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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do these sales numbers surprise you? [Sony Still Dominant?!?]

sure, u can have this a few months wii will be ahead of ps2+ps3 since launches anyway

i will go ahead and take wii+ps2>ps3+360 for non-hd>hd and casuals>hardcore to show that ps3's strategy was flawed and nintendo's was right

it was a no-brainer to continue selling the most popular console of all-time (for now) how much credit do they really get? about as much as cleveland does for picking lebron?

Bets:Missed by 420k I bet leo-j vg$500 that wii will sell 31 million by 7/31/08.  Sorry, I don't think he has enough vg$ to make it with all of u that wish you could. Hit, with room to spare I bet kingofwale a 1-week ban that wii Americas ltd sales>360 Americas ltd sales as of the numbers for week ending 7/05/08 (using vgchartz homepage #s)


Wii will sell 18-20mil by 12/31/07  CHECKWii will sell 45mil+ WW by 12/31/08Wii will surpass PS2 sales WW by 11/17/11 (5yr anniversary)Wii Fit will hit 12mil sales in 2009MKWii+SSBB+Wii Fit+SMG > 50 mil sales by 2010 > gta4+mgs+gt5+ff13+haze+lbp
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MS and Nintendo's previous consoles sucked in comparison with the PS2. Gamecube was Nintendo's worst console ever, even out doing the Nintendo 64 in mediocrity. MS first console ever, XBox was a total failure which lasted only 4 years.
Both companies: Nintendo and MS have done extremely well to improve this generation. Gaining more market share and appeal with the Nintendo Wii and XBox 360.

Ha ha ha...

Hilarious, Mesoteto!

Make sure the shadow you chase is not the one you cast.

PS3 is doing well. People like to "kick a dog when it's down," but it's really doing about as well as the ps2 started, and we should see rapid sales improvement once some of its proven franchises actually come out and the price continues to fall.

People get so wrapped up in the console war that they forget that all three companies can actually be successful this cycle. It all boils down to ending this generation with more brand recognition and solid profits.

For the sake of gaming, I hope all three companies do well. Nobody sane wants a monopolistic, communist gaming environment.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

izaaz101 said:
ils411 said:
lots of sony hate going around here. but the op does have a point.

if i may take you all to the world of retail...companies dont compare market share on a per sku or brand basis, for example, coke. coca-cola doest go around and saying, hey, my coke regular has x% market share as comparted to your pepsi regualr y% market share. they usally go around saying, hey, my coke product line has x% market share and your pepsi product line only has y% market share.

it also makes sense that the op didnt include handheld since its a different market. much like how p&g and unilever categorizes their products under hair care and skin care. they dont combine these two when getting market shares as hair care and skin care are again different markets.

so if we consider current selling home consoles, and by current i mean home game consoles that are still being manufactured sold and supported, by brand, sony is still actually leading total unit sold as shown by the ops numbers regardless if its a ps2 or a ps3. and no, that is not cherry picking as we are considering current as already stated.

now if we talk about handhelds, ms has none so automatically they lose. anyway, in this market, nintendo has sonys ass so bad that its not even funny.

so in the end, in the home game console market, the sony brand name still regins supreme while in the hand held market nintendo is the king.

So from what I understand, you've decided to combine the different coke products (600mL botle meant for portable use, and the 2L bottle meant for party/home use) but differentiate the video game consoles into portable console and home console? Is that right?

Yes.  They are two distinct markets.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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Who said the PS3 was doing terribly when compared to PS2, and that it followed the GC/Xbox trendline?

VGC says differently:

Matter of fact, it's following EXACTLY the same as the PS2 almost

BMaker11 said:
Who said the PS3 was doing terribly when compared to PS2, and that it followed the GC/Xbox trendline?

VGC says differently:

Matter of fact, it's following EXACTLY the same as the PS2 almost


^^That was seriously the face I made when I read your post. This is
an argument that has come up many many times.
Try these: Japan - Europe - America

Europe matches up closely without the early data mucking things up. But the other two regions lag behind. This is clearly incongruent with the graph you linked, so lets look closer.

If you look at weekly sales from launch you can see that the PS3 has yet to show it can perform as well as the PS2 did during the holidays and is still performing under the PS2 during the normal part of the year as well. Just as a note, the reason the Wii is ahead of the PS2 on these graphs is because the PS2 didn't actually leap out to ridiculous sales right away, it actually took till its second year before it got a full head of steam. So even the Wii is going to have to show some muscle to keep pace in the coming weeks.

Also you could have checked the GC and Xbox trends to see there were problems. Even the GC & Xbox keep up for the first 40 weeks or so, just like the PS3. The PS3 cought back up due to holiday offsets but here in about 12 weeks (based on your graph) the PS3 will be competing against the PS2's first big holiday season and will likely fall behind.   

You really have to know what you're looking at with aligned launch graphs. Staggered launches, and the general performance throughout the lifetime of the consoles being compared can skew things quite a bit.

To Each Man, Responsibility

I personally think the title was just made wrong. If the subject is "Sony Still Dominant?!?", then portable consoles should absolutely be considered. That's pretty market wide. Not console specific.

But I understand the OP is only concerned with home consoles. (Though thats where the cherry picking accusations come in. 'Sony Dominant?!?' but only concern yourselves with home consoles.) But anyway. If you look at it, that Sony has sold more in total home consoles as opposed to Nintendo, sure, they have sold more consoles. I've never looked at that specific number myself. That did kinda surprise me.

So it does look like Sony is winning in total home console sales since Wii's launch. I do agree there are some people around that are counting Sony out, when they shouldn't.

Though I wouldn't myself call it 'Dominance' When Nintendo's sole supported console has sold 92% of the total that Sony's current gen and last gen console has sold (Since Wii's Release). And I certainly wouldn't say 'Sony Dominant?!?' when Nintendo's 2 supported video game systems have far outsold Sony's three.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

gj sqrl

it continues to amaze me how people continue to use ps2 ww graph instead of each region individually when the launches were so far apart

Bets:Missed by 420k I bet leo-j vg$500 that wii will sell 31 million by 7/31/08.  Sorry, I don't think he has enough vg$ to make it with all of u that wish you could. Hit, with room to spare I bet kingofwale a 1-week ban that wii Americas ltd sales>360 Americas ltd sales as of the numbers for week ending 7/05/08 (using vgchartz homepage #s)


Wii will sell 18-20mil by 12/31/07  CHECKWii will sell 45mil+ WW by 12/31/08Wii will surpass PS2 sales WW by 11/17/11 (5yr anniversary)Wii Fit will hit 12mil sales in 2009MKWii+SSBB+Wii Fit+SMG > 50 mil sales by 2010 > gta4+mgs+gt5+ff13+haze+lbp



 Yeah, with a comparison based on aligned launches you really need to break it down by region to make sure that there aren't descrepencies.  Things aren't quite as clear when doing a comparison over a given period of time, but in this case its clearly required.

To Each Man, Responsibility