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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: We're Not Interested In High End Specs (Hardware)

Pavolink said:
Soundwave said:
Miyamotoo said:

Why exactly you don't buying NX? Because it will not have top speeds available in hardware market!? 

Reggie, Iwata and Miyamoto for Nintendo made generation that was most successful in Nintendo history, more than 255m consoles and around 2 billion pieces of software. This gen is not great for Nintendo, but that doesn't mean that next will not be better.

You know who basically gets overlooked here?

Atushi Asada. Most Nintendo fans don't know the name but he was Nintendo's chairman (yes above Iwata) from about 1999-2004, self appointed by Yamauchi to basically run the ship until Iwata got his legs under him. 

The Wiimote is directly Asada's decision according to the creator of the Wiimote, who took the idea first to Microsoft and then Sony. Rebuffed he then went to Nintendo as a last resort. According to him, Asada stopped his presentation midway through and an arguement ensued with the "Nintendo team" (about 8 people). Asada finally said something that shut everyone up, and he directly bought the rights to the Wiimote and bought a stake in the company. 

I think Iwata's role might honestly be overstated. Asada stepped down from Nintendo in summer 2005, but by then the things that would propel the Wii to success were already in place (Wiimote, Wii Sports, Wii Fit). 

The team of Iwata-Miymaoto-Takeda consolidated control of the board of directors post-2010, but this is also the time where many things start to fall apart for Nintendo. Maybe those three aren't as smart as we've made them out to be. 

Atushi Asada can still return to Nintendo?

Get this man back Nintendo! do it, do it now.

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Well if it isn't a good combination of handheld and homeconsole and the next "must have" thing out there, Ninty might as well stop making home consoles and stop degrading themselves.

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...
Soundwave said:

From the NPR interview, which has been posted in full on their website and provides a better translation, and Miyamoto goes more into depth about Nintendo's hardware philosophy ... if you're banking on Nintendo making some super powerful console post Wii U ... looks like you've got another thing coming:

One of the things about Nintendo that's always been interesting is you've never tried to make a more powerful console with better graphics, and all the stuff that the Xbox has done. Can you explain a little why you've kind of stuck with that?

Miyamoto: So unfortunately with our latest system, the Wii U, the price point was one that ended up getting a little higher than we wanted. But what we are always striving to do is to find a way to take novel technology that we can take and offer it to people at a price that everybody can afford. And in addition to that, rather than going after the high-end tech spec race and trying to create the most powerful console, really what we want to do is try to find a console that has the best balance of features with the best interface that anyone can use. 

And the reason for that is that, No. 1, we like to do things that are unique and different from other companies, but we also don't want to just end up in a race to have the highest-tech specs in a competition to try to find how we get these expensive tech specs to the lowest price of the other systems. And so there's different ways that we can approach it, and sometimes we look at it just from the sense of offering a system that consumes less power and makes less noise and generates less heat, or sometimes we may look at the size of the media and the size of the system and where it fits within the home.

But really what's most important to us is, how do we create a system that is both unique and affordable so that everyone can afford it and everyone can enjoy it.

In other words ... don't expect NX to be anything mind blowing tech wise. I'm personally expecting a portable-centric line of hardware that has a home version sidekick. Portable can run Wii U-level graphics, home sidekick can run the same games but in 1080P with many a few added effects. They'll bank on some new gimmick to try and sell the system beyond that IMO. 

At least you can rest easy that NX won't consume too much electricity. 


be my friend! 


Well considering what we got with the XBO and PS4, Sony and Microsoft aren't really interested in 'high-end specs' either. But considering how much money they lost last gen, it made some sense.

Still Nintendo doesn't need to try really hard to surpass the PS4 for the crown of best console graphics at a decent price though. They just need a cheap, affordable gimmick that is sure to really capture people. And Japanese 3rd party support, because that's the only thing making me think of owning a PS4.

But I'm not as worried as some people are about NX's graphics. If it's even slightly better than Wii U, then whatever, at least bring some good games and something to make your console worth owning. I have a PC already and I'm already getting access to the best versions of multiplatform games(most of the time anyway), so I'm less interested in fancy graphics for consoles, unless we're talking beating sli Titans here.

guiduc said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

No, we have said this for one gen.

We said it for Wii, we said it for Wii U, we say it now for NX. I count three.

No, when Wii was announced most people said "holy crap, I want to play Zelda where I can control the sword by moving the remote!" while laughing at the ridiculous price of PS3.  Wii made sense.  No one had HDTVs at the start of 7th gen, and HD gaming systems were too expensive to make, leading to high prices and/or huge losses for the companies.  Wii was a massive success unprecedented in the gaming industry.  Huge sales, huge profits.

Wii U was a different story, the market had changed.  Moderately powerful machines are more affordable, consumers are willing to pay for annual subscriptions and consumers have an expectation of certain tech levels.  The market wanted more juice (among other things) out of the Wii U and Nintendo failed to deliver.  If they fail again in this regard with NX, it will be a second time and foolish mistake.  But thus far, the market has only rejected one Nintendo console for low power reasons.

Previous to Wii, Nintendo consoles were typically quite acceptably powered.  They did have back-to-back poor media choices, however.


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Cobretti2 said:
Rustuv said:
In fairness to Nintendo price point is important and this will be the first console generation where the more powerful system has won ever (so history until now anyways has implied power not matter as much as we would like) of course part of that success may also be that the PS4 is also the first time ever that the more powerful system has cost less than one of its competitors.

PS1 and PS2 were not that far behind their competition though.

