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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Personal Opinion: I am glad America is taking over the gaming industry again.

Even if the west wasn't the leading market for video games now, we'll still get the so called westernized Japanese games. Either way, I don't care who makes the software as long as it's good. It's not I'm like buying a car or anything like that, and if I was, I'd probably buy a Japanese car.

.- -... -.-. -..

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Considering that I like japanese games a lot, I have to disagree with you. Sure, some western devs helped moved the industry forward in some ways but most of 'em are ass backwards on some things like launching a game before it is patched/polished. They've been pushing that way too far. Only some western devs do a good job with their games. Is there any point in buying a western game til 6 months after it's been released in the hopes that it's patched to a bearable level at that point?

Games from different regions do have a different feel.
I don't believe some american guy would have done Rayman the way Ancel did. And STALKER or Metro feel different from american FPS.

1. Games should be good
2. Diversity please. Neither japanese nor american dominance but real variety.

NewGuy said:

I am as patriotic as they come and more tech jobs in America is great.

I will say it's more of a fact that my taste has changed as opposed to being patriotic. When I was a kid I only played JP games. Mario, MK, FF, RE, Onimusha, DQ, MGS, etc etc etc with the occasional Lucas Arts game and Crash game here and there. Fair to say that - at that time - my favorite developers probably were Nintendo, Square/SE, Capcom, Konami.

Nowadays though, I gotta say my taste is almost 100% western (which includes EU developed games). Favorite games last generation were Uncharted 2, TLOU, Portal, L4D1+2, GTAV, RDR, Killzone 2. My favorite developers today are Naughty Dog, Valve, R*, and the like. I'm really looking forward to Uncharted 4 and Horizon.

I think JP developers have not kept up with western developers.

They are both amazing and you say that you're patriotic?

la le lu le lo

Do you respond?

la le lu le lo

They are coming for you

la le lu le lo


Yeah the only REAL Patroits are ones from MGS *SALUT!*

Yes I am a lil hyper right now so....


( •_•) I wear my
( •_•)>⌐■-■ ...
Sunglasses at night (⌐■_■)

Great games, are great wherever they come from.I do like Japanese games more, though. Less generic crap.

Also, your patriotic nonsense amuses me.

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Don't look like so. European and Japanese devs even from outliers like China etc are looking like doing a comeback this gen.

Enjoy it while you can.

Europe is coming for you ;)


So a japanese company dominating everybody and their mother with the PS4 equals the US taking over the gaming industry.... rrrrrrrright!

I like japanese games more, because they tend to have more fresh ideas than generic shooter #244. Creativity doesn't matter too much in the west, it's all about cost efficiency and maximum profit. How do you achieve that? Of course not with entirely new games with new gameplay ideas, nah. Give the people some Halo 5, some Uncharted 4, some Fallout 4 and whatever series you may find that isn't milked to death already, yai! Yearly Assassin's Creed, FIFA, Calladooty, you name it, isn't being a gamer wonderful?

Whatever, I'm sure american developers will fuck it all up sooner or later. Americans are pretty good at fucking up. So look forward to the next crash! I'm sure europe and japan won't be affected too much.

Ok, that was a little harsh. At least we have indie developers nowadays who bring awesome new games that feel fresh and just make a hell lot of fun. Undertale was a blast for example! So Americans can indeed make good games - if there isn't some multi-billion dollar company behind them pushing them like there's no tomorrow.

tl;dr: Japan > Europe > USA

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

USA devs have yet to release a single Dragon Quest. I'm not seeing any ruling happening here whatsoever.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

You need to find a better shtick