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well it should be no secret they are working on a replacement, but i stick to my original idea that this will be a long generation for all consoles end at earliest 2015.

we all know sony and nintendo are both working on their replacements.

the rest uf the stuff me, we will see if any solid retail solution makes in roads. I favor digital downloads, but not to my console, maybe if i could transfer it there. I fell that will be the way most of the market goes. DVD will continue to out see blueray until dvd is artaficialy killed off to force people into blueray/downloads. I think this will only increase piracy though, since people seem to have isue with paying 6-20 dollars for a movie on dvd, where blue ray seems to be 39-59.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog