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Forums - Politics Discussion - What is your opinion on the "Ashley Madison Hack"?


What is your opinion on the Ashley Madison Hack?

Website is at fault 10 3.36%
Website and users are at fault 34 11.41%
Everyone subject to hacking is a victim 44 14.77%
All cheaters should get screwed 75 25.17%
Cheating is no big deal, ... 8 2.68%
I hope I am not among the names leaked 11 3.69%
I keep my Love Pillow awa... 1 0.34%
Hackers, cheaters and the... 30 10.07%
The people cheated on and... 41 13.76%
I don't care. 44 14.77%
outlawauron said:
CladInShadows said:
The hackers are at fault. The website is negligent. The users of the Ashley Madison service are 100% victims.

All the "holier than thou" moral police who think these people deserved their fate are disgusting people. Mind your own business and realize that people were victims of a crime. Last I checked, infidelity wasn't a crime, while hacking and stealing sensitive information most certainly is.

So do you believe no one should face negative consequences for their actions?

So what about someone who for example despises porn users. What if they hacked into your life and disclosed private information to embarrass because of some website you might have looked at 8 years ago? 

Are they in the right? 

To me too, if you needed to find out through a website that your significant other is cheating on you, there's probably far bigger issues in your relationship that have been going on for a long time. 

I notice none of you guys want to touch what about couples who worked through this infidelity (like millions of couples do). Do they deserve to have this made public? What about the guy who signed up half-jokingly and never followed through on anything? He deserves to have this made public too? His kid's friends deserve to know that? His wife needs to be embarrassed by that too?

Yeah you probably didn't consider any of that, just were in a mad rush to shout "cheaters R bad mmmmmmk" from the rooftop. 

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I am conflicted because 60% of relationships have infidelity (or so I am told). And it is in human nature to have multiple people to have sex with. Not only that but society does not condemn those cool drunken cheaters much at all.

I would never cheat unless she wanted to swing. But having multiple partners is a natural thing and divorce rates are facilitating that. Being stuck with the same person was created by kings in authority long ago.

Farsala said:
I am conflicted because 60% of relationships have infidelity (or so I am told). And it is in human nature to have multiple people to have sex with. Not only that but society does not condemn those cool drunken cheaters much at all.

I would never cheat unless she wanted to swing. But having multiple partners is a natural thing and divorce rates are facilitating that. Being stuck with the same person was created by kings in authority long ago.

I think Chris Rock said it best "a man is as faithful as his options" ... most men don't cheat because realistically they won't get much/any upgrade on their current GF/wife. 

It's not worth it. Many guys ride out unhappy marriages too, just because the repurcussions to divorce are wildly slanted against men. 

Honestly though I think society teaches us to be ashamed of sex, but the truth is, if we didn't have an overwhelming desire to stick our dicks into things (to put it bluntly) and for women to be drawn to that, the human race likely would've been wiped out many times over. It's an evolutionary hard wiring to want to fuck and to want to fuck different people, that desire is not there by accident and it cannot be just "turned off". 

If human beings were passive sexual beings who just "kinda" liked sex and were willing to settle for any kind of sex and where more into lovely dovey romance, such a "limp dick" species (to put it another way) would not have survived to become the dominant species on the planet today. We crave sex, affection, validation, it's at the center of being a human, and just because movies say "happily ever after" doesn't mean that's how marriages will end up.  

Farsala said:
I am conflicted because 60% of relationships have infidelity (or so I am told). And it is in human nature to have multiple people to have sex with. Not only that but society does not condemn those cool drunken cheaters much at all.

I would never cheat unless she wanted to swing. But having multiple partners is a natural thing and divorce rates are facilitating that. Being stuck with the same person was created by kings in authority long ago.

Just because something is deemed "natural" doesnt mean that its right. If that were the case why would we need laws? and I dont think having multiple partners is natural dont know what the hell your basing that off. I know people who are high school sweethearts and been married for 30+ years, 

metroidking said:
Farsala said:
I am conflicted because 60% of relationships have infidelity (or so I am told). And it is in human nature to have multiple people to have sex with. Not only that but society does not condemn those cool drunken cheaters much at all.

