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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has passed away

This seriously wasn't expected.... I'm very sad for this, Rest in peace Iwata.
This is something I usually don't do, but I quickly made a little video to say goodbye to him, I'm not really good in making this kind of videos, but I did it with my heart:

Goodbye Satoru Iwata.

Hey don't click here ! It's creepy !!

I want a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel ! Come on Sony, stop making too many shooters !

I'll make a better signature when I'll have time to do it...  

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maybe I was living under a rock but I didn't even know he had cancer(and by the looks of it a rare one unfortunately)

I have seen this terrible news just a while ago. I can just say: RIP Iwata San, you won't be forgotten.

This is so sad. He made some great decisions, he made some other wrong decisions, but the great about him is that he was one of the few CEOs who had a passion for the business. Few CEOs really care that much about gamers like he did. So sad.

 Am so sad. My condolences and hope his friends and family find the strength to deal with the loss. 

I'm surprised... R.I.P., terrible day for the gaming community.

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He was younger than my mom (she is still alive). This is very sad.

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)


So sudden



im going to play some games he worked on in respect signal.

This is a sad day for any Nintendo fan, for Nintendo and for the gaming industry in general.
He was a good and a very respected man, a down to earth kinda person whom a lot of people liked, me included.
This man has done alot for Nintendo.

May he rest in peace. Today my thoughts goes to Iwata's family and friends.
He shall always be remembered

Mr.Iwata was the greatest president ever.He will be missed and Nintendo is strong they will be ok