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What kind of gamer do you identify as?

Console Gamer 577 80.14%
PC Gamer 98 13.61%
Handheld Gamer 41 5.69%
Mobile Gamer 4 0.56%

I have a Wii from last gen. I have a Wii U and 3DS for current gen. Also my uncle works at Nontendo so I also have the NX.

Other than that I have: NES, SNES, N64, PS2

bet: lost

Around the Network

-Wii U
Legacy Platforms:
Every single one until NES with exception of Microsoft consoles, PS1 and Gamecube.(That includes handhelds too)

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

All of them. No point listing them lol. I play on whatever console has a game I want to play,

3DS & 2DS
Wii U

Current gen: Wii U and PS Vita, and I guess a PC, but it isn't exactly a gaming PC. Despite that, lately, it's what I've been gaming the most on, so

Around the Network

Original PlayStation 3. Jailbroken for patch installs...
Xbox 360S
PSVita (I regret buying that one. Nowadays it's just a prettier PSP)...
Xbox One Day One release...

I also used to own a GameCube and PS2, but threw them away a while back in 2010...

BasilZero said:
Teeqoz said:
Current gen: Wii U and PS Vita, and I guess a PC, but it isn't exactly a gaming PC. Despite that, lately, it's what I've been gaming the most on, so


Stop playing DOTA2/LoL/insert whatever MMO or MOBA - and play REAL games :O



But I only play Rocket League and Super Meat Boy on it

I own a WiiU, 3DS, New 3DS XL, PS Vita, PS4.

In terms of older hardware, I own all Nintendo homeconsoles and the GBA and the DSI. I also own the xbox 360 and the PS2.

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M

PS4 and PSV are systems I currently play on.

I own or have owned just about every major system made.

WIIU 3DS and a xbox one this gen