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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Console War (MY TWO CENTS)


Wii ware-Fatal Frame 4-Street Fighter 4-Sonic Unleashed-guitare hero 3-Disaster-wii fit-mario kart-Sadness-Games who actually use Wii Board...i dont know but, seem big enough for me.By the way,im a proud owner of P.E.S 2008  Wii and it kill all the other soccer game.

My Wii code:3553-1619-3236-0339

my Brawl Code:0860-2912-9428

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Gamer4eva said:
Well then what are the problems of the PS3 in your opinion, Onyxmeth?

1. No hardware backwards compatibility and only the higher end model coming with any BC at all through software emulation. It burns because where there used to be an option open for those wanting it, there is now none.

2. Third party support is getting better as far as quality but it hasn't been fixed. This is a recurring problem and a problem that will always exist in the early PS3 lineup. If I want to go back and play some of those early games, they will always be of poor quality. I also would like to point out that for every Call of Duty 4 and Burnout Paradise that turns out equal, there is still an Orange Box and Lost Planet port to bring those problems back into the forefront. Getting better? Yes. Solved? Not by a long shot.

3. The online. Those with the willingness to pay for a better online service like myself, would rather Sony deliver something great I can pay for so I can feel like I'm getting the full package. Another $40 a year for Xbox Live isn't much to me when I know it's a well handled fully featured online. The lathargic attitude with getting Home up and running isn't helping matters any. Wasn't it supposed to be here by Fall last year? Now it's Fall this year? Get with it already

4. The games. It's been long enough already, how about some top notch software I can't pick up for a 360? You can say 2008 is the year, but I remember 2007 being the year for Sony until MGS4, GTAIV, Haze and Home(not a game but still...) all saw a huge push back. You can throw a gargantuan lineup at me for PS3 software in 2008 and I can say watch some of those real late year titles see a 2009 release now. I didn't buy a 360 until the games arrived and were there on my lap to play, and that's the way to buy a console. Not off potential, but off what's here and now.

5. The dead in the water SixAxis function on the controller. Why put the damn thing in there if it doesn't work properly and/or nobody is going to design for it? We're paying for technology in a controller that's not even being put to use. 

6. Unless you also game on the PC you're missing out on a lot of great PC/360 only games and there seems to be no stopping that. Microsoft has most of it's non-PS3 lineup this year in cahoots with the PC. Games like Left 4 Dead, Splinter Cell Conviction, Blood Bowl, Universe At War, Age of Conan, APB, Champions Online, Huxley(2009 now), Supreme Commander, etc. For those of us that wish to not game on our PCs, but would like to have a portion of their lineup, the 360 is the way to go, and the PS3 is not.

None of this means I feel the PS3 is a bad console. I could easily make many examples on the Wii and 360's problems as well. This is to show that the PS3 is not the perfect console, it does have legitimate problems, and you did not address them in your two cents like you did with the Wii and 360. 


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Why do people have to troll for everything, you guys cant have one normal discussion about his post without screming out " YOUZ SUCKZER!! FAILEDzz!!"

What are you 11 or something?


leo-j said:
Why do people have to troll for everything, you guys cant have one normal discussion about his post without screming out " YOUZ SUCKZER!! FAILEDzz!!"

What are you 11 or something?
What the hell are you talking about? The only poster in here who was trolling other than you of course, was le_patriote. Everyone else commented on the topic at hand. Not that you would have bothered writing this if everyone's opinions weren't stabbing you in the heart with their anti-Sony lean right?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I agree with your comments about the 360, and PS3 mostly. I do think blu-ray and reliability will push the PS3 past the 360 before the end of this generation.

As for Wii, you are right and wrong. Your opinion is only valid from a typical gamers perspective - and that is a minority of the buying public.

People buying the Wii like it (myself included) because it's fun, the controls are easy and intuitive and the games are mild distractions with little to no learning curve that can be played for 5 minutes or an hour and then not played again for weeks until you have more time to kill. Also, Wii is popular for 'family fun' games like Mario Party and Wii Sports that the entire family can play together or a bunch of people can play drunk at parties. PS3 offers nothing to those consumers except the same games they largely ignored on the PS2.

Unfortunately for Sony, the PS2 games that did appeal to that audience are all moving to the Wii.


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Okay, i'm gong to start listing out problems with your arguments:

First off, just take a look at what has happened on ebay. People have shelled out $400 - $500 for a Wii console, sometimes even more than that. The only reasoning for getting the other systems over the Wii, that I've actually experienced myself from talking to people has consistently been not price, but availability. What has constantly limited Wii sales has been their own production, and by the time PS3 and 360 EVER manage to lower their price, the Wii will have likely caught up it's production to meet demand.
On top of this, Wii has yet to come out with different colors, just look at how DS has some 10 bajillion colors available and everything gets eaten up. People may just end up going out and buying a second Wii system just for the color they like, or at least trading their current system in (I'm sure gamestop will offer some sort of deal for that)

Your biggest issue has been with first party titles being the only thing Nintendo has going for it, and I'd almost be inclined to agree with you, except I haven't honestly seen that many PS3 games that have interested me AT ALL. I can rattle off a solid dozen games for the Wii that are already out that I either already enjoy and own or am interested in getting, and another dozen on top of that coming up in the near future. This also includes No More Heroes, which is the first mature game I've EVER had any interest in getting.

So far, all I've seen that has interested me on the PS3 has been Orange Box, Assassin's Creed and Little Big Planet and MAYBE Metal Gear Solid 4. Half of those titles I can get on 360 instead and I'd definitely rather play Orange Box on PC or wait for it to come out on the Wii. So basically the only games that interest me on the PS3 still aren't out yet, and there's still only 3 of them even then.

You also rate the Wii's different controller as if it's a BAD thing. Meanwhile it's probably 60% of the selling factor of the console. Properly implemented controls on the Wii have consistently shown to be more fun and intuitive to use than traditional controls. I stand by my assessment that EVERY game that uses a PS2/PS3/360/mouse&keyboard control setup, if the time has been taken to seriously think out the controls for the Wii, will at the very LEAST come out par and more often be far better, with the use of the Wiimote and nunchuk.

You also point out graphics issues, and I'll admit, PS3 and 360 games are pretty to look at, but what a game needs to be is fun for the person playing it, not for the person watching someone else play.

Sorry if it feels like I'm bashing your assessment, but everything that I've seen on yoru view of the wii and PS3 has been the same tired chants that have been constantly proven wrong over the past year. Seriously, pull up a game of Wii Bingo and see if you win.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


^ I agree with Grey Acumen on this one. He has put it very well.

Why would you make a thread about your cruddy opinion? You practically pointed out flaws for most and maid ps3's flaws look "acceptable". That wasn't fair to all. Therefore,

Thread has failed.

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

Wow, does nearly everyone bash on this site. I am not speaking for everyone else, it was my opinion.

There's a general expectation on VG Chartz that posters will be able to see things objectively, instead of personally. So you can fully expect that at least one person will raise an objection if your opinion leads to your critique of consoles to show considerable bias. It's rather unfair, as noted by several posters, to harp on the shortcomings of your not-favored consoles and minimize the impact of the flaws of your favored one(s). If you're going to nitpick, you should do so evenly.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.