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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do people think that Nintendo could go or should go third-party?

Soundwave said:
Armour1 said:

they lost 3/4s of their value.

They used to have 8billion in cash, its around 3 now if i remember corectly.  

Ninty fans act like they are inviceble, but they have been hit hard after the wii/ds success.  Next gen could make or break them.  Or they can just live of toys and give up game development.  While selling rights to their franchises to the highest bidder.


Would never happen, lol. Why wouldn't just make those games themselves? They're not going to make just toys with a staff of thousands of game programmers/artists/designers etc. 


Same reason sega is sitting on ips doing nothing, it costs loads.

If they lose most of their cash on the NX, how would they fun their games ?

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The selfish part of me would never want Nintendo to go 3rd party because that would mean the eventual death of all of Nintendo's 2nd-tier franchises.  They'd probably lower their software output since they'd no longer have to diversify their library or churn out software for their hardware and instead focus on their A-List franchises while throwing an occasional bone with a Donkey Kong or a StarFox every now and then as long as they sell more than 5-7 million copies -- if not, then it's off to the graveyard like all of those dead Sega IPs.  Hell, I think most people who want Nintendo to go 3rd party don't realize that they'd probably focus most of their resources on mobile and largely neglect the console market.

Thankfully, Nintendo is too stubborn to go 3rd party anytime soon.

CaptainExplosion said:
KungKras said:
duuuuuuuuude I would't read that wall of text even if you held a knife to my throat.

buuut... to answer your thread title, because they're bought into game industry propaganda and want the company to fail.

Courtesy of narcisistic idiots like Michael Pachter.

lol nintendo fans need to stop paying victim and crying wolf.

i dont see how people wanting them to succedd at 3rd party is wanting them to fail.

Some are just not blinded by their nintendo mario loyalty and see a company losing their place, They are like Blackberry they think they know better and are losing market share all the way to irreleveance.


wombat123 said:

The selfish part of me would never want Nintendo to go 3rd party because that would mean the eventual death of all of Nintendo's 2nd-tier franchises.  They'd probably lower their software output since they'd no longer have to diversify their library or churn out software for their hardware and instead focus on their A-List franchises while throwing an occasional bone with a Donkey Kong or a StarFox every now and then as long as they sell more than 5-7 million copies -- if not, then it's off to the graveyard like all of those dead Sega IPs.  Hell, I think most people who want Nintendo to go 3rd party don't realize that they'd probably focus most of their resources on mobile and largely neglect the console market.

Thankfully, Nintendo is too stubborn to go 3rd party anytime soon.


In a way, they've already gone third party by making games for mobile devices.

wombat123 said:

The selfish part of me would never want Nintendo to go 3rd party because that would mean the eventual death of all of Nintendo's 2nd-tier franchises.  They'd probably lower their software output since they'd no longer have to diversify their library or churn out software for their hardware and instead focus on their A-List franchises while throwing an occasional bone with a Donkey Kong or a StarFox every now and then as long as they sell more than 5-7 million copies -- if not, then it's off to the graveyard like all of those dead Sega IPs.  Hell, I think most people who want Nintendo to go 3rd party don't realize that they'd probably focus most of their resources on mobile and largely neglect the console market.

Thankfully, Nintendo is too stubborn to go 3rd party anytime soon.


Um why in the hell would a company whos best at console games give that up to make moible games, something they yet to show any capabilty at.

It seems some of you are just scared they may be more succesful being 3rd party then they are now, and are making up all kinds of fantasys why it shoudnt happen.  

Stubborn like Kodak, like Blackberry ? Just stubborly ride that horse of the cliff ehh. 

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Miyamotoo said:
Teeqoz said:
Nintendo's main profit driver is software sales. Their 3rd party royalties are basically nonexistant at this point, and while Nintendo normally does make a profit on hardware sales, it's hardly as much as they make from software.

If the money they'd get from increased software sales from launching on a tremendously bigger userbase outweighs what they lose from 3rd party royalties and hardware profit, then they should go third party. Neither us nor Nintendo knows if it will though.

Nintemdo are in a peculiar position among the three platform makers because of exactly this. MS and Sony's primary profit drivers are 3rd party royalties and subscription fees, both of which are things that they need to maintain their own platform to keep. Nintendo's main profit driver is in no way tied to their hardware, and could potentially benefit a lot from a higher userbase. This is why Nintendo going third party is in no way as silly as someone make it out to be.

