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Which one?

Microsoft 445 24.86%
Sony 1,344 75.08%
GrandMasterFF4life said:
Chris Hu said:

What are you talking about it will have more then twice as much content you must have forgotten that Forza 5 only launched with only 200 cars and 14 locations.  Forza 6 will launch with over 450 cars and 26 locations plus a ton of other features that wheren't in 5.  That is a way bigger leap in content then in any previous Forza game.  With what you said I highly doubt you ever actually played any Forza game.

Forza is unimportant and it doesn't and never will sell well
Racing Games sell in Europe and Xbox is dead in Europe
And you can see Microsoft still doesn't understand the Worldwide Game with giving something that isn't made for their US crowd the least amount of time.
At Gamescom they will get slaughtered after getting outsold 10:1 in Germany LOL

Sony won this E3 easily
Everyone was like "OMG MS was so good and Sony can't top that"

It took them 5 Minutes to destroy Microsoft

Its just insane how well Sony plays this game and can always just top easily what MS has to offer which is basically always the same stuff

If you think MS won you are probably not a gamer anyway

LOL whatever, also for me not being a gamer just look at my sig.  Nice try at a fail post anyway.  Also Germans don't really care about console gaming anyway a majority of them play their games on PC. 

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Microsoft > Sony.

And I don't care for The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 or FF7 Remake, I don't like Japanese games so they were never going to do anything for me.

Also Horizon looks generic, No Man's Sky has lost me and Dreams by MM is just a mess of a game idea.

With Mircosoft, Halo 5 was okay, Gears 4 is looking great, Cuphead looks AMAZING and Tomb Raider > Uncharted 4 (UC4 was surprisingly decent though). Also backwards compatibility and other cool looking games like Fable Legends and Sea of Thieves.

I'm done waiting for greatness from Sony, I'm buying an X1 first and a PS4 whenever GoW4 or TLoU2 release.

Roronaa_chan said:
lindau said:


this year e3 conference impact for sony and theire gamers is neliglible, while the ms conference changed so many things for all xbox gamers...

What? MS changed absolutely nothing. You can play 360 games? Couldn't you do that for the last 10 years?

not if you sold your xb360, or your 360 is dead, or you don't want to turn on your 360 anymore. or you prefer to play with the xb1 controller and other xb1 features like snap, cortana, screenshots and game dvr... etc, etc
the custom controller, the new os, cortana witch will make voice input reliable and more natural. at least


sony on the other hand got tlg and shenmue 3 games, that will probably not even sell to 1 million gamers, combined...
ff remake is also just some gamers wet dreams, but no1 outside in the main audience will care. uncharted 1-3 remaster will sell more

uncharted 4 and horizon is the real thing from the sony conferenc.



JustThatGamer said:
Microsoft > Sony.

And I don't care for The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 or FF7 Remake, I don't like Japanese games so they were never going to do anything for me.

Also Horizon looks generic, No Man's Sky has lost me and Dreams by MM is just a mess of a game idea.

With Mircosoft, Halo 5 was okay, Gears 4 is looking great, Cuphead looks AMAZING and Tomb Raider > Uncharted 4 (UC4 was surprisingly decent though). Also backwards compatibility and other cool looking games like Fable Legends and Sea of Thieves.

I'm done waiting for greatness from Sony, I'm buying an X1 first and a PS4 whenever GoW4 or TLoU2 release.

this is a sonyfan, who feels like me
i want NEW great content form sony

like the suff from the ps1, ps2 and even ps3 era.

remakes are nice, if you got great value like uncharted collection. but a simple remake for one game and be 40 bucks? that's no megaton in the real world. halo:mcc, unchated collention and rare collection > ff7, gow3 and gears ultimate edition

and 8 or 12 years old games, who did not show anything new and should be relased 5 years ago, are also no megatron in the real world



uncharted 4 and horizon was great. rest was meh and just pure meme hype fanboy suff, i could not care less about

lindau said:
Roronaa_chan said:

What? MS changed absolutely nothing. You can play 360 games? Couldn't you do that for the last 10 years?

not if you sold your xb360, or your 360 is dead, or you don't want to turn on your 360 anymore. or you prefer to play with the xb1 controller and other xb1 features like snap, cortana, screenshots and game dvr... etc, etc
the custom controller, the new os, cortana witch will make voice input reliable and more natural. at least


sony on the other hand got tlg and shenmue 3 games, that will probably not even sell to 1 million gamers, combined...
ff remake is also just some gamers wet dreams,
but no1 outside in the main audience will care. uncharted 1-3 remaster will sell more

uncharted 4 and horizon is the real thing from the sony conferenc.

But couldnt you say thats where MS always fails? They just keep wanting to pump out the same games... another Fable (unfortunately doesnt look good), Forza, Gears and a Halo... dont get me wrong I love sequels and purchased many, but where's the more risk adverse titles? I mean Sony has done some weird and wonderful crap that MS just wouldnt touch, and though they may not sell that great, for a gamer that likes to try different things, it's bloody brilliant.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Sony for FFVII remake trailer even which i didn't know when would it be released. best presentation, few surprises which is good. but in terms of MS only games against Sony only games i don't know since most Sony have mentioned are either timed exclusive or really just 3rd party games with add'l sony exclusive content.

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nightsurgex2 said:
Hiku said:

Fixed that for you.
Look around the internet, if it's still working.

MS didn't have a single game announcment that's even remotely close to the impact these games had.
This is not about what games will go to where eventually. This is about Sony's press conference and what they showed. And either one of these megatons single handedly were leaps and bounds above MS's entire presentation in terms of impact. It's not even close.

Re-fixed. And I strongly disagree. Backwards compatiblity is literally the announcement of all E3. And it being testable immediately is gangbusters.

Unfortunately, Sony fans have a historically much larger presence online, but true unbiased media are all in favor of MS at this point from what I've seen.

Dude B/C on the Xbox One was literally broken. Mass Effect was running at what 20fps. They didn't continue playing Mass Effect for long since it was pretty much a broken experience and would reduce the hype for Xbox B/c significantly. You won't be playing any "AAA" title released on the Xbox 360 post-2010 on the Xbox One any day soon, that's for sure.


OP: Sony>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Microsoft

Sony pretty much destroyed everyone. If just a month ago someone told me that TLG and Shenmue 3 were going to be at E3, I wouldn't have believed him and told him the chance of that happening is like the WII U selling 100 million units. Continue downplaying people, 'cause I'm getting you guys are the same people who'll downplay Half Life 3 if it ever gets released. "This game will be no good" "Half Life 2 sucked" "They should have shown us more information" "Gaben doesn't know how to develop a good game" "It will fail in sales" 

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Sony hands down.

Sony's conference crashed sites. /thread

This isnt even a competition. Sony's press conference was one of the most legendary E3 conferences of all time.

There is no but's and if's. Last guardian, FF7R and Shenmue 3. Power to the gamers, greatness did come. Backwards compatibility came too late to even make a dent on that.

I enjoyed both a lot but Sony really killed it this year, so they win hands down.