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Burek said:


With today's announcement or DQXI for PS4, as well as for 3DS and NX, it is clear and obvious that NX will actually be a straight up home console, just like all the others before from NES to WiiU.

It is not a fusion device (why make a 3 DS version), it is not Android, it is not any freak of nature...just straight up TV console.

Now, of course we cannot know its power, as we've only seen a PS4 version, but my guess is that it will be of comparable strength (a bit more or less than PS4).

Hopefully this will end all those multi device fusion nonsense rumors to rest.

Sorry OP, well have to endure one more year of dumb fusion comments that don't even make sense.


Yeah it's such a great idea, i can't wait to play the newest 2D handheld JRPGon a big screen, it's not a stupid idea at all.

Yay stretched pixels!