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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One: Where Are The Cons?

Chris Hu said:

That might be the case with the PS4 but on the PS3 side there are rarely any good flash sales or sales for PS+ members.  On the 360 there are sales for Gold members every week.

Well I never bought Indies on PS3 and the flash sales came too late most of time because I had bought dirty cheap second hand at retail, But on PS4 I'm buying a lot of Indies and even some AAA at severely discounted price.

Hynad said:
Chris Hu said:
Hynad said:

Seriously, you should try the quote button. 
In fact, you should probably just let it go. Nobody really cares.

Not a fan of a huge quote tree.  Just hitting the reply button is a whole lot easier.

And then your comment gets lost in-between other conversations, and the one you're replying to doesn't get a blue notification. 
But as I said, nobody cares. Not even you, it seems.

Myself had to look twice a lot of times to see his reply and quote him to answer back.

mradx said:

Xbox One is a great system, the only reason why it's trailing this generation is because MS shafted their marketing message during launch, and had generally odd pricing and marketing choices. Some people even this year still think that X1 can't play used games.
But beyond that, people buy consoles for a VARIETY of factors, and it's sometimes not just the games. It's price, it's console design / size, controller feel, ease of access, regional support, on and on etc etc.
Bottom line is the X1 is SELLING WELL, just not AS good as the PS4. That doesn't make it a lesser product, that decision is UP TO YOU to determine that. It's your money, your choices. Buy what YOU want to buy and play, and forget what the public tells you to buy.

The PS4 is a good system too, but it's games and a variety of factors don't line-up with what I want to play so I have no interest in it. 

Look at the Wii, that console destroyed the PS3 and 360 in sales and no one saw it coming. That system had nothing to do with processing power, or in my opinion even great games. 

From what you said only library preference matters.

And I fail to see how being bigger is better in this case (cooling efficiency and noise isn't a problem with PS4 to say the size is a problem because it's smaller) and even more on how a bigger brick is better (having no brick or small one is a lot better... from PS1 to PS4 playing the first three ones 5+ year each with average 30h a week or more never had a power supply problem). I can put the PS4, control, cables and game on my simple backpack and go to friends house, X1 would give me a little more hassle. I just unplug PS4 from eletricity, hdmi and eye, use a simple cable I have sparred and I can go, I don't need to move my furniture to pick a brick, and X1 plus brick is a lot bigger than PS4.

Chris Hu said:

Judging a game or console or anything else purely on sales is pretty silly.  The Dreamcast failed to sell much but its still one of the best consoles of all time.  The first Shenmue game losts millions but its still one of the best games of the late 90s and early 2000s.  The Shawshank Redemption failed to make a profit during its theatrical run but still is one of the best movies of all time.  They only made 351 of them but the Toyota 2000GT is still one of the best cars from the 60s.

Well the only thing we can say is that Dreamcast apparently wasn't the best for a lot of people. And comparing a collectors edition to a mass production device is beyond silly. VW Bettle is better than a F1 car because it sold million times more. But Dreamcast against PS2 were "equal rivals"

mradx said:
snyperdud said:
Well, since you asked;

- Less powerful hardware when compared to it's main competitor, the PS4.
- Considerably larger in size compared to the PS4 and Wii U.
- Xbox Live Gold is a required subscription to play games online, and more expensive than PS+
- Lack of compelling software exclusives (my personal taste)

And vice versa, I have no issue with anything you just mentioned, and I think the games are great. 

So WHO CARES!!? It's my money I buy what I WANT! LOL !

and you buy what you want!

So at the end of the day, all this fanboy trolling is just WAYYYYYYYYYYYY out of control! But this is the Internet after all. 

- Moderated, Carl

Yep, your aggressive tone is certainly compatible with your request.

mradx said:
snyperdud said:

Well sure, at the end of the day it's all about the games you want to play.

But the OP asked for cons, and my first 3 points are all factual disadvantages the Xbox One currently face.

Sure, but even when you say "factual disadvantages" there is kind of a fine line between all of that. XBLive may be cheaper for you, or cheaper for me depending on where you 'live' or where you buy it, and vice versa. Some people may see the power brick or large console size a benefit or may not, and less power on the graphics side (on paper) sure, but even that is debatable without getting super technical about it. It depends on what developers do with that power. But are the differences really that dramatic on screen? Maybe they are for you, maybe they aren't for someone else. 

So at the end of it all, it really comes down to your situation. 

