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Favorite healthy snack?

Tuna and water 8 50.00%
Tuna and water 3 18.75%
Tuna and water 5 31.25%
cheshirescat said:
Weighed in today and in the last six weeks I've lost over fifty pounds. Hasn't been as difficult as I had anticipated, I mean the shakes and protein bars are dog shit, and the portions for my regular meals are drastically lower than what I had been accustomed to, but I haven't really had any cravings, even managed to give up soda.

Started lifting again too with these adjustable dumbbells. Guy who's helping me with this has me starting slow, just a few different exercises a couple times a week, trying to ease my body back into the groove to limit soreness and the discouragement that often accompanies it. Was a bit more of an adjustment to the lower weight higher reps routine than I thought though, since my instincts tell me to throw on as much weight as possible, had to do a lost of adjusting to find a good starting point but it's getting better now.


I agree that most protein bars are chewy and dry (try Cliff Bar), but protein shakes are yum yum delicious. Drinking a shake with only water makes your body absorb it quicker, but if you want it to improve the taste then mix it with skimmed or low fat milk. 

Edit: it goes without saying that you can only do that if your shake was chocolate or vanilla flavored. 

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Nice to see so much action in this thread!!

I'm on a hiatus now after 5 months of steady work. Feels bad but no way around it. Two weeks ago friday night I noticed my belly hurts, went to doctor on saturday and got sent back home, went again sunday morning and about 6-7pm they did surgery. 6 days with internal medication and pretty much no food at all in a hospital. They let me home and I was surprised I had gained weight, now all the extra fluids, shit&meds have gone away and I've lost about 4 kilos compared to before surgery. Fuckin bad trip.

I can start working out again in 2-3 weeks. It is going to be interesting to see how my body will react and how weak I will feel, but I'm not going to give up now.

I cannot imagine toilet-free life.

Kebabs have a unique attribute compared to other consumables. To unlock this effect you need to wolf down a big ass kebab really fast, like under 10 minutes or so and wait for the effect to kick in. If done correctly your movements should feel unbelievably heavy to the point where you literally cannot move at all.

-Downtown Alanya Kebab magazine issue no.198

cheshirescat said:
Weighed in today and in the last six weeks I've lost over fifty pounds. Hasn't been as difficult as I had anticipated, I mean the shakes and protein bars are dog shit, and the portions for my regular meals are drastically lower than what I had been accustomed to, but I haven't really had any cravings, even managed to give up soda.

Started lifting again too with these adjustable dumbbells. Guy who's helping me with this has me starting slow, just a few different exercises a couple times a week, trying to ease my body back into the groove to limit soreness and the discouragement that often accompanies it. Was a bit more of an adjustment to the lower weight higher reps routine than I thought though, since my instincts tell me to throw on as much weight as possible, had to do a lost of adjusting to find a good starting point but it's getting better now.

Whoa that is awesome my man, congrats! Keep it up!

PieToast said:

My brother couldn't use it and it's missing a lot of important machines. I also prefer to cook my own food. 

Have you ever tried making a fruit cocktail with oatmeal? It tastes like frozen yogurt!


I cook my own food as well with meal prep. What I mean is cooking a crap ton of food on sunday and freezing it in containers so I can eat it throughout the week


WC4Life said:

Nice to see so much action in this thread!!

I'm on a hiatus now after 5 months of steady work. Feels bad but no way around it. Two weeks ago friday night I noticed my belly hurts, went to doctor on saturday and got sent back home, went again sunday morning and about 6-7pm they did surgery. 6 days with internal medication and pretty much no food at all in a hospital. They let me home and I was surprised I had gained weight, now all the extra fluids, shit&meds have gone away and I've lost about 4 kilos compared to before surgery. Fuckin bad trip.

I can start working out again in 2-3 weeks. It is going to be interesting to see how my body will react and how weak I will feel, but I'm not going to give up now.


You will probably be a little weaker than you were before, but as long as you have properly healed and rested you should be able to reach where you were pretty quickly. Especially with that good attitude

#1 Amb-ass-ador

PieToast said:


I agree that most protein bars are chewy and dry (try Cliff Bar), but protein shakes are yum yum delicious. Drinking a shake with only water makes your body absorb it quicker, but if you want it to improve the taste then mix it with skimmed or low fat milk. 

Edit: it goes without saying that you can only do that if your shake was chocolate or vanilla flavored. 

These shakes aren't quite the same as what you'd get at gnc, some sort of medically formulated stuff to help to kick start the body's processes for fatasses like me whose metabolism has slowed to a crawl, actually need a prescription to get it.  I've tried them with skim and almond milk though and for me it just makes them worse, especially the almond milk.  Turns the stuff into sludge, practically have to chew it to get it down.  Figure I'll just stick with water, that way I can down it quick before the taste really gets me.

