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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One: Where Are The Cons?

Azzanation said:
PotentHerbs said:


Not twisting anything but putting things in the proper perspective. Uncharted 2 scored one percentile less with higher caliber games + higher standards as well as more review scores, not to mention its a pretty weak argument considering Halo:CE is one game. Are all Xbox first party games 97+ caliber? That's like claiming Carmelo Anthony's career high of 63 gives him a better career then LeBron James because his career high is 61. Sorry this comparison (analogy) is broader then a single game.  Sony history of first party exclusives compared to MS history of first party exclusives: the PS brand has more original IP's, more 95+ scores, more 90+ scores, more sales, output & standards. MS third party exclusive games like Gears, TF, Dead Rising, L4D are the only reason an exclusive Metascore debate is even arguable tbh. Where are the other facts lol? Unless Halo: CE is the only MS exclusive you have ever played...

You are twisting my post. I said Sony Playstation has never released a game in the 97 metacritics which MS has. What does a game scoring 96 got to do with this? 96 is still 96 and Sony have alot more magazines that score there games higher aswell then both Nintendo and Xbox.  

Quote -  Are all Xbox first party games 97+ caliber..

Are all PS4 first party games 92+ caliber?

My point is Bloodborne is one game on PS4 that broke the 90s meta and now fanboys claim that PS games are better because of one game. Just because BB scored high doesnt mean all PS games are defautly better. Just like how Halo CE scoring a 97 doesnt make all Xbox games better. This year almost all 1st part Xbox games scored in the mid 85s while Sony had 1 in the 90 bracket, they also have acouple in the 70s and 1 in the 60s like LBP3 (79) The Order (63) etc.

As you have tryed to changed my post to try to fit your liking, my post still stands true, as Sony Playstation has never released a game in the 97 meta in there history of gaming while MicroSoft has.

You dont seem to like this and it seems to be eating at you. I am not interesting in debating hard facts with you trying to justify. 97 is higher then 96. My point stands.



It's always funny looking at your first reply against other people, to then see you jump in and act the very same way you condemn. 

Don't ever change, Assanation.

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Op, you don't see cons because you're a fanboy, every console has its cons, only fanboys are too blinded by their fanbiyism to see them.

Ass-nation, you're a fanboy too, you really going to harp on about halo ce getting a 97 three generations ago, a game that was moneyhatted from Apple? But hey it's not like if they re-released it and threw in a load of other halo games, added hd versions and re-enabled multiplayer on classic maps like blood gultch that it wouldn't easilly score 97 again right?
Oh wait, they did and it got 85, and that same generation of reviewers game sony's moneyhatted borefest game BB, 96.

Really, fanboys are fucking atrocious, and this forums dripping with em.
Get mad all you want, wear the fuck out of that report button, at the end of the day im just saying that everyone else is thinking but haven't yet found a way to skirt the rules and say.

Torillian said:
mradx said:


Sure, but even when you say "factual disadvantages" there is kind of a fine line between all of that. XBLive may be cheaper for you, or cheaper for me depending on where you 'live' or where you buy it, and vice versa. Some people may see the power brick or large console size a benefit or may not, and less power on the graphics side (on paper) sure, but even that is debatable without getting super technical about it. It depends on what developers do with that power. But are the differences really that dramatic on screen? Maybe they are for you, maybe they aren't for someone else. 

So at the end of it all, it really comes down to your situation. 

I'm curious what scenario a larger electronic box with a larger power brick would be seen as a benefit.


Heat dissipation. That's pretty important.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

I hate the UI. Its an overcomplicated mess or at least it feels that way to me.

Graphics aren't that impressive but I guess that applies to both systems. The games look great but feel more like a half step then full on successor to 360.

Everything else is solid.

Because the OP never returned to the thread and seemingly has no intention of discussing anything with the people here, Im gonna lock this up. Run its course.