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Farsala said:
I am conflicted because 60% of relationships have infidelity (or so I am told). And it is in human nature to have multiple people to have sex with. Not only that but society does not condemn those cool drunken cheaters much at all.

I would never cheat unless she wanted to swing. But having multiple partners is a natural thing and divorce rates are facilitating that. Being stuck with the same person was created by kings in authority long ago.

I think Chris Rock said it best "a man is as faithful as his options" ... most men don't cheat because realistically they won't get much/any upgrade on their current GF/wife. 

It's not worth it. Many guys ride out unhappy marriages too, just because the repurcussions to divorce are wildly slanted against men. 

Honestly though I think society teaches us to be ashamed of sex, but the truth is, if we didn't have an overwhelming desire to stick our dicks into things (to put it bluntly) and for women to be drawn to that, the human race likely would've been wiped out many times over. It's an evolutionary hard wiring to want to fuck and to want to fuck different people, that desire is not there by accident and it cannot be just "turned off". 

If human beings were passive sexual beings who just "kinda" liked sex and were willing to settle for any kind of sex and where more into lovely dovey romance, such a "limp dick" species (to put it another way) would not have survived to become the dominant species on the planet today. We crave sex, affection, validation, it's at the center of being a human, and just because movies say "happily ever after" doesn't mean that's how marriages will end up.