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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Ballot Charts *Updated* Completely Closed!



See Results (if you do really?) 5 100.00%

Alright, mainly because of the amount of people who vote after I say the poll is done, I will start announcing 30 minutes before closing the poll the poll is almost closed.


The poll for Pokemon is almost closed. Leaning toward perfect/pretty reasonable

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Pokemon poll is officiall closed!


Well it looks like a tougher call to make here. Perfect has the most votes , but most of the votes themselves are distributed across the line. Usually the choice dwarfs the others or there was a natural tie-breaker. Ultimately, It'll be in the Pretty Reasonable slot now that I've took time to consider all the factors. 


Will update with next character soon

Ok so up next we have the anthromorphic duo loved all around by Nintendo fans from the first true 3D era. Banjo Kazooie!


Personally, I loved Banjo Tooie (didn't get the first) such an excellent game. Only missed one Jiggie in the Dinosaur area where you had to blow up a cheeky caveman's cheeks with a chick-robo-bomb. My brother did that though. Had a GBA flying cart racer as well. It was a fun spin-off, but not as fun.


In any case, voting-wise, I'm absolutely torn. Its one of my most be loved franchises. At the same time, after Rare's departure, things became a bit

depressing. Phil Spencer said he would be cool with having him in the game and its true Micro has worked with Nintendo in the past with Rare, but when I think about it, something is off. I'm fairly sure Nintendo was going to have him in the GC, but that decided against it due to Rare's buyout. (Someone call me out if I'm wrong though).

Admittedly, I was rather steamed by this whole process as I was with Rayman. With different reasons regarding circumstances of course. Truthfully though, I'm really unsure how it would turn out. I'm more open to it personally, but objectively I still have to say its unlikely.


What say you? 

Banjo and Kazooie is my most wanted Smash character, but I just can't see it happening.

As good as Banjo Kazooie would be in smash, it is highly doubtful.

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Alright, mainly because of the amount of people who vote after I say the poll is done, I will start announcing 30 minutes before closing the poll the poll is almost closed.

The poll for Banjo-Kazooie is almost closed. Leaning toward controversial/unlikely

Alright the Banjo-Kazooie poll is closed.

With over 50% of the votes, the Rare-ly (sorry) seen duo is placed in the controversial/unlikely place.

Not to say it was all bad though. There were some who voiced that despite voting controversial/unlikely they were eager to see B-K throw down with DK (not sorry). Thanks for voicing your opinions!

Next character up shortly

Let's face it. Ridley isn't coming to Smash. The sooner we accept Sakurai isn't going to add him the better. That being said, the iconic franchise deserves better representation. And I'm sure Sakurai hears us...






Joking. Couldn't help it. Seriously though there are very intersting characters in the Metroid Universe that get neglected by fans themselves way too much. Personally, I couldn't decide which to pick but, was one fan here that made a great pick.

Enter Rundas:

The definition of chill, cool, and cold all rolled into one. He is, by defintion, awesome. Much more than that, his personality pretty distinct among Nintendo characters, and his skill is up there with them. If fans want better Metroid representation other than Samus, they should pick characters like Rundas who hold a ton of merit. Though the only thing holding me back from saying go for it, is the whether or not Sakurai would go for killed off characters. One thing is for sure, he remembers him and other hunters through Dark Samus as an assist trophy, her most powerful technique being his. 

His potential moveset and possiblities as a character put him under pretty reasonable for me. What say you?

Alright 30 minutes left for voting!

... I may either extend this or save Rundas for another time.

Ok. I've decided to delay Rundas for another day.

Will bring up next character shortly