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Forums - Website Topics - gamrTalk Episode 1 - Smeags on Shibas, Shanoa and Moderating. Now closed to questions

*winks back at Smeags*


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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please use tables

There's still a ways to go though! But I have hope that with the amount of people who really care about this place, we'll see it through.
I agree. It will all work out I'm sure!
On something a little bit more upbeat, what's your favourite game/console?
Favorite game is Super Mario Galaxy 2. It is utterly sublime and a true joy to play. I'd say more but I have to save my gushing for a certain thread later this year. Favorite console... I'd have to say it's the Wii. Looking back on it, it operated such a unique space in the gaming world. And with all the amazing gaming memories I have of it... I gotta say that it's my favorite!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Smeags said:
Platina said:
Nice interview, Cone! was a good read..

One of my questions was answered (yay!) but my other two are..

Mac or PC? :p
How long did you lurk on VGC before you joined/used it regularly?

1. PC and Android!

2. When NSider (NOA's forums) shut down, I was thinking of either coming here or NeoGAF. So I signed up for both and waited. Since VGC didn't have a wait time, I got involved immediately, found myself surrounded by some great people (SuperMario128 was my first VGC friend), and never looked back. I think I have 6 posts on my GAF account, that's been active for 7 years. :P

Alright, thanks for your responses

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

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NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




Here lies the hidden threads. 

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Smeags said:
kljesta64 said:


if you had a billion in the bank and we met on the street and i asked you for a million would you give it to me ?

if not pls explain yourself i mean its only like 0.1% of your wealth

I'd probably just run around to every stranger asking "ARE YOU KLJESTA64?!" until I find you, then I'd embrace you and stuff a million dollar check down your back pocket.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Ka-pi96 said:
NiKKoM said:

please use tables

That would make it easier to see who said what!

Honestly I tried but it was pretty crazy due to the chat we used and how VGC interpreted it. Something to bear in mind for sure.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network

Nice chat between pals interview, guys.

Although I don't get the obsession with Shibas (yes, they're cute but not that cute), if that makes you happy


Oh, I have a question: name a place of the real world and a videogame world that you would like to visit.


As for your next interviewee, Cone, what about another veteran like Mummelmann or one of the newbies like Platina?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Conegamer said:

Honestly I tried but it was pretty crazy due to the chat we used and how VGC interpreted it. Something to bear in mind for sure.

you guys really should stop using Tinder to chat...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

JEMC said:

Oh, I have a question: name a place of the real world and a videogame world that you would like to visit.

I was particularly striken by the world of Lemuria from Child of Light. Pokemon is always a good choice (who wouldn't want to be a Pokemon trainer?). Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls is quite beautiful too (although a bit too deadly for my tastes).

As far as real world locations. I'd like to visit Ireland, UK, Germany, and Japan in my lifetime.

Then finish off by heading to Spain and visiting mi amigo mejor JEMC.

Smeags said:
JEMC said:

Oh, I have a question: name a place of the real world and a videogame world that you would like to visit.

I was particularly striken by the world of Lemuria from Child of Light. Pokemon is always a good choice (who wouldn't want to be a Pokemon trainer?). Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls is quite beautiful too (although a bit too deadly for my tastes).

As far as real world locations. I'd like to visit Ireland, UK, Germany, and Japan in my lifetime.

Then finish off by heading to Spain and visiting mi amigo mejor JEMC.

Nice choices (I agree with The Elder Scrolls being too deadly).

You can visit me whenever you want (I don't know what Wright will think about that), but who knows if I'll still be Spanish or just Catalan by then :-/.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Nice interview! Quick question, does you leaving the head mod position compromises the Master Plan in any way?

Signature goes here!