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Regretfully I wasn't able to hit near what I wanted to in deadlift today. I suppose I could blame it on my head cold but I just wasn't all there. Only 425 then I got pissed off and did a lot of seated cable rows, lat pulldowns and face pulls. You all can bet your ass I'll be hitting all my goal lifts next year! With ease too. If I can exceed 1000 pounds on the leg press with ease then I can pull up a 500lb bar. I know I can
I think I will probably be able to put on a few pounds over my three days at home for Christmas haha. Winter is bulking season, and I have to ingest as much food as possible before I go back to my student meals lol.
On that note, I'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Being happy around those whom you love is a part of health and well-being just as much as exercise. See you in a few days!

#1 Amb-ass-ador