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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Console War (MY TWO CENTS)

 First, you make some good points, they're your opinion, and I'm not gonna bash you. But this cracked me up :p.. 

Gamer4eva said:

Currently the 360, in terms of sales, really needs to shift some more consoles, yes America takes care of it, but the world isn't just America, it's Japan and Europe as well. 

 Quote of the month. XD

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Heres where every fanboy makes themselves obvious. 360 shooter orientated?
PS3 more well rounded?

If you dont know I'll tell you.

360 has more games in every genre than the PS3.
So you were saying. Mr Original poster?

u got it backwards

wii games are developers' cash cows

they are 1/5 the cost to develop and much faster as well

Bets:Missed by 420k I bet leo-j vg$500 that wii will sell 31 million by 7/31/08.  Sorry, I don't think he has enough vg$ to make it with all of u that wish you could. Hit, with room to spare I bet kingofwale a 1-week ban that wii Americas ltd sales>360 Americas ltd sales as of the numbers for week ending 7/05/08 (using vgchartz homepage #s)


Wii will sell 18-20mil by 12/31/07  CHECKWii will sell 45mil+ WW by 12/31/08Wii will surpass PS2 sales WW by 11/17/11 (5yr anniversary)Wii Fit will hit 12mil sales in 2009MKWii+SSBB+Wii Fit+SMG > 50 mil sales by 2010 > gta4+mgs+gt5+ff13+haze+lbp

how many times have we heard the same thing. Wii a childs toy(perfect 8 years old games machine). PS3 will destroy it. And yet despite all the Wii shortages how many times has the PS3 actually beaten the Wii. I think it did do it once(let me know if I'm wrong). This is just a Ps3 fanboys rant and it should be looked at like that.



Gamer4eva said:

Anyway feel free to disagree and please post your own thoughts.

Our experts have labored over the past several hours to check the validity of your "two cents" and the results have not been positive.  The fact-opinion ratio is far too low so we now believe that the "two cents" in question are clearly forgeries of real thoughts reproduced by fanboys.  As part of this ongoing investigation, your posts will be held in vgChartz custody while allogations of your fanboyism are examined until our judicial panel rules upon this matter.  We strongly advise you to discontinue use of these "two cents" and anything similar.  Failure to abide by these dictates shall result in a penalization label of "fanboy" and online mockery.

Around the Network
Cheebee said:
First, you make some good points, they're your opinion, and I'm not gonna bash you. But this cracked me up :p..
Gamer4eva said:

Currently the 360, in terms of sales, really needs to shift some more consoles, yes America takes care of it, but the world isn't just America, it's Japan and Europe as well.

Quote of the month. XD

I say we sponsor him for fkusumot to give a TAG to


Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Wow you crack me up.



Gamer4eva said:

Anyway feel free to disagree and please post your own thoughts.

Gamer4eva said:

Wow, does nearly everyone bash on this site. I am not speaking for everyone else, it was my opinion.

Please make up your mind.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:
Gamer4eva said:

Anyway feel free to disagree and please post your own thoughts.

Gamer4eva said:

Wow, does nearly everyone bash on this site. I am not speaking for everyone else, it was my opinion.

Please make up your mind.

Posting a dissenting opinion doesn't require bashing.

Onyxmeth said:
Gamer4eva said:
Well then what are the problems of the PS3 in your opinion, Onyxmeth?

1. No hardware backwards compatibility and only the higher end model coming with any BC at all through software emulation. It burns because where there used to be an option open for those wanting it, there is now none.

2. Third party support is getting better as far as quality but it hasn't been fixed. This is a recurring problem and a problem that will always exist in the early PS3 lineup. If I want to go back and play some of those early games, they will always be of poor quality. I also would like to point out that for every Call of Duty 4 and Burnout Paradise that turns out equal, there is still an Orange Box and Lost Planet port to bring those problems back into the forefront. Getting better? Yes. Solved? Not by a long shot.

