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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Paris Game Week Thread

Ruler said:
this is the worst conference so far from Sony, E3 and TGS were better this year.

The Good
Uncharted MP butter smooth 60fps and looks still good

the neutral
the indies
GT7 announcement but no gameplay
more Playstation VR titles but no price or release

the bad
showing often times footage we already have seen for a lot of the stuff
no release date for PSnow in europe which i dont care about to be honest
no BC, yeah yeah Sony we shouldnt waste our time with Nostalgia...

this conference lacked any kind of surprises and you can see i predicted they would show quantic dreams new game and granturismo in my original post which were the only worthwhile stuff of the show

so uncharted 4 wasn't good? Your comment is false :P

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I liked the part about VR especially the dinosaurs . I was also pleased with the two new announcements and seeing more of Dreams, R&C, Wild and ofcourse Horizon new Dawn. First half hour sucked donkeyballs as usual with Sony shows, the housemarque trailer looked awesome although I still do nat have a clue what that game is except for shooting red crystals.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

plenty of awesome stuff and most of it EXCLUSIVE on ps4

Some people are gonna be disappointed cause different people want different things (and that's true the most when it comes to PS over other consoles). That's just how it is
It might sound weird but i'd be happier with PSNow coming to EU than Detroid. Or over Crytek's "VR tech demo that's probably going to bomb hard". Just as an example. Again, that's just how it is.

The conference was decent, but nothing more than that.Horizon footage, Detroit were amazing, but the rest was decent, with the VR part for me mediocre.I was hoping for a better conference

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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the only thing I thought was bad was the audience.

Roronaa_chan said:

Some people are gonna be disappointed cause different people want different things (and that's true the most when it comes to PS over other consoles). That's just how it is

I was thinking of how to respond to the "I can't believe people didn't like this" posts but you nailed it in one really.  I don't know what the theme running through the vast majority of games shown was that made me not interested in them, but it was there.  

I didn't even have any expectations, and came away with a resounding "ehh" from this.

 nice cover :).

GamechaserBE said:

 nice cover :).


why is Tekken 7 PSVR for? fighting in first-person mode??