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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Now the rumors can finally stop: NX is a home console, and not a "fusion/combination" device

Nah, it doesn't disprove the possibility of a fusion console at all.

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I may missed something... but this does not prove anything. We already know there's at least a homeconsole variant considering Tanabe's and Reggie's comments, but nothing disproves a Fusion.

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we just know that DQXI would come to PS4 and 3DS, and possibly NX to Japan. We didn't even know if it would come to the west. So lets just wait and see and don't assume a lot of things.

BasilZero said:
V-r0cK said:
It could just mean the NX is a handheld and it'll be getting a HD Remaster of the 3DS version.

That would be awesome though ;o


If for whatever reason it is a "fusion" system - I hope it lets you connect to the TV like the PSP 2000/3000 did.

Agreed! I loved that feature on the PSP/PSP Go while using the DS3 controller.  

I feel it was ahead of its time as the whole need to purchase both the PS4 & PS Vita for cross-play/save is a step back.

If it's just a home console then it will probably do worse than the Wii U...


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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MoHasanie said:
If it's just a home console then it will probably do worse than the Wii U...

Don't be so pessimistic, we don't know anything about it yet! :). They made an amazing comeback in the Wii/DS days, I think that Nintendo is capable of do something great.

Burek said:


With today's announcement or DQXI for PS4, as well as for 3DS and NX, it is clear and obvious that NX will actually be a straight up home console, just like all the others before from NES to WiiU.

It is not a fusion device (why make a 3 DS version), it is not Android, it is not any freak of nature...just straight up TV console.

Now, of course we cannot know its power, as we've only seen a PS4 version, but my guess is that it will be of comparable strength (a bit more or less than PS4).

Hopefully this will end all those multi device fusion nonsense rumors to rest.

Sorry OP, well have to endure one more year of dumb fusion comments that don't even make sense.


Yeah it's such a great idea, i can't wait to play the newest 2D handheld JRPGon a big screen, it's not a stupid idea at all.

Yay stretched pixels!

Volterra_90 said:
MoHasanie said:
If it's just a home console then it will probably do worse than the Wii U...

Don't be so pessimistic, we don't know anything about it yet! :). They made an amazing comeback in the Wii/DS days, I think that Nintendo is capable of do something great.

Nintendo got lucky with the Wii and Its unlikely that they will be so lucky with the NX. Plus the console would release during the peak of the X1 and PS4's lives, so it would be even harder for Nintendo to convince people to buy it. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

That's just a game announcement, so...

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

MoHasanie said:
Volterra_90 said:

Don't be so pessimistic, we don't know anything about it yet! :). They made an amazing comeback in the Wii/DS days, I think that Nintendo is capable of do something great.

Nintendo got lucky with the Wii and Its unlikely that they will be so lucky with the NX. Plus the console would release during the peak of the X1 and PS4's lives, so it would be even harder for Nintendo to convince people to buy it. 

I wouldn't count on it too, but I will let myself be surprised by them. If they did it once they can do it again. Or, at least, they could sell better than this gen. They could come with a new and amazing concept which will sell a lot of hardware. We don't know yet. But, yeah, failure is another option too.