end for me.

We don't know that for sure. There's still a chance that Nintendo can fully go third party if the NX fails.

Something, SEGA never could have claimed.

I know this isn't the same as revenue and things have changed in 2 years but yeah. It'll be a while before the big N caves in. I heard they could not operate or release any games, (excluding merchandise, and amiibo, and so on) until 2054 and still be around kicking.

I feel that it is more a matter of 'should' because it's likely the people that make that statement like and want to buy Nintendo games, buuuut not enough to buy their hardware. Why else would people say so? If they didn't care about Nintendo games, they wouldn't be making this comment.

Nintendo could go 3rd party, and may be beneficial if they did. It's hard to say though. Perhaps they would get more sales being 3rd party and multiplat, or not. It's a scenario we will unlikely ever see.



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This is my honest opinion on what they should do:

Ditch home consoles- they've never had the greatest cases with them. The Wii was a miracle. Most of them were either mediocre or FLOPS.

If they want to make a handheld, they should consider. Even with our smartphone-infected society of zombie-teenagers(and their stupid selfies), the 3DS managed to do well. If Nintendo really wanted to keep making junk, they should make a GOOD handheld that doesn't have a 240p screen(really Nintendo?).

besides that, there isn't any harm for them to start being more open. Imagine how successful they'd be if they released games on PC? We don't know about mobile yet(perhaps they have a trick up their sleeve), but currently Nintendo isn't doing so well.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

bunchanumbers said:
Armour1 said:

they lost 3/4s of their value.

They used to have 8billion in cash, its around 3 now if i remember corectly.  

Ninty fans act like they are inviceble, but they have been hit hard after the wii/ds success.  Next gen could make or break them.  Or they can just live of toys and give up game development.  While selling rights to their franchises to the highest bidder.  

I don't get it. You're posting news from them losing money during a worldwide recession. What about the spike in value from when Iwata announced their new ventures? Its nowhere near as bad as you are trying to make it sound.

It should also be noted that's referring to their Stock Market cap, not their in-house funds/bankroll.  Which I believe are two entirely different things.

Ljink96 said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:
Ljink96 said:
Armour1 said:


none are actually saying that, stop posting crap.

People are saying they DO have money and it could be used for a successfull tranition to 3rd party.  Or they can go broke like sega and be forced into going 3rd party.  

But fact is nintey fell hard from they hayday when wii was still selling.  

Nintendo is NOTHING like SEGA. They differ in popularity of IP, and financials. SEGA was on its way to killing itself with its poor console releases back to back. Nintendo has handheld and home consoles to gain income from. Nintendo won't be going broke anytime soon and if they do, you nor I will be living to see the day. That's how wealthy they are. Nintendo is wealthy and there's a huge difference between being wealthy and rich. Nintendo has set plans in stone that will ensure its survival way after Iwata, Reggie, or Miyamoto is gone. Nor will they go third party anytime soon. The end for me.

We don't know that for sure. There's still a chance that Nintendo can fully go third party if the NX fails.

Something, SEGA never could have claimed.

I know this isn't the same as revenue and things have changed in 2 years but yeah. It'll be a while before the big N caves in. I heard they could not operate or release any games, (excluding merchandise, and amiibo, and so on) until 2054 and still be around kicking.

I posted the source about still having enough money by 2075 (not 2054) in my OP.

As for what you posted, it's mostly about market capitalization. Sony has been struggling for a long time when it comes to their other business ventures such as movies, phones, TVs, etc. Their PlayStation division should be fine. As for Nintendo, investors were pretty much hyped by not only 3DS sales, but the possibility of Nintendo going mobile, which they did in early 2015 and that gave them a significant spike in their stock value. While it has declined a little bit, the stock value is still better than what Nintendo had endured for a while.

So now I'm wondering, how much cash in the bank do they have left. They've made profit these last few quarters so...they kinda balanced out the previous losses they had, which wasn't really drastic compared to others. I am now wondering how much Nintendo has now in terms of investments and bank with everything that has happened these last couple of years.

Teeqoz said:
Miyamotoo said:

You probably dont know, but half of profit Nintendo is making from hardware and addons for that hardware. Do you know how money Nintendo made just from selling Wii Remotes, Motion Plus, Nunchuck, Wheels...whitout profit from hardware!? For instance build price for Wii Remote was around $10-15 and Nintendo were selling then at $60, and they sold tens of milions (probably more than 100m) of Wii Remotes.

