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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ono encourages Xbox One fans to buy a PS4 if they want to play Street Fighter 5


PS4...because street fighter 5 ?

No, Star Ocean 5 ! 13 3.46%
No, Nier 2. 18 4.79%
No, Shenmue 3!!! 17 4.52%
PS4, because all the jrpgs and Persona 5 116 30.85%
PS4, because the strong multigames 48 12.77%
PS4, because... 70 18.62%
see results 94 25.00%
synthetic said:
AsGryffynn said:
synthetic said:
DeusXmachina said:

Still on Xbox. i play with them frequently.

Fans of SF don't care about consoles they want the best version and a solid online that's why they played on Xbox. If Sony hadn't moneyhatted SF and forced everyone to play on PS everyone would still play on Xbox.

Proof? Reeks of tales from your ass, there is a way larger fighting scene on PS consoles.


LOL at people upset over this? People whi about deceptive PR, yet when someone is honest they get mad? GEt a grip.

You search for it, but I noticed this...

Also, there's honesty, there's deceptive PR, and then there is this... we call it trolling...

Telling the straight facts is trolling? Sounds liek you are too invested in the console war and are ovrly sensitive. Anyone getting upset over this is a child.

Telling the facts is telling people "we do not have any plans for an Xbox One port". Not "you can save $300 for a PS4"... The KH 1.5 exec told the facts ("sorry, but it is a Playstation 3 exclusive").

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synthetic said:
WC4Life said:

Real Talk.

More liKE bs, Aand nothng to dfo with this gen wherre the best versions of games are not on xbox. He said they would still be on xbox...tales from his ass.

It's true man about the major fighters (SFIV, UMVC3, SF3rd Strike, etc) all being played on the 360 because of that 1 frame advantage. Trust me I know Sony is where the fighters go, but last gen was about the 360 because of that reason. It's not because the FGC is a bunch of fanboys. To play a fighting game professionally, it has to have perfect frames, or damn near perfect. It has to be precise. That's the only reason why the 360 was chosen over the PS3. It wasn't nothing personal against Sony.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

Or I'll play it on my PC.">"><img src="

Will SFV help PS4 sell more than Tomb Raider is helping Xbox One?


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!

FentonCrackshell said:
Will SFV help PS4 sell more than Tomb Raider is helping Xbox One?

What do you think?.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Around the Network
DeusXmachina said:
synthetic said:

PS4 is not the ps3, things change... and again I am waiting for proof, not baseless statements. Pretty much all PRO players? You named 3, again facts please.


Ps4 would be the best version, so you are not helping your argument, stop living in last gen, most already or would be moving to PS4 anyway.

Lmao, what do you want me to do list the names of 100+ players? Just look for online matches of any top player and you will see where they play.

PS4 version and Xbox are the same. The reason that i said most players would still be on Xbox is because not everyone has upgraded on a PS4 or has the money for a new fightstick. And if Sony was as sure as you were about everyone playing on PS4 then they wouldn't have moneyhatted the game.

P.S.: I'm still waiting for you to grow a pair and post with your true account.

Why would they be the same when 99% of games run and look better on ps4? You are going in circles and making zero sense....also I am still waiting for proof not your word.

They never money hatted the game.....every multiplat sells way better on PS4, you are being ridiculous, ONO said they never even had funding and would not for years so sony stepped in and paid for development, you know more the the games director?

Why would SFV sell worse on Ps4 with a 15 million and growing install base lead? Sony does not need to mney hat naything, the majority will move to PS4 regardless.


Name 1 game Capcam made this gen without a platform holder behind it? They are not in good shape financially.

FentonCrackshell said:
Will SFV help PS4 sell more than Tomb Raider is helping Xbox One?

Doesa bear shit in the woods? Either way it's irrelevant, ps4 doesn't need help.

Rafie said:
synthetic said:

More liKE bs, Aand nothng to dfo with this gen wherre the best versions of games are not on xbox. He said they would still be on xbox...tales from his ass.

It's true man about the major fighters (SFIV, UMVC3, SF3rd Strike, etc) all being played on the 360 because of that 1 frame advantage. Trust me I know Sony is where the fighters go, but last gen was about the 360 because of that reason. It's not because the FGC is a bunch of fanboys. To play a fighting game professionally, it has to have perfect frames, or damn near perfect. It has to be precise. That's the only reason why the 360 was chosen over the PS3. It wasn't nothing personal against Sony.

Which would favour ps4...what does 360 have to do with anything? Stop living in 2012. Are you saying x1 would run it better then ps4? It's not rocket science, ps4 would be the best version, and most pro players would be switching regardless.

pbroy said:
That's awesome!!

Almost as good as the classic, "Want a PS3? Get a job" 😆

Even with the article linked, you misquote Kuturagi and instead go with the gaming journalism spin on what he said.

"for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else.".

That doesn't mean "get a job. Get two jobs, ya lazy bum". It means that the goal of the PS3 was to become so desirable that people will work more hours just to get it (working "more hours" doesn't necessarily mean "get two jobs" btw. There is such a thing as overtime). A trip to Europe would cost me $3,000 with the flight, hotels, and spending money. But do travel agencies tell me to "get a job. get two jobs" if I want to afford to go? No. They just make trip packages that are so attractive that you will work as much as you need to to be able to purchase them. That is what Kuturagi meant. He was presenting something so good (at least, that's what he wanted to believe it was) that you would want to work more hours to get it. Just like any expensive thing anybody wants. 

How did "feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else" get spun into "get a job, get two jobs" and people, in turn, have ran with it for almost a decade......when the exact quote is right there?

Not to mention, if he did say "get a job", well, how else is somebody supposed to buy a game console, otherwise? Somebody has to work to earn the money to get it. So even the misquote doesn't have grounds for mocking.

BMaker11 said:
pbroy said:
That's awesome!!

Almost as good as the classic, "Want a PS3? Get a job" 😆

Even with the article linked, you misquote Kuturagi and instead go with the gaming journalism spin on what he said.

"for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else.".

That doesn't mean "get a job. Get two jobs, ya lazy bum". It means that the goal of the PS3 was to become so desirable that people will work more hours just to get it (working "more hours" doesn't necessarily mean "get two jobs" btw. There is such a thing as overtime). A trip to Europe would cost me $3,000 with the flight, hotels, and spending money. But do travel agencies tell me to "get a job. get two jobs" if I want to afford to go? No. They just make trip packages that are so attractive that you will work as much as you need to to be able to purchase them. That is what Kuturagi meant. 

How did "feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else" get spun into "get a job, get two jobs" and people, in turn, have ran with it for almost a decade......when the exact quote is right there?

Not to mention, if he did say "get a job", well, how else is somebody supposed to buy a game console, otherwise? Somebody has to work to earn the money to get it. So even the misquote doesn't have grounds for mocking.

dude, learn to laugh a little...


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