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Forums - Politics Discussion - U.S. Supreme Court Votes Gay Marriage Constitutional and Legal

I dont know how to feel about it but I am happy for my brothers & sisters.

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Personally, the government should have never been involved in marriage in the first place. Just another way to control the citizens. People should be able to marry whoever they want, as long as they are consenting adults and can find someone (without forcing them) to marry them.

It'll also be interesting to see if anyone from this thread will come out with guns blazing if a few months down the line, churches are being forced to marry gays. Whether through fines, threatened jail time, and/or losing their tax exempt status. I would hope so, since this decision supposedly won't lead to that slippery slope. Supposedly.

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
finally!! cause the world has much more important matters than gay people, and yet those don't receive near as much attention...

Shh!  Don't you dare talk about the gays being slaughtered in the Middle-East by radicals or women being sold into slavery.  Everyone knows it's the US that is the truly hateful one towards gays and women. 

Retrogamer7 said:
I'm not going to fight against 500 people on here because of my beliefs. If you believe in gay marriage, that is your decision. However, I will not betray God or my beliefs even if I'm the last person on Earth that respects our creator. I don't hate gays, or anyone, but I must obey His commands. His words against homosexuality are clear enough.

If you insist that your religious views are enshrined in the laws of the country then how are you different from ISIS and other extreme Islamic groups who want to impose Shariah law on an entire population, including people who are not followers of Islam?

You are unaffected by this law. No one is going to force you into a gay marriage. My religion does not permit gay marriage, but I support gay marriage in the laws of a secular society because there is no reason other than religious moral laws to prohibit it, and I absolutely do not believe that religious laws should be imposed on anyone other than the members of that religion. Therefore this is a triumph of the separation of church and state, which you should be celebrating. After all this means your religious beliefs are more protected because of this ruling.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


thismeintiel said:
Personally, the government should have never been involved in marriage in the first place. Just another way to control the citizens. People should be able to marry whoever they want, as long as they are consenting adults and can find someone (without forcing them) to marry them.

It'll also be interesting to see if anyone from this thread will come out with guns blazing if a few months down the line, churches are being forced to marry gays. Whether through fines, threatened jail time, and/or losing their tax exempt status. I would hope so, since this decision supposedly won't lead to that slippery slope. Supposedly.

That is an excellent dissant against the claim that this decision imposes anything on anybody. 

The very idea that this should be legislated is insane. 

They effectively removed that layer of insanity.

Around the Network

Oooooh! This was expected, but damn. My instructor must be happy right now, and he's not even gay.

Obama turned the White House into the Pride House.


"Texas Pastor Says He Will Set Himself On Fire In Protest Over Gay Marriage"

Oh hell yeah! This is more like it! Lets see this!

damn: we got ACA upheld, Fair housing act upheld, now Gay Marriage is the law of the land

MSNBC: Tis' a Glorious day!!!
Fox: The end times are upon us!!!

arcane_chaos said:
damn: we got ACA upheld, Fair housing act upheld, now Gay Marriage is the law of the land

MSNBC: Tis' a Glorious day!!!
Fox: The end times are upon us!!!

It is for this guy:

He better do it.