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Forums - Movies & TV - Why has the DC Comic brand struggled in movies?

d21lewis said:
I just had a crazy revelation! Kingdom Come is Civil War! I was reading it tonight and I was like "Holy Shit!"

-A Super Hero tragedy that is caused by recklessness
-Teams of heroes fighting each other
-Heroes allying themselves with villains
-a super prison with superhero wardens
-Captain America dies (he and a lot of Marvel heroes are hidden in the final tragic battle

Marvel STOLE their biggest storyline in decades!

You kidding, you know comics, 50+ comics a month published by 2 companies alone, there are bound to be clashes in story telling.

... although, I never realised that. Great deduction.

I'm still annoyed that big things in Marvel recently are just a ripoff of Earth X, female Thor and the T-Mist bomb being released. I give it a few years and we will see the return of Mar-Vell. 

Hmm, pie.