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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do people think that Nintendo could go or should go third-party?

This might be the dumbest argument or question in the world! Despite many people's personal feelings towards Nintendo they are an extremely profitable hardware and software company. It is idiotic to believe that all Nintendo franchises would sell equally as well on Sony and Microsoft systems, when these companies audiences generally don't push 1st party efforts out the door anymore than Nintendo’s do on their own platforms.

Nintendo is the only gaming only company left and we as the buying consumers are actually having discussions about it being better or not for them to go 3rd party(mainly for selfish reasons and not what's better for the company as a whole). I'm an adult and don't buy toys from Mattel, but I don't question their right to exist solely because other forms of entertainment are available.

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Goodnightmoon said:
One word: Haters.

So, you tell me i'm a hater with all nintendo consoles and handheld ?



I like nintendo games, but the hardware are catastrophic actually.

The wii was bad, the 3ds is a piece of junk, and the wiiU is a ps3 without tiers.


I will for sure not buy NX after these 3 bad consoles, except if i can have a good fire emblem on it, and metroid, and fzero, waverace and co.

Areym said:
Ljink96 said:
People who say this are ignorant and don't understand Nintendo as a company. I really don[t want to write paragraphs on the idea as i've done before. I'll sum it up though. NO...JUST NO.

And the award for tolerance goes toooooo...

OT: probably cause Nintendo consistently make great games but tend to hit or miss their consoles, unlike Xbox and PS who's consoles sale consistently well, but their software is irregular in critical acclaim.

Yes, sales numbers are important but Nintendo has always stated that they're not focused on sales. They're always about trying something different with hardware and software and for Nintendo to be tied to hardware that they didn't develop would be like making Bethesda make Skyrim on Nintendo 64. It would be possible but uncomfortable. Nintendo's hardware is the first thing that comes to mind when they develop games. They try to innovate. No, it doesn't always work. Yes, Wii U is a poorly selling console but Nintendo is still making money. Their goal is to entertain, surprise, and excite while making money. I think Nintendo is at a good spot right now.

Namiirei said:
Goodnightmoon said:
One word: Haters.

So, you tell me i'm a hater with all nintendo consoles and handheld ?



I like nintendo games, but the hardware are catastrophic actually.

The wii was bad, the 3ds is a piece of junk, and the wiiU is a ps3 without tiers.


I will for sure not buy NX after these 3 bad consoles, except if i can have a good fire emblem on it, and metroid, and fzero, waverace and co.


How are they bad? Because they are not as powerful as their competitors? Because the online doesnt have as many features? What is it that makes them so bad to you?

Armour1 said:
KungKras said:

That "fad" made more money than PS1-2-3 combined.

And nintendo lost half of it already.  


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zorg1000 said:
Armour1 said:


how not, if family and kids got a wii why didnt they buy a U.

wiius sales show the majority of wii sales were people jumping onto a fad types, who ditched gaming after it died down.

That is some of the dumbest logic anyone has ever used. Wii U failing is somehow proof that Wii didn't attract kids & families, how can u even justify that as a serious comment?


Your desperation is be pro nintendo to blatent.  That just basic logic i see thats to much for you to understand.

I knew it by the unfounded bs that was you claiming majority of wii buyers were families and kids.  If it had been even some what true more would have migrated to the wi u to play more kid family games.  Clearlty they didnt as the wii buyers were just fad jumpers.  Seems you have trouble grasping that.  

Mr.GameCrazy said:
Armour1 said:

And nintendo lost half of it already.  


Thank You! Nintendo is loaded from Wii and DS. You hear me? LOADED. They've got money, don't listen to people who say they don't.

Mr.GameCrazy said:
Armour1 said:

And nintendo lost half of it already.  


they lost 3/4s of their value.

They used to have 8billion in cash, its around 3 now if i remember corectly.  

Ninty fans act like they are inviceble, but they have been hit hard after the wii/ds success.  Next gen could make or break them.  Or they can just live of toys and give up game development.  While selling rights to their franchises to the highest bidder.  

Armour1 said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:


they lost 3/4s of their value.

They used to have 8billion in cash, its around 3 now if i remember corectly.  

Ninty fans act like they are inviceble, but they have been hit hard after the wii/ds success.  Next gen could make or break them.  Or they can just live of toys and give up game development.  While selling rights to their franchises to the highest bidder.


Would never happen, lol. Why wouldn't just make those games themselves? They're not going to make just toys with a staff of thousands of game programmers/artists/designers etc. 

Ljink96 said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:


Thank You! Nintendo is loaded from Wii and DS. You hear me? LOADED. They've got money, don't listen to people who say they don't.


none are actually saying that, stop posting crap.

People are saying they DO have money and it could be used for a successfull tranition to 3rd party.  Or they can go broke like sega and be forced into going 3rd party.  

But fact is nintey fell hard from they hayday when wii was still selling.