I would never cheat unless she wanted to swing. But having multiple partners is a natural thing and divorce rates are facilitating that. Being stuck with the same person was created by kings in authority long ago.

Just because something is deemed "natural" doesnt mean that its right. If that were the case why would we need laws? and I dont think having multiple partners is natural dont know what the hell your basing that off. I know people who are high school sweethearts and been married for 30+ years, 

If having one single partner all your life is natural then your body should "naturally" turn off any type of attraction to anyone else the moment you find "the one". But we all know that certainly doesn't happen. 

I'm in a happy commited relationship too, to a very attractive woman, but I'm not going to lie and say I change the channel when I see a sexy woman on the TV or I've never, ever once while dating her ever thought of having sex with a different girl. Pretty much all married men look at porn, and they sure as hell are not thinking about their wife when going through their porn stash. 

I know people who are in 30+ year relationships and didn't even know each other before marriage (arranged marriage) and honestly their marriage is stronger than anyone elses marriage that I know. But that doesn't mean romance or the courtship period is completely invalid. 

Modern marriage is just a man made creation to keep society somewhat more streamlined and mostly to protect the rights of a woman for the sake of child rearing. If there was some terrible war/plague or something that wiped out say 90% of humanity, their value system would likely change in a hurry and men would likely be encouraged to fuck and women would be encouraged to be promiscious because it would be advantagous to society to repopulate quickly.

But that's kinda beside the point in this instance (though a fun conversation), I don't think the hackers are in the right. 

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For me its the intent, if someone's out getting drunk and flirts then ends up in bed with someone, sure its cheating but its a spur of the moment thing, these people actively saught to cheat, signed up to a service that cost money to do just that and even paid extra to help conceal thier actions, in my opinion that's significantly worse.

So I'm in favor of the hack, it sucks that the spouses end up victims but they already were victims, with cheating partners they were exposed to potential STD's, diseases, and the potential to be left at any point if thier partner got too attached to thier new interest.

They say rip off the bandaid fast because while it hurts like hell for a while, it hurts less than peeling slowly, the same applies here, all those people being cheated on get to end it and move on abeit with some embarrassment, or have thier partners "learn a lesson" and potentially end thier infidelity.

Besides, I don't see anything but support given to people who's partners were exposed.

Soundwave said:
outlawauron said:

So do you believe no one should face negative consequences for their actions?

So what about someone who for example despises porn users. What if they hacked into your life and disclosed private information to embarrass because of some website you might have looked at 8 years ago? 

Are they in the right? 

To me too, if you needed to find out through a website that your significant other is cheating on you, there's probably far bigger issues in your relationship that have been going on for a long time. 

I notice none of you guys want to touch what about couples who worked through this infidelity (like millions of couples do). Do they deserve to have this made public? What about the guy who signed up half-jokingly and never followed through on anything? He deserves to have this made public too? His kid's friends deserve to know that? His wife needs to be embarrassed by that too?

Yeah you probably didn't consider any of that, just were in a mad rush to shout "cheaters R bad mmmmmmk" from the rooftop. 

You're not actually responding to anything I said. While I agree that airing all of this dirty landry doesn't actually mean the people listed are guilty of cheating. It's quite different here than most embarrasing sites as it's only listing people who have paid money for membership....

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Lawlight said:
metroidking said:

Yip thats right

Incorrect. If someone commits suicide because he is being blackmailed, the blackmailer doesn't have blood on their hands?

This is a poor analogy, a more accurate one would be, a person's convicted of a crime and while under arrest/in prison, commits suicide, is that then the fault of the judge or arresting officer? No.

Soundwave said:

Except hacking is against the law. There is no law against cheating (sorry), so legally that has no basis.

Adultery is still a crime in 21 US states and many countries across the world. (Sorry)

I'm glad the cheaters got exposed since cheating is one of the most disgusting things to do, but at the same time i'm very sympathetic for these people. :/