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I agree with your comments about the 360, and PS3 mostly. I do think blu-ray and reliability will push the PS3 past the 360 before the end of this generation.

As for Wii, you are right and wrong. Your opinion is only valid from a typical gamers perspective - and that is a minority of the buying public.

People buying the Wii like it (myself included) because it's fun, the controls are easy and intuitive and the games are mild distractions with little to no learning curve that can be played for 5 minutes or an hour and then not played again for weeks until you have more time to kill. Also, Wii is popular for 'family fun' games like Mario Party and Wii Sports that the entire family can play together or a bunch of people can play drunk at parties. PS3 offers nothing to those consumers except the same games they largely ignored on the PS2.

Unfortunately for Sony, the PS2 games that did appeal to that audience are all moving to the Wii.