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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Happy 30th Anniversary, Mario!!!! What was your very first Mario memory?

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Goodnightmoon said:
Chris Hu said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but since Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong in 1981 he actually is 34 already. Also that is actually the first Mario game I played and besides Pack Man its one of the best arcade games from the early 80s.

That was Jumpman, It was not called Mario until 2 years later and its first videogame with that name is Super Mario Bros, and the 30th anniversary is for that game.

Mario did appear in a game in 1983 but its Mario Bros. and not Super Mario Bros.   Mario Bros. is also the first game where Lugi made an appereance.  Also the first game where Mario is offically named Mario is Donkey Kong Junior from 1982.

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Chris Hu said:
Goodnightmoon said:
Chris Hu said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but since Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong in 1981 he actually is 34 already. Also that is actually the first Mario game I played and besides Pack Man its one of the best arcade games from the early 80s.

That was Jumpman, It was not called Mario until 2 years later and its first videogame with that name is Super Mario Bros, and the 30th anniversary is for that game.

The second game Mario appeared in is indeed from 1983 but its Mario Bros. and not Super Mario Bros.   Mario Bros. is also the first game where Lugi made an appereance.  Also the first game where Mario is offically named Mario is Donkey Kong Junior from 1982.

Yep you are right, I forgot about the Mario Bros arcade and I didn´t even know Donkey Kong Junior lol

But anyway, the true star was born with Super Mario Bros, also that was the game that defines the Mario gameplay and this anniversary is for that game

I played Donkey Kong and Mario Bro before I played Super Mario Bro and I'm pretty sure that most people that are over 40 like me did so also.

AlfredoTurkey said:

I can still remember playing it for the first time in 1985. A family friend of ours had just purchased an NES and had Duck Hunt/SMB. I was all of 6 years old and my little brain was just.... floored. I had already played a bunch of games on the Atari 2600 by that point and even some Magnavox Odyssey² games, but nothing was like the NES.

A few days later, my mom drove us to the store and I got my own system. Most innovative software ever imo.

That cartridge wasnt released until 1988 in the US. However the loose stand alones were both released in 1985.

A little fun fact 

In Sweden the NES was released on the 1st of september  1986 but the swedish importer (Bergsala AB) werent totally sold on Super Mario Bros just yet so they decided to launch the system with these games: Excite Bike, Tennis, Popeye, Mario Bros, Pinball and Ice Climber. The system came bundled with Ice Climber. It wasnt until May 1987 Super Mario Bros came to Sweden.

As for my answer to the thread, I cant really remember.. I am guessing either Mario Bros or Super Mario Bros in perhaps.. 1988 at some friends of the family.

I rember putting the original Mario for Nes on pause on the last level for 2.5 hrs when we had to leave for a bit. Also the infinite lives cheat.

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My first memory with Mario was with Super Mario World.I was little at tge time, but i became so addicted to that game that i played it over and over, amazed with its many secret passages and all, though i hardly finished the game in most of those playthroughs.

Happy Birthday Mario!

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Mbolibombo said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

I can still remember playing it for the first time in 1985. A family friend of ours had just purchased an NES and had Duck Hunt/SMB. I was all of 6 years old and my little brain was just.... floored. I had already played a bunch of games on the Atari 2600 by that point and even some Magnavox Odyssey² games, but nothing was like the NES.

A few days later, my mom drove us to the store and I got my own system. Most innovative software ever imo.

That cartridge wasnt released until 1988 in the US. However the loose stand alones were both released in 1985.


They had both carts. My cousin on the other hand, only had standard NES. Poor bastard had to rent games for like, two years because his parents wouldn't spend any money on games lol

The anniversary is indeed for the Super Mario series instead of the character, but anyway, congrats.

And I really don't remember that. All I know is when I started gaming, we didn't have Nintendo's ourselves. I had my mom's Odyssey2 and my aunt had the NES and SNES. I didn't get my own Nintendo system until I got the GameBoy likely in late 1995. I can be pretty sure about that because I got it (a classic, transparent model) as a gift from my would-be stepdad when he first started seeing my mother and I already had it and a couple games on a holiday the following year.

I'm not sure about the timing, but I think the SNES was already out at the time I started gaming, it was probably around 1993 at the age of 5, but it could be even sooner. I just don't know. Still, Duck Hunt on NES, or a certain shooter game on Odyssey2, is likely my very first game, I doubt she would have let me and my cousins play on her fancy SNES until some years later. I do remember having a big interest in A Link to the Past as a small kid though and always wanted to watch her play it. I likely also watched her play Super Mario World, but I never really got into that one.

Anyway, if Duck Hunt is my first game, then it stands to reason Super Mario Bros. was my first Mario game, because it was on the same cart. I'm not sure though, and my first real memory of playing Mario is playing Super Mario Bros. 3, on the same NES, but I'm not sure about the timing. I liked it, but didn't really think much of it until the GameBoy Advance port a decade later, when I started to see the game for the masterpiece it was.

On the old GameBoy I got Super Mario Land with it, and I definitely remember playing that a lot, but it was probably after I had played the NES Marios. I remember being pretty bad at it, and I never beat it, but I liked it's locales a lot, especially the Egyptian style pyramid levels. It's funny though, it seems like SMB and SMB 3 at the time didn't resonate much with me, though the latter still moreso than the first, seeing as I have only such a vague memory of playing them, while I can easily remember tons and tons of playing Duck Hunt and the black-box Soccer on NES or SML on GameBoy instead.

With Yoshi's Island though, shortly before the release of the N64, my fondness of Mario was finally and definitively realized. The game was immediately one of my all-time favorites and probably even my all-time favorite game, period, for a short period of time. Then, it even went past that brilliance with the seemingly perfect Mario 64, which made me revisit older Mario games, and made me get spin-offs like Mario Kart. After Mario Kart 64 I even went back to the SNES to play the first Mario Kart. After that I just got every Mario platformer and every Mario Kart that would get released and a host of other spin-offs. It took some years, but finally, halway through the '90s, Mario, and thus Nintendo, was there to stay.

Here's to another great 30 years of games!

My first Mario memory was in the late 80s, seeing a friend's family get a Nintendo, with the SMB/Duck Hunt cart. We all were still very young at the time, and had no idea that the game was longer than the first four levels. It was hard enough for us as it was, and we literally thought the first Bowser's Castle was the end of the game. So imagine our surprise, when an older kid came over, and beat World 1, revealing World 2 before our very eyes.

Child minds = blown.

I eventually got my own NES, though "late", around fall 1990, and of course Mario 1 was my first real gaming crush (I had flirted with Pac-Man and Dig Dug and other games in the arcades, as well as a few Atari and PC games, but I wasn't really INTO gaming into NES). But it was that Christmas, when I got a package that included, among other things, a copy of SMB3, that I had my first game that I absolutely fell in love with. Like madly in love, as in totally obsessed.

At some point I rented SMB2, and I'll fully admit that my initial experience with it, as a kid, was basically "WHAT, this isn't Mario!", because obviously it didn't play like the other two. But eventually I got my own copy of it, and grew to love it for what it was. I'll always love all four of the original Mario games (SMB4 = Mario World, obviously), but Mario 3 immediately became, and has to this day remained, not only my favorite Mario game of all time, but also my fav. video game of all time, period.

My first Mario memory was in 1996 when I first played Mario World! I was simply shit at the game. but I was still having tons of fun! Good times indeed.

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