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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Starfox Zero's graphics are bad

To be fair, I have been warning you guys for the last year not to have high expectations of this one. Me and spemanig.

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Problem already solved anyways, Platinum will take care of the crappy looking stuff eventually.

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

To be fair, I have been warning you guys for the last year not to have high expectations of this one. Me and spemanig.

Both of you are always critical of everything, so it was only natural at one point you'd be right.

I wasn't critical of games like Bayonetta 2, or Mario Kart 8, or Yoshi's Woolly World; games where the evidence always pointed to them being good. With Starfox the warning signs were there since last E3.

curl-6 said:
Barozi said:
glad I'm not the only one noticing that. When I started the Direct, I didn't quite get the beginning and I found myself in the middle of Star Fox and was honestly not sure if this was WiiU footage, because it really looked a lot like last gen. Worst Nintendo art direction in years.

Maybe cos it's not Nintendo art direction. Platinum are handling the art side of things.

well yeah I learned that quite a bit later.

Doesn't change the fact though that Nintendo has a lot to say on that one.

the_dengle said:

Sheesh, it doesn't look that bad. This is what happens when a company has realistic expectations for a game. What, did you expect it to get some kind of huge AAA budget? The kind of budget that makes publishers say they're disappointed or not yet breaking even with millions of sales? It's Star Fox. On Nintendo's worst-selling console since the Virtual Boy. It has to be profitable with under 1 million sales.

People will think I'm just white-knighting, but I would honestly love to see more publishers take this route. I'm tired of everyone thinking every game has to make a console gasp for breath and beg for mercy, then complain all we ever get are annualized, play-it-safe franchises that ship with half the content you deserve, then the other half for sale as DLC, among other shenanigans.

People, are you really so removed from the pre-HD days that you forgot that there was once a healthy market for these kind of medium-budget/double-A projects? Viewtiful Joe, Beyond Good & Evil, Okami, Lost Kingdoms, Harvest Moon, Bomberman, Tenchu. Remember those games? They were all fun as can be, but none of them (sans Okami) were ever going to win an award for graphics. Also, no publisher out there would touch a potential new game in any of those franchises with a 50-foot pole in this modern era. If you are a fan of any of these games, you've probably accepted that you will never see another new one again. But if someone asked you if you'd take a new one, developed on a tight budget but with everything you loved about them intact, wouldn't you take that deal in a heartbeat? I know I would.

I love gaming, but I hate the modern zeitgeist that every game that's not coming from an indy has to have a Hollywood budget to be worthy of making. If you would have told me 13 months ago that I would be getting a new Star Fox game that looks and plays from stem-to-stern like the one we saw in the Digital Event, I would have ran outside and did backflips in the parking lot, and I'm sure I'm not the only SF fan who felt that way. I finally got the true sucessor to the game that made me HAVE to have an N64, and therefore, made me a lifelong Nintendo fan. I'm not going to suddenly change my tune now based on builds of an unfinished game.

And even if it were to ship looking like that tomorrow, so freaking what? I'd rather have AA Star Fox than no Star Fox. Or a big budget Star Fox that still sells poorly, only now it doesn't recoup its budget, so Nintendo leaves it dormant for another decade and the real fans like me are left begging, praying, hoping and wishing.

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Barozi said:
curl-6 said:

Maybe cos it's not Nintendo art direction. Platinum are handling the art side of things.

well yeah I learned that quite a bit later.

Doesn't change the fact though that Nintendo has a lot to say on that one.

They can't entirely escape blame for its graphical shortcomings, agreed.

I understand that it's a work in progress and that running in 60fps across two screens is a considerable technical hurdle, but still, in 2015 it's really not good enough.

hahahaha, sorry man, it looks like a Gamecube game. It should be a 20 bucks digital game at most with this level of rushing and complete disrespect for the franchise.

torok said:
hahahaha, sorry man, it looks like a Gamecube game. It should be a 20 bucks digital game at most with this level of rushing and complete disrespect for the franchise.

Do you have a release date for us?

curl-6 said:

They can't entirely escape blame for its graphical shortcomings, agreed.

I understand that it's a work in progress and that running in 60fps across two screens is a considerable technical hurdle, but still, in 2015 it's really not good enough.

It actually isn't. It won't tax the CPU because it's the same enviroment (logic, physics, AI). As the GPU, it's not that impressive. It's one 720p screen + one 480p screen. If you sum up the pixels, the combined output is less than half of a 1080p frame and around 66% of a 900p frame. So it's equivalent to a sub-900p game at 60 fps. Not impressive at all, OP didn't did the math.

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

I wasn't critical of games like Bayonetta 2, or Mario Kart 8, or Yoshi's Woolly World; games where the evidence always pointed to them being good. With Starfox the warning signs were there since last E3.

I don't understand what you're talking about. Star Fox sounded good since last E3 and it was proven to be good yesterday.

Well, I can hardly tell you your subjective opinion is wrong. I'm not saying it's bad, but people who are flipping their shit now about it looking bad and playing awkwardly should have paid attention last year when they detailed the controls, and journalists who went hands on behind closed doors said it was graphically poor.