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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy VII Remake is episodic

PwerlvlAmy said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
im just wondering if they release it in pieces, that means exploration and things of that nature is going to take a hit and the game is going to become that much more linear

Even when we had the freedom to explore the world map there was a streamlined access to the places we could explore, limited to the car, Cid's airplane, etc.

It is all supposed to open up when you get the Highwind. I wonder how they will work all those things out, I mean, did they say there was an overworld?I can't remember.

1) I just dont get that if its indeed episodic in nature, i dont get how they'll let you backtrack and explore and everything of that nature


2) I feel to compensate for it being so massive in size that a lot of the towns,world map,exploration will be cut out of the game and it will be made in a more linear format such as you do the story and it then will take you to the area you need to go to,rather than being able to go there yourself 

If the remake does have an overworld then the exploration, which we eventually have when we get the Highwind, could be allowed in the later episodes. The first episodes could feature a partial overworld, limited equally to how it was with the orginal FF7, the rest of the world would look like 3d background.

Later episodes would just let you enter the towns you visited. I am sure that once you've played the first episodes and the cutscenes and story moments are experienced, then it wouldn't take much data to just let you go there and visit them for some possible sidequests and stuff.

2) If there is no overworld then yes, we could expect some open towns and then some shitty world map when you enter the Highwind or something and a pointer to click on towns to let the game drop you to them. Something similar to what was introduced with FFX.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

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If I didn't misunderstand what the OP is saying this is just HILARIOUS, first FFVII didn't come to N64 because it needed too much space and now it's going to have a split release in god knows how many games. Makes me wonder if NX, supposing FFVII will later come to it too, will have the same treatment or, for "moral justice" they're going to release everything in the same package... who am I kidding it would be foolish by SE to not make multirelease everywhere, they're gona milk so much $$$

fatslob-:O said:
Puppyroach said:

So then you should applaud the discussion that is within this thread then. Isn't it better that customers react before the game is released so that SE is forced to listen to the fanbase, rather than to react with their wallet AFTER is has been released?

This community hardly represents what the reality of the market desires and SE doesn't have powers to read their customers minds either ... 

I never said it did, I said that it is better that customers react ahead of a release than after. Some in this thread react positively, some react negatively. The people in these forums also frequent other social media, so this is just one outlet ofcourse. And the notion that consumer power can only be enacted through the wallet is just wrong.

if they do yearly release like FF13,FF13-2,FF13-3 and such then its going to suck to get to a certain spot in the story and then bam wait till next year to continue

thats one thing that sucks about this too

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

PwerlvlAmy said:
if they do yearly release like FF13,FF13-2,FF13-3 and such then its going to suck to get to a certain spot in the story and then bam wait till next year to continue

thats one thing that sucks about this too

Except FF13 in itself was a complete enough story, convoluted and awful as it was. Like someone else mentioned, SE saw money in sequels, and so they decided to lace together a seriously bad story across three games. It isn't episodic since each game on its own consitutes a complete experience, and the fact that you can get away with not having played any other entry while understanding each on an individual level.

People calling it FF7R-1, FF7R-2, etc., is seriously misleading. It will be more like:

Final Fantasy VII: Episode One - Midgar Crisis
Final Fantasy VII: Episode Two - Calm Before the Storm (because puns are necessary)
Final Fantasy VII: Episode Three - Gambling at the Gold Saucer

It really depends on Nomura how convoluted this gets with releases, but this is episodic. This won't be like the FF13 trilogy, nor will it be like the FF10 games. These are not FF#-# experiences, but more like Telltale games, splitting a single story into multiple pieces.


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Shadow1980 said:
I'm hoping it isn't as bad as it seems, but I'm really not digging what I'm hearing from Square regarding FFVII:R. First there's the changes in the combat which push it towards what appears to be more like an action RPG. And now it's going to be broken into chunks, which also entails a digital-only release. All that's left is for them to eliminate the overworld and it'll be FFVII only in the sense of having the same characters, setting, and story. This is almost like if the next Zelda game were some Skyrim or Diablo clone.

When I first saw the FFVII remake announced, like everyone else I was super-excited, but every new bit of news I hear makes me less excited. I wouldn't have guessed "remake" meant throwing out everything that wasn't story-related. It really should have just been FFVII with modern-day graphics.

I don't think it will be digital only. They said they could not fit the whole game in one release so that means one episode is literally as big as one entire game. It will not be like the walking dead or life is strange.  Also read the latest interviews and info.

Well, if they had it announced like this at e3, the audience would've been a slow clap. Guess FF7 as it is will always be "my" FF7 and the remake, rebranding, re-iterating and re-monitizing will be something different - the new art-style already put me off completely.

Kowan said:
Shadow1980 said:
I'm hoping it isn't as bad as it seems, but I'm really not digging what I'm hearing from Square regarding FFVII:R. First there's the changes in the combat which push it towards what appears to be more like an action RPG. And now it's going to be broken into chunks, which also entails a digital-only release. All that's left is for them to eliminate the overworld and it'll be FFVII only in the sense of having the same characters, setting, and story. This is almost like if the next Zelda game were some Skyrim or Diablo clone.

When I first saw the FFVII remake announced, like everyone else I was super-excited, but every new bit of news I hear makes me less excited. I wouldn't have guessed "remake" meant throwing out everything that wasn't story-related. It really should have just been FFVII with modern-day graphics.

I don't think it will be digital only. They said they could not fit the whole game in one release so that means one episode is literally as big as one entire game. It will not be like the walking dead or life is strange.  Also read the latest interviews and info.

Don't mistake GB size for a large amount of game. Assets can take up a huge amount of space these days. The fact that Uncharted 4 will fit on a single Bluray disc must have taken a bit of work on part of Naughty Dog, and that's just with what will probably be about a 10 hour single player campaign and a multiplayer mode.

Nomura could go crazy expanding Midgar for example and make the one town take up 20GB on its own, if not more, with a ridiculous level of detail. I really don't doubt Nomura's ability to screw this up horribly, prioritizing pretty over the actual game content itself.


Shadow1980 said:
Kowan said:

I don't think it will be digital only. They said they could not fit the whole game in one release so that means one episode is literally as big as one entire game. It will not be like the walking dead or life is strange.  Also read the latest interviews and info.

I didn't have time to read the whole thread so I missed that. So, could it possibly mean they could do something like an annual release, with the game coming out on disc but the story broken up across multiple releases? Kinda like how the original PS1 release was on multiple discs, but this time the discs are released like a year apart?

As for the gameplay, are they trying to create a hybrid action/turn-based system? Is that the gist of it?

An annual release is a possibility if they make each episode as big as one full game. They're also adding more content and possibly including the story from the other ff7 games so that will contribute a lot to each episode. The original game already contained up to 20 hours or so of content in disc one alone and that's with you not being able to fully explore every thing.

I'm still confused on the battle system to be honest. They said ATB is still present but in a different way and the actions will be as fast as Dissidia but will not be too chaotic or too much like an action game or something. We still need further info on everything pretty much. Hopefully this upcoming Jump Festa in Japan(Square will be showing off FF7:R) will shed more light into these matters.

Nomura: We are planning some mechanism to dig deeper into each episodes. Players who have played the original version surely would know everything from the beginning to the end of the game, including some very important moments. And we are planning to give even such users surprises

plot twist: Aerith lives

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick