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PieToast said:


I agree that most protein bars are chewy and dry (try Cliff Bar), but protein shakes are yum yum delicious. Drinking a shake with only water makes your body absorb it quicker, but if you want it to improve the taste then mix it with skimmed or low fat milk. 

Edit: it goes without saying that you can only do that if your shake was chocolate or vanilla flavored. 

These shakes aren't quite the same as what you'd get at gnc, some sort of medically formulated stuff to help to kick start the body's processes for fatasses like me whose metabolism has slowed to a crawl, actually need a prescription to get it.  I've tried them with skim and almond milk though and for me it just makes them worse, especially the almond milk.  Turns the stuff into sludge, practically have to chew it to get it down.  Figure I'll just stick with water, that way I can down it quick before the taste really gets me.

ReimTime said:
cheshirescat said:
Weighed in today and in the last six weeks I've lost over fifty pounds. Hasn't been as difficult as I had anticipated, I mean the shakes and protein bars are dog shit, and the portions for my regular meals are drastically lower than what I had been accustomed to, but I haven't really had any cravings, even managed to give up soda.

Started lifting again too with these adjustable dumbbells. Guy who's helping me with this has me starting slow, just a few different exercises a couple times a week, trying to ease my body back into the groove to limit soreness and the discouragement that often accompanies it. Was a bit more of an adjustment to the lower weight higher reps routine than I thought though, since my instincts tell me to throw on as much weight as possible, had to do a lost of adjusting to find a good starting point but it's getting better now.

Whoa that is awesome my man, congrats! Keep it up!

Thanks.  Honestly, it's been kind of hard to take any real pride in this, I think because fattening up the way I did is a sore point of shame.  Especially since I was in great shape back when, swole, under 10% body fat, "stupid strong" as a friend described it, so to go from that to what I became was an embarrassment.  Doc calls it working through the mud, and it has been motivating for me to keep up with it, so I feel good in that sense at least.