Retail price is the discussion, but 10 bucks don't really matter. And you didn't put any real advantage on being big or power supply, just that if they are badly designed is better to fail on something external or that there is more room for heat, both are consequences of bad design not advantages.

And there is no point to discuss on the graphical side, X1 is behind, and that is because of weaker HW not lack of propper use.

mradx said:
Torillian said:
mradx said:

Sure, but even when you say "factual disadvantages" there is kind of a fine line between all of that. XBLive may be cheaper for you, or cheaper for me depending on where you 'live' or where you buy it, and vice versa. Some people may see the power brick or large console size a benefit or may not, and less power on the graphics side (on paper) sure, but even that is debatable without getting super technical about it. It depends on what developers do with that power. But are the differences really that dramatic on screen? Maybe they are for you, maybe they aren't for someone else. 

So at the end of it all, it really comes down to your situation. 

I'm curious what scenario a larger electronic box with a larger power brick would be seen as a benefit.

The power brick is external, meaning if something happened to that element of the console, you would have to replace the power brick only. PS4 sure it's a got a nice clean package but it's internal. What happens if your power supply fries? You have to send the whole console in to Sony for repair, and who knows how much they'll charge for that. I don't bank on it failing, but anything can happen. So it's more of an argument about something being designed "sleek" and all in one which has it's pros and cons, and a power brick which also has it's cosmetic pros and cons. 

As said before never had a internal power supply failure with any PS, and you could always go to a repair shop and fix in 1h instead of sending to sony to take as many months as you think they would. What pros have a power brick aesthetically?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network

The Toyota 2000GT is not a collectors edition car it was made in limited numbers due to its high cost of production and limited demand the same thing applies to the first generation Nissan Silvia.

Chris Hu said:

The Toyota 2000GT is not a collectors edition car it was made in limited numbers due to its high cost of production and limited demand the same thing applies to the first generation Nissan Silvia.

Also happens to Ferrari, and we compare them to Bettles? No. Make an apple to apple comparison.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Chris Hu said:

The Toyota 2000GT is not a collectors edition car it was made in limited numbers due to its high cost of production and limited demand the same thing applies to the first generation Nissan Silvia.

Also happens to Ferrari, and we compare them to Bettles? No. Make an apple to apple comparison.


The Beetle pre dates any Ferrari so even if they had similar specs or sales it would be silly to compare a original Beetle to any Ferrari.  My original point still very valid it is silly to judge a product by sales alone.

I would count the lack of remote play and the future VR to be cons. Personally I thought that the remote play on PS4 was just a  gimmick until I started to use it with vita when travelling. Turns out to be valuable for example with Destinys timed events, that you would otherwise miss out when travelling. 

Around the Network
Chris Hu said:
DonFerrari said:
Chris Hu said:

The Toyota 2000GT is not a collectors edition car it was made in limited numbers due to its high cost of production and limited demand the same thing applies to the first generation Nissan Silvia.

Also happens to Ferrari, and we compare them to Bettles? No. Make an apple to apple comparison.

The Beetle pre dates any Ferrari so even if they had similar specs or sales it would be silly to compare a original Beetle to any Ferrari.  My original point still very valid it is silly to judge a product by sales alone.

First Ferrari 1949, no too long after. But you could use the Golf or any other car for that matter, the point is you can't compare two car that don't have any competition between then, two completely different markets.

No one is judging only by sales, but we are only saying that if two very similar products have very different sales the market have said which they preffer and is better TO THEM.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

last gen i went with ps3.
now, im going with xbox one.

Azzanation said:
I cant see any cons. The system is great. The only cons i see are jealous fanboys.


Thanks for leaving this very quotable post for the next time you try that pc neutrality card.

Chris Hu said:

The Toyota 2000GT is not a collectors edition car it was made in limited numbers due to its high cost of production and limited demand the same thing applies to the first generation Nissan Silvia.


lmao silvia in the same senstance and vain as the 2000gt.

lol you are a something one.

Armour1 said:
Chris Hu said:

The Toyota 2000GT is not a collectors edition car it was made in limited numbers due to its high cost of production and limited demand the same thing applies to the first generation Nissan Silvia.


lmao silvia in the same senstance and vain as the 2000gt.

lol you are a something one.

Are you even familiar with the first generation of the Nissan Siliva its in the same league with the 2000GT.  Also both cars originally started out with Nissan and had the same designer.