To end it, I'll say this: It's not about wether or not they make money at all as a platform maker, but if they can make more as a 3rd party.

*raises flame shield*

You probably dont know, but half of profit Nintendo is making from hardware and addons for that hardware. Do you know how money Nintendo made just from selling Wii Remotes, Motion Plus, Nunchuck, Wheels...whitout profit from hardware!? For instance build price for Wii Remote was around $10-15 and Nintendo were selling then at $60, and they sold tens of milions (probably more than 100m) of Wii Remotes.

Second is when you have your own platform you don't pay royalties to anyone, you have whole profit just for itself.

Not to mention that when you have your own platform and software you have completely freedom and control of your whole business.

20 million Wii remotes were sold standalone in the US. While that is just US, and as of 2010(30th september to be precise.), it proves that in all likelihood, the number is no where near the over 100 million you're claiming. If, for simplicity's sake, we assume that on average, the amoun of standalone controllers = 70% of how many consoles are sold, then yes, with a platform like the Wii, that would be a lot. However with numbers like the Wii U is pulling now, that would equal a bit more than 7 million controllers. It's a question of wether extra sales cover what they lose by not having their own hardware like I said. There are of course more factors than just what I said, I only mentioned a few. However can you provide a source that hardware and accessories make up 50% of their profit? Cause profit margins are much higher for software than hardware normally.

I am aware of what you are saying here, but my post was a simplification. I didn't attemp to go too indepth, because the post would be ridiculously long.

You have complete control of your own business as a publisher as well. Their business would be making and publishing games, and they would have full control of that.


If Nintendo's home consoles keep on selling Wii U like numbers, then I honestly think they'd be better off going 3rd party whwn it comes to home consoles (Not handhelds). If they can manage to get a userbase of 30-40 million, then that's probably sufficient for it to be better for them to keep on making hardware.

I think mostly because nearly everyone agrees that what Nintendo does best is game development. If they went third party, they'd lose the money they make from hardware, sure. But how many copies of Mario Kart would they sell if it was on PC, PS4 and Xbone? It would instantly become one of the best selling games in the world.

At a certain point, if they fail to regain their foothold in the console business, that tension is going to start working against them and it'll become more beneficial for them to just make the most of that larger install base. Especially since games like Zelda, Metroid, Xenoblade, Smash Bros would all appeal to the PS and Xbox audiences. It's only really the overly cutesie stuff like Pokemon and Animal Crossing that is Nintendo specific.

Armour1 said:
zorg1000 said:

That is some of the dumbest logic anyone has ever used. Wii U failing is somehow proof that Wii didn't attract kids & families, how can u even justify that as a serious comment?


Your desperation is be pro nintendo to blatent.  That just basic logic i see thats to much for you to understand.

I knew it by the unfounded bs that was you claiming majority of wii buyers were families and kids.  If it had been even some what true more would have migrated to the wi u to play more kid family games.  Clearlty they didnt as the wii buyers were just fad jumpers.  Seems you have trouble grasping that.  


There is no basic logic involved in anything u said, "fad jumpers" is not a demographic, it's a nonsense term u made up. Even if it was a fad it still had a target demographic which was kids and families.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Armour1 said:
Ljink96 said:

Thank You! Nintendo is loaded from Wii and DS. You hear me? LOADED. They've got money, don't listen to people who say they don't.


none are actually saying that, stop posting crap.

People are saying they DO have money and it could be used for a successfull tranition to 3rd party.  Or they can go broke like sega and be forced into going 3rd party.  

But fact is nintey fell hard from they hayday when wii was still selling.  

Nintendo is NOTHING like SEGA. They differ in popularity of IP, and financials. SEGA was on its way to killing itself with its poor console releases back to back. Nintendo has handheld and home consoles to gain income from. Nintendo won't be going broke anytime soon and if they do, you nor I will be living to see the day. That's how wealthy they are. Nintendo is wealthy and there's a huge difference between being wealthy and rich. Nintendo has set plans in stone that will ensure its survival way after Iwata, Reggie, or Miyamoto is gone. Nor will they go third party anytime soon. The end for me.

Armour1 said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:


they lost 3/4s of their value.

They used to have 8billion in cash, its around 3 now if i remember corectly.  

Last time I heard about the amount of cash they have, it was 4 billion.