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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony & Microsoft To Roll Out New IP Gaming Consoles

well it should be no secret they are working on a replacement, but i stick to my original idea that this will be a long generation for all consoles end at earliest 2015.

we all know sony and nintendo are both working on their replacements.

the rest uf the stuff me, we will see if any solid retail solution makes in roads. I favor digital downloads, but not to my console, maybe if i could transfer it there. I fell that will be the way most of the market goes. DVD will continue to out see blueray until dvd is artaficialy killed off to force people into blueray/downloads. I think this will only increase piracy though, since people seem to have isue with paying 6-20 dollars for a movie on dvd, where blue ray seems to be 39-59.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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"Oh and how does this rip anyone off? They have stated they will continue to support the 360 far into the next consoles life time."

It rips off customers because they do not get new games anymore. PS2 owners could buy great games for 7 years. XBox owners had a heavy paperweight after 3. If they do it again they could also imprint a "We hate our customers" on their forehead.

The Sony thing sounds like the PSX. Perhaps it will be more successful this time. (or not).

Rock_on_2008 said:
Jessman a huge MS fanboy. BTW are you sharky?

Are you kidding me?... i just said the title had "Sony" in it.


I read this earlier and was just betting someone would wack it here. The title of the article and the thread is completely baseless. MS has said nothing on the matter of a new console or any supposed release date. The only mention of a "possible" new console comes from a Sony rep who clearly shows his statement's intent and bias when he remarks

It is the only thing that has kept Microsoft in the gaming market.

We were lucky in that we took the gamble and built in a Blu ray player into the PS3. This and great games plus an excellent processor has helped us in the market. We also have the PS2 which is still selling extremely well. Microsoft is struggling and need a new gaming and entertainment solution quicker than we do. In many Countries like Australia bandwidth is still slow so until we see fast broadband in every Country Blu ray is still the best solution to watch high quality content

It's clear that the piece is merely a Sony PR job to push sales of its bluray PS3, and that the author simply has the aforementioned title to ensure he gets a response.

I enjoy all consoles, but it would be nice to see news posts limited to "news" and not blatant PR exercises by either Sony or Microsoft.

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



It's different this time due to MS' better deals with nVidia etc. They won't kill off X360 early.

2015 would be nuts.

Why do they need new consoles? The existing ones are perfectly capable of handling IP.

Sony have already stated that they are working on a "cut-down" version of the PS3, with "significant changes to the drive bay" section.

Cheaper consoles?


Everyone is doing this. Tivo is, Apple is, even TVs will have built in IP handling. In a couple of years time, its going to be no big deal at all.

The real limiting factor is the quality of internet connections - not the web download/display tech.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Around the Network

Rock on, no Sony console has lasted for 10 years. (though the Ps2 is darn well there)

Only the Nes and Snes have lasted that long.

Ot: Microsoft is messing up the console cycle! They are going to fast! They could at least give it till 2013! They are rushing things out like Apple with the Ipod. (that will hurt the Wii and Ps3 a little. in America that is.)

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

It really means MS knows the current X360 is doomed, and soon the game makers will follow...

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


Jessman said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Jessman a huge MS fanboy. BTW are you sharky?

Are you kidding me?... i just said the title had "Sony" in it.

Didn't you get the memo??

It doesn't matter if you're right or not, all 360 fanboys are to be prosecuted and attacked on site...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Im calling BS on this.

If Microsoft was planning on releases a new console to replace 360 in late 09/early 2010 then they would be hitting their core market - Hardcore gamers preety hard...

Not to mention the fact that it suggests that we would be hearing about the console preety soon ( like hints about it at E3, TGS then unvieling at CES09?)... which would hurt the 360 sales wise. Who wants to buy a 360 when its going to be replaced in 12 months ?
Ohh and i doubt SONY or Nintendo would even give Microsoft credit for the move -- it would be more of a 7.5 gen consoel than a 8th gen console ...

I enjoy my 360; however, I will NEVER buy another MS console as an early adopter. I will wait to make sure it is reliable AND until they have some games out on it. The first year of the 360 was dreadful for software, even worse than the ps3's first year.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450