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Forums - General Discussion - Which is better? Futurama or the Simpsons

Love the argument that more episodes means better... actually I don't: seems pretty silly to me. But anywho...

Both are very good - but for me Futurama pips the Simpsons in terms of consistent quality and I just find the characters much more amusing.

Also, it has the "Amazon Women in the Mood" episode, which almost killed me so I must respectfully bow before a program that manages to be so amusing your very life is at stake laughing so much...

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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I'm going to go Futurama. At the end of the day i'd rather watch it, even if the Simpsons were distilled to it's best shows.

I've seen every episode of Futurama way more times then the simpsons, and I still laugh harder then I do at the majority of simpsons episodes... all of which i've seen much less off.

Besides, Futurama was great from show one. Simpsons took a while to build up into being real good before it hit it's downslide.


both are great but...Simpsons in a landslide.

Man come on, what is it 18 years for the simpsons? nobody is touching that for a long time. Family guy still has 11 or 12 years to go, south park is a few back, no cartoon show comes close.

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superchunk said:
Simpsons FTW!!!!!!

Longest running prime time show ever!!!!
Most original as well.

South Park, Futurama, and Family Guy have all rehashed Simpson's ideas. Granted that's easy for Futurama as it is from same group, but...Simpon's FTW.

+ 1,000,000

Best comment ever! - comic book guy...

Seriously though, your right, F.G. copies so many simpson ideas. South park even did a show called "The Simpsons did it". Great episode btw.

I'm back...

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London_Calling said:
both are great but...Simpsons in a landslide.

Man come on, what is it 18 years for the simpsons? nobody is touching that for a long time. Family guy still has 11 or 12 years to go, south park is a few back, no cartoon show comes close.

I wouldn't use length of time as an indicator. For example Sports Night was highly praised by critics and given lots of awards (and was an awesome show) and it had two seasons.

King of Queens has been on for like... 9 years.

The best way to judge shows in my opinion is to take your favorite few episodes and see which ones you really do like more... and see which episodes you dislike the most and compare them.

Only two Futurama episodes bug me. One after Bender's Big Score. That one... the poplers episode... so gross. Probably due to some latent guilt at not being a vegetarian that freaks me out or something.

That or just my love of popcorn chicken and that episode making it hard to eat said popcorn chicken.

Once I saw an episode of... some "Max" show... kid has a magic baseball cap... anyway, it's a bug episode and it closes with him eating a sanwhich that secretly has like a roach on it... and it fades out rihgt before you see him eat it, then you hear the bite that sounds like lettuce.

Since then I can't eat lettuce on sandwhiches.

Edit: Mighty Max!  The show was Mighty Max. 

Kasz216 said:
London_Calling said:
both are great but...Simpsons in a landslide.

Man come on, what is it 18 years for the simpsons? nobody is touching that for a long time. Family guy still has 11 or 12 years to go, south park is a few back, no cartoon show comes close.

I wouldn't use length of time as an indicator. For example Sports Night was highly praised by critics and given lots of awards (and was an awesome show) and it had two seasons.

King of Queens has been on for like... 9 years.

The best way to judge shows in my opinion is to take your favorite few episodes and see which ones you really do like more... and see which episodes you dislike the most and compare them.

Only two Futurama episodes bug me. One after Bender's Big Score. That one... the poplers episode... so gross. Probably due to some latent guilt at not being a vegetarian that freaks me out or something.

That or just my love of popcorn chicken and that episode making it hard to eat said popcorn chicken.

Once I saw an episode of... some "Max" show... kid has a magic baseball cap... anyway, it's a bug episode and it closes with him eating a sanwhich that secretly has like a roach on it... and it fades out rihgt before you see him eat it, then you hear the bite that sounds like lettuce.

Since then I can't eat lettuce on sandwhiches.

Edit: Mighty Max!  The show was Mighty Max. 

that is true man. But still Simpsons though, seriously I've probably watched the same episodes 5 times on re-run channels and I never get tired of it!

 theres the odd episode I'd skip, but not many.

I'm back...

London_Calling said:
Kasz216 said:
London_Calling said:
both are great but...Simpsons in a landslide.

Man come on, what is it 18 years for the simpsons? nobody is touching that for a long time. Family guy still has 11 or 12 years to go, south park is a few back, no cartoon show comes close.

I wouldn't use length of time as an indicator. For example Sports Night was highly praised by critics and given lots of awards (and was an awesome show) and it had two seasons.

King of Queens has been on for like... 9 years.

The best way to judge shows in my opinion is to take your favorite few episodes and see which ones you really do like more... and see which episodes you dislike the most and compare them.

Only two Futurama episodes bug me. One after Bender's Big Score. That one... the poplers episode... so gross. Probably due to some latent guilt at not being a vegetarian that freaks me out or something.

That or just my love of popcorn chicken and that episode making it hard to eat said popcorn chicken.

Once I saw an episode of... some "Max" show... kid has a magic baseball cap... anyway, it's a bug episode and it closes with him eating a sanwhich that secretly has like a roach on it... and it fades out rihgt before you see him eat it, then you hear the bite that sounds like lettuce.

Since then I can't eat lettuce on sandwhiches.

Edit: Mighty Max! The show was Mighty Max.

that is true man. But still Simpsons though, seriously I've probably watched the same episodes 5 times on re-run channels and I never get tired of it!

theres the odd episode I'd skip, but not many.

Fair enough. I've seen the simpsons episodes about that much. I've seen the Futurama epsiodes many many many times more though... as I hardly ever missed an episode on Cartoon Network as their is nothing on at that time of day. Often times watching both showings of said episodes.

I can watch futurama at 11 and laugh, then watch it at 2 and laugh, at completely different jokes.  I think futurama did a much better job of compressing humor and used more "subtle" jokes that a lot of people wouldn't even get.  Like their math jokes. 


Play B3yond

It is simple: Old Simpsons (seasons 1 through about 8 or 9) > Futurama > new Simpsons

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