ReimTime said:
cheshirescat said:
Weighed in today and in the last six weeks I've lost over fifty pounds. Hasn't been as difficult as I had anticipated, I mean the shakes and protein bars are dog shit, and the portions for my regular meals are drastically lower than what I had been accustomed to, but I haven't really had any cravings, even managed to give up soda.

Started lifting again too with these adjustable dumbbells. Guy who's helping me with this has me starting slow, just a few different exercises a couple times a week, trying to ease my body back into the groove to limit soreness and the discouragement that often accompanies it. Was a bit more of an adjustment to the lower weight higher reps routine than I thought though, since my instincts tell me to throw on as much weight as possible, had to do a lost of adjusting to find a good starting point but it's getting better now.

Whoa that is awesome my man, congrats! Keep it up!

Thanks.  Honestly, it's been kind of hard to take any real pride in this, I think because fattening up the way I did is a sore point of shame.  Especially since I was in great shape back when, swole, under 10% body fat, "stupid strong" as a friend described it, so to go from that to what I became was an embarrassment.  Doc calls it working through the mud, and it has been motivating for me to keep up with it, so I feel good in that sense at least.

cheshirescat said:
PieToast said:


I agree that most protein bars are chewy and dry (try Cliff Bar), but protein shakes are yum yum delicious. Drinking a shake with only water makes your body absorb it quicker, but if you want it to improve the taste then mix it with skimmed or low fat milk. 

Edit: it goes without saying that you can only do that if your shake was chocolate or vanilla flavored. 

These shakes aren't quite the same as what you'd get at gnc, some sort of medically formulated stuff to help to kick start the body's processes for fatasses like me whose metabolism has slowed to a crawl, actually need a prescription to get it.  I've tried them with skim and almond milk though and for me it just makes them worse, especially the almond milk.  Turns the stuff into sludge, practically have to chew it to get it down.  Figure I'll just stick with water, that way I can down it quick before the taste really gets me.


oh, my condolences... Chugging it down seems like a good plan since you can't savor something like this I guess.

And you're not starting from scratch. You were in great shape before so the knowledge you had about food and weight lifting is still there. You just have to be as determined as you were before. 


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cheshirescat said:
ReimTime said:
cheshirescat said:
Weighed in today and in the last six weeks I've lost over fifty pounds. Hasn't been as difficult as I had anticipated, I mean the shakes and protein bars are dog shit, and the portions for my regular meals are drastically lower than what I had been accustomed to, but I haven't really had any cravings, even managed to give up soda.

Started lifting again too with these adjustable dumbbells. Guy who's helping me with this has me starting slow, just a few different exercises a couple times a week, trying to ease my body back into the groove to limit soreness and the discouragement that often accompanies it. Was a bit more of an adjustment to the lower weight higher reps routine than I thought though, since my instincts tell me to throw on as much weight as possible, had to do a lost of adjusting to find a good starting point but it's getting better now.

Whoa that is awesome my man, congrats! Keep it up!

Thanks.  Honestly, it's been kind of hard to take any real pride in this, I think because fattening up the way I did is a sore point of shame.  Especially since I was in great shape back when, swole, under 10% body fat, "stupid strong" as a friend described it, so to go from that to what I became was an embarrassment.  Doc calls it working through the mud, and it has been motivating for me to keep up with it, so I feel good in that sense at least.

Keep on keeping on, we're all gonna make it

For what it's worth, anybody who makes an effort to better themselves earns my respect. You're putting in work that a lot of people don't even make a conscious thought about

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Regretfully I wasn't able to hit near what I wanted to in deadlift today. I suppose I could blame it on my head cold but I just wasn't all there. Only 425 then I got pissed off and did a lot of seated cable rows, lat pulldowns and face pulls. You all can bet your ass I'll be hitting all my goal lifts next year! With ease too. If I can exceed 1000 pounds on the leg press with ease then I can pull up a 500lb bar. I know I can
I think I will probably be able to put on a few pounds over my three days at home for Christmas haha. Winter is bulking season, and I have to ingest as much food as possible before I go back to my student meals lol.
On that note, I'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Being happy around those whom you love is a part of health and well-being just as much as exercise. See you in a few days!

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Wish everyone a happy new year and be understanding if at your place next week is filled with resolution minded people. I know some grumble, but I always hope those folks can stick with it and get healthier or faster or stronger.

Nymeria said:
Wish everyone a happy new year and be understanding if at your place next week is filled with resolution minded people. I know some grumble, but I always hope those folks can stick with it and get healthier or faster or stronger.

I can't wait!

All joking aside, I do hope at least half of the resolutioners decided to stick with it

#1 Amb-ass-ador

What are everyone's goals for 2016?