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hershel_layton said:
This is my honest opinion on what they should do:

Ditch home consoles- they've never had the greatest cases with them. The Wii was a miracle. Most of them were either mediocre or FLOPS.

If they want to make a handheld, they should consider. Even with our smartphone-infected society of zombie-teenagers(and their stupid selfies), the 3DS managed to do well. If Nintendo really wanted to keep making junk, they should make a GOOD handheld that doesn't have a 240p screen(really Nintendo?).

besides that, there isn't any harm for them to start being more open. Imagine how successful they'd be if they released games on PC? We don't know about mobile yet(perhaps they have a trick up their sleeve), but currently Nintendo isn't doing so well.

Never had the greatest cases? Does everyone in this thread have memories like goldfishes?

NES, SNES, and Wii won their respecive generations.GC, N64 and Wii U did not. 50% is a bit more than never. And if you think N64 was mediocre, a lot of people disagree with you.