Second is when you have your own platform you don't pay royalties to anyone, you have whole profit just for itself.

Not to mention that when you have your own platform and software you have completely freedom and control of your whole business.

20 million Wii remotes were sold standalone in the US. While that is just US, and as of 2010(30th september to be precise.), it proves that in all likelihood, the number is no where near the over 100 million you're claiming. If, for simplicity's sake, we assume that on average, the amoun of standalone controllers = 70% of how many consoles are sold, then yes, with a platform like the Wii, that would be a lot. However with numbers like the Wii U is pulling now, that would equal a bit more than 7 million controllers. It's a question of wether extra sales cover what they lose by not having their own hardware like I said. There are of course more factors than just what I said, I only mentioned a few. However can you provide a source that hardware and accessories make up 50% of their profit? Cause profit margins are much higher for software than hardware normally.

I am aware of what you are saying here, but my post was a simplification. I didn't attemp to go too indepth, because the post would be ridiculously long.

You have complete control of your own business as a publisher as well. Their business would be making and publishing games, and they would have full control of that.


If Nintendo's home consoles keep on selling Wii U like numbers, then I honestly think they'd be better off going 3rd party whwn it comes to home consoles (Not handhelds). If they can manage to get a userbase of 30-40 million, then that's probably sufficient for it to be better for them to keep on making hardware.

That article is saying that Nintendo sold 22m separate Wii Remotes and another 13m with Wii Play (game that is basically very cheap and probably would cost around $20 without Wii Remote) in US alone by 2010. So totally sold WW separates Wii Remotes till now are probably around 70-80m with Wii Play bundle definitely around 100m (thats around 100m without console bundle). Do you realize what profit just Wii Remote bring to Nintendo!? We are talking about billions just from Wii Remote.

Wii U is fail and will be worst Nintendo selling console, but that definatly doesnt means they need to abondend hardware and go third party only beacuse of Wii U.

I confused profit with and revenue. Nintendo always mad profit from launch of new hardware, only exceptions were Wii U and 3DS when they made lose at launch. And biggest profit (if we look build and sale price) is definitely from console accessories.


"One of Nintendos secrets of their success (over 36 years in the gaming market and only one year with net loss) is the well known fact that

they sell their hardware for more than the production price. (3DS & Wii U being the exception).
Furthermore, their software margins are extremely high because they don't have to pay royalties and don't have to share the price between developer & publisher.

The graph shows us that Nintendo always worked around a gross profit ratio of 40%. One of the reasons why Nintendo
earned money during the GCN-days, while Sony made loss, despite PS2 being the best selling home system to date.

Now, if you look at this, gross profit ratio always declined a bit with the release of new hardware, which is logical, because they're selling it
at a price near to the production price, higher sales give them lower production costs and better margins, so they increase again until the next hardware release.#


You definitely not have same rights, control and freedom when you releasing game on other platform and when you releasing game on yours own platform.

Well I really can't see next Nintendo home console that will sell so poor like Wii U, we already know that NX will probably be unified platform, so that's entirely new level of console and software development for Nintendo, they already integrate their handhelds and home consoles divisions, that means they will be able to make more game than this gen and probably sell same game to NX home console and to NX handheld owners.

hershel_layton said:
This is my honest opinion on what they should do:

Ditch home consoles- they've never had the greatest cases with them. The Wii was a miracle. Most of them were either mediocre or FLOPS.

If they want to make a handheld, they should consider. Even with our smartphone-infected society of zombie-teenagers(and their stupid selfies), the 3DS managed to do well. If Nintendo really wanted to keep making junk, they should make a GOOD handheld that doesn't have a 240p screen(really Nintendo?).

besides that, there isn't any harm for them to start being more open. Imagine how successful they'd be if they released games on PC? We don't know about mobile yet(perhaps they have a trick up their sleeve), but currently Nintendo isn't doing so well.

Never had the greatest cases? Does everyone in this thread have memories like goldfishes?

NES, SNES, and Wii won their respecive generations.GC, N64 and Wii U did not. 50% is a bit more than never. And if you think N64 was mediocre, a lot of people disagree with you.