Also reason you seeing PS4 winning now (apart from Micrososft and Nintendo royally fucking up) is partially because gamers are getting older and their disposable income has gone up so they can afford to go for the best at only $400. 

All valid points. My point is more that history may be giving nintendo the idea that they can operate in this manner. I mean people on the internet complain all the time and ask for features and sequels to lesser known games all the time. But when you crunch the numbers companies normally follow the money. Until just now with the PS4 there was little evidence the power equaled winning. Hell the PS2 is great example (you are absolutely right in saying it wasn't that far behind) if you compare 3rd party games that released on multiple platforms from the generation the visual difference is shocking, not just because of the lower power but the difficulty to develop for it, but 3rd parties continued to support it because of the numbers. I am not saying nintendo is right, I am saying I know why they think they are right.

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)


Rustuv said:
Cobretti2 said:

PS1 and PS2 were not that far behind their competition though.

Also reason you seeing PS4 winning now (apart from Micrososft and Nintendo royally fucking up) is partially because gamers are getting older and their disposable income has gone up so they can afford to go for the best at only $400. 

All valid points. My point is more that history may be giving nintendo the idea that they can operate in this manner. I mean people on the internet complain all the time and ask for features and sequels to lesser known games all the time. But when you crunch the numbers companies normally follow the money. Until just now with the PS4 there was little evidence the power equaled winning. Hell the PS2 is great example (you are absolutely right in saying it wasn't that far behind) if you compare 3rd party games that released on multiple platforms from the generation the visual difference is shocking, not just because of the lower power but the difficulty to develop for it, but 3rd parties continued to support it because of the numbers. I am not saying nintendo is right, I am saying I know why they think they are right.

As it's almost 4am I'll keep it short.

Agree Nintendo is thinking like that, however they need to start looking outside the 1 dimension and see the other factors or they will be left behind again. Not sure if they are too stubborn to do it or just blindly think they are right.

On a side note now that its been almost 10 years and probably 15 years by the time next gen launches (excluding NX), I think most of us being older than in 2006 would be comfortable with a $600 console (as in people who grew up with HD twins). I think it would sell faster than the PS3 did. The main reason being that every gen I have bought more and more games on each system simply cause as I get old career progression and more income. So the more games you buy the lesser impact that $600 feels like as you can justify it with lots of games purchased.



TheLastStarFighter said:
guiduc said:

We said it for Wii, we said it for Wii U, we say it now for NX. I count three.

No, when Wii was announced most people said "holy crap, I want to play Zelda where I can control the sword by moving the remote!" while laughing at the ridiculous price of PS3.  Wii made sense.  No one had HDTVs at the start of 7th gen, and HD gaming systems were too expensive to make, leading to high prices and/or huge losses for the companies.  Wii was a massive success unprecedented in the gaming industry.  Huge sales, huge profits.

Wii U was a different story, the market had changed.  Moderately powerful machines are more affordable, consumers are willing to pay for annual subscriptions and consumers have an expectation of certain tech levels.  The market wanted more juice (among other things) out of the Wii U and Nintendo failed to deliver.  If they fail again in this regard with NX, it will be a second time and foolish mistake.  But thus far, the market has only rejected one Nintendo console for low power reasons.

Previous to Wii, Nintendo consoles were typically quite acceptably powered.  They did have back-to-back poor media choices, however.


Is it REALLY all about technical issues? I might say it's about poor marketing, price point and the vulgar Gamepad no one uses or understands the purpose.

Because Nintendo got right some of the market's expectations: Miiverse is quite a good first attempt to boast a social Facebook-like network so gamers can interact together and share their experiences. And it is quite active I might say. Plus, they understood the value of having Amazon Video, Hulu Plus and Netflix as pay-to-suscribe streaming services, which are the way of the future.

Wii U is far from being a bad console. What it lacks is groundbreaking games like Galaxy, Wii Sports were. And don't tell me it was about motion controls: Galaxy would have been very fine without them. Most of the games would have been fine without them (look at DKCTF versus Returns). 

It is about a lot of factors, but high-end specs seem to me like the least of them. 

Cobretti2 said:
Rustuv said:

All valid points. My point is more that history may be giving nintendo the idea that they can operate in this manner. I mean people on the internet complain all the time and ask for features and sequels to lesser known games all the time. But when you crunch the numbers companies normally follow the money. Until just now with the PS4 there was little evidence the power equaled winning. Hell the PS2 is great example (you are absolutely right in saying it wasn't that far behind) if you compare 3rd party games that released on multiple platforms from the generation the visual difference is shocking, not just because of the lower power but the difficulty to develop for it, but 3rd parties continued to support it because of the numbers. I am not saying nintendo is right, I am saying I know why they think they are right.

As it's almost 4am I'll keep it short.

Agree Nintendo is thinking like that, however they need to start looking outside the 1 dimension and see the other factors or they will be left behind again. Not sure if they are too stubborn to do it or just blindly think they are right.

On a side note now that its been almost 10 years and probably 15 years by the time next gen launches (excluding NX), I think most of us being older than in 2006 would be comfortable with a $600 console (as in people who grew up with HD twins). I think it would sell faster than the PS3 did. The main reason being that every gen I have bought more and more games on each system simply cause as I get old career progression and more income. So the more games you buy the lesser impact that $600 feels like as you can justify it with lots of games purchased.

I can't say one or the other for the first thing, but I can say with certainty I would NOT pay $600 for a system lol. I just cannot prioritize it that way and the more expensive you make your system the more people you miss out on.

Edited: I left out the word not.

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)


Watch Nintendo boot themselves out of the hardware business in the next couple years with that line of thinking.