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PwerlvlAmy said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
im just wondering if they release it in pieces, that means exploration and things of that nature is going to take a hit and the game is going to become that much more linear

Even when we had the freedom to explore the world map there was a streamlined access to the places we could explore, limited to the car, Cid's airplane, etc.

It is all supposed to open up when you get the Highwind. I wonder how they will work all those things out, I mean, did they say there was an overworld?I can't remember.

1) I just dont get that if its indeed episodic in nature, i dont get how they'll let you backtrack and explore and everything of that nature


2) I feel to compensate for it being so massive in size that a lot of the towns,world map,exploration will be cut out of the game and it will be made in a more linear format such as you do the story and it then will take you to the area you need to go to,rather than being able to go there yourself 

If the remake does have an overworld then the exploration, which we eventually have when we get the Highwind, could be allowed in the later episodes. The first episodes could feature a partial overworld, limited equally to how it was with the orginal FF7, the rest of the world would look like 3d background.

Later episodes would just let you enter the towns you visited. I am sure that once you've played the first episodes and the cutscenes and story moments are experienced, then it wouldn't take much data to just let you go there and visit them for some possible sidequests and stuff.

2) If there is no overworld then yes, we could expect some open towns and then some shitty world map when you enter the Highwind or something and a pointer to click on towns to let the game drop you to them. Something similar to what was introduced with FFX.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: