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PwerlvlAmy said:
if they do yearly release like FF13,FF13-2,FF13-3 and such then its going to suck to get to a certain spot in the story and then bam wait till next year to continue

thats one thing that sucks about this too

Except FF13 in itself was a complete enough story, convoluted and awful as it was. Like someone else mentioned, SE saw money in sequels, and so they decided to lace together a seriously bad story across three games. It isn't episodic since each game on its own consitutes a complete experience, and the fact that you can get away with not having played any other entry while understanding each on an individual level.

People calling it FF7R-1, FF7R-2, etc., is seriously misleading. It will be more like:

Final Fantasy VII: Episode One - Midgar Crisis
Final Fantasy VII: Episode Two - Calm Before the Storm (because puns are necessary)
Final Fantasy VII: Episode Three - Gambling at the Gold Saucer

It really depends on Nomura how convoluted this gets with releases, but this is episodic. This won't be like the FF13 trilogy, nor will it be like the FF10 games. These are not FF#-# experiences, but more like Telltale games, splitting a single story into multiple pieces.