3. The online. Those with the willingness to pay for a better online service like myself, would rather Sony deliver something great I can pay for so I can feel like I'm getting the full package. Another $40 a year for Xbox Live isn't much to me when I know it's a well handled fully featured online. The lathargic attitude with getting Home up and running isn't helping matters any. Wasn't it supposed to be here by Fall last year? Now it's Fall this year? Get with it already

4. The games. It's been long enough already, how about some top notch software I can't pick up for a 360? You can say 2008 is the year, but I remember 2007 being the year for Sony until MGS4, GTAIV, Haze and Home(not a game but still...) all saw a huge push back. You can throw a gargantuan lineup at me for PS3 software in 2008 and I can say watch some of those real late year titles see a 2009 release now. I didn't buy a 360 until the games arrived and were there on my lap to play, and that's the way to buy a console. Not off potential, but off what's here and now.

5. The dead in the water SixAxis function on the controller. Why put the damn thing in there if it doesn't work properly and/or nobody is going to design for it? We're paying for technology in a controller that's not even being put to use. 

6. Unless you also game on the PC you're missing out on a lot of great PC/360 only games and there seems to be no stopping that. Microsoft has most of it's non-PS3 lineup this year in cahoots with the PC. Games like Left 4 Dead, Splinter Cell Conviction, Blood Bowl, Universe At War, Age of Conan, APB, Champions Online, Huxley(2009 now), Supreme Commander, etc. For those of us that wish to not game on our PCs, but would like to have a portion of their lineup, the 360 is the way to go, and the PS3 is not.

None of this means I feel the PS3 is a bad console. I could easily make many examples on the Wii and 360's problems as well. This is to show that the PS3 is not the perfect console, it does have legitimate problems, and you did not address them in your two cents like you did with the Wii and 360. 


1. 80GB has BC, and if it's "gone" it's very temporary. I'm curious how often you use the Xbox's BC, though, considering all the great games on the 360. 2. If you want to "go back" and play Madden, then yeah, you have a problem. The good thing is that this year the problem should be fixed. Lost Planet isn't going to make or break anyone's decision to get a PS3 or 360. The Orange Box has problems on both the PS3 and 360. It's best on PC, and so is Lost Planet. Capcom also did Devil May Cry 4 for PS3, so I'm not worried about future games. Super Street Fighter HD Remix is looking nice on PS3 (and now equally nice on 360 since Microsoft once again bent to their will). I'd say third-party games are a non-issue going forward. Lost Planet is the only game released this year that's been worse on PS3. Army of Two is another example of the fixed situation. GTA IV is another. 3. Home being delayed is a problem, and it's not good. However, there are already advantages to the PS3's online, and that is more dedicated servers instead of using hosts. The download speeds are also generally faster. Live is not a complete package. The only thing the PS3 lacks is in-game XMB which is coming soon. I'd rather have more stable play in-game, however, rather than text messaging in them. 4. Games is an old argument as of last year. Ratchet and Uncharted led the way here. But ok, you have a 360, so a lot of the best games are also on that system. However, the same can be said of the 360 except for Bioshock, Mass effect, and perhaps Lost Odessey if you are so inclined to include that (I would include Folklore then). Ah, and Halo 3. Bioshock and ME are both better as PC games, though, but that's another point you make...There are games such as Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, and Resistance as well. I won't throw the 2008 list out, but it's there. 5. What do mean you are "paying for the technology?" It costs the same as the 360 controller! It's also very well implemented in Motorstorm, Burnout, Warhawk, flOw, Blast Factor, and others. Lair is often used as the failure example, but I'll say it for the 100th time: the game's controls were bad, it was not the fault of the method used. It's often used as a button replacement like the Wiimote is used for, so it's in a lot of games. 6. Ahh, PC games. But I thought we weren't talking about the future lineup? I guess this is where I can mention The Agency, which is a PC/PS3 only game. But seriously, those games will most likely play better on the PC. It is nice to have them, though, and I hope that Supreme Commander and the other RTSes prove they can work well on the consoles without keyboard/mouse (I really wish more games, and not just UT3, would support that control scheme). hey, wait, isn't UT3 a PC/PS3 only game, right now? Heh... These games can easily make it to the PS3 eventually. You say the 2008 lineup for PS3 can't be mentioned because of delays and such, so I think it's fair to point out that ports are possible. Heck, Age of Conan isn't coming to 360 any time soon and it's coming to PC this may. We'll see what happens with that, since the Marvel MMO was just canceled. Most games are appearing on PS3 as well, such as Tom Clancy's End War that I am really looking forward to because of it's supposedly very well implemented voice commands. Your point is made, though, that all 3 systems have their problems. I do think you exagerrated a little.