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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fallout 4 graphics RANT


The graphics

Are amazing for me 49 12.22%
they look good enough 167 41.65%
It looks MEH 81 20.20%
It looks terrible 44 10.97%
I dont care about graphics 38 9.48%
Better nerf greninja 22 5.49%

It's not only about graphics (and half of that trailer was running at 1440p BTW so on a PC). The main problem is the terrible character (dog & human) animation and lack of fur tech. It shows a lack of attention to details particularly on the main character (dog) of the first trailer of your future game.

Will the rest of the game display the same lack of attention to detail for the main characters? for the gameplay? it's not about tflops because decent dog / human animation and fur tech could be correctly done on a PS3.

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I think the graphics dont look good at all, it looks like a crossgen game and ironicly its only on 8-Gen which makes the result even more dissapointing. Yeah there were downgrades but even the witcher 3 in its current form looks better than follout 4s trailer.

I think it was devoloped as a crossgen game but they canceled the old versions, if true its a very stupid move for last gen fans of follout and bethesda deserves all the flag they are getting now.

The game looks colorful. It's already a HUGE improvement over Fallout 3's drab color palette.

Man, i like pretty games, but this guy is right. Gamers are such a bunch of wieners. You don't like the trailer, move along. If it's not the graphics it would be no space battles, or the length, or the difficulty, or the graphics or the space battles or the length or the difficulty, or the graphics or the space battles or the length or the difficulty, or ... I think you get what I'm saying...

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

I don't get the surprise honestly. The gen leader achieved that mostly by being a little better with graphics

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when 8th gen was announced everyone thought "oh wow i bet the graphics are going to be better than ever" and you know what, THEY ARE! we could never get that kind of graphical quality on the PS3, XB360, and hell the Wii wasnt even an HD console and when games like Super Mario Galaxy and Xenoblade Chronicles came out they were hit with near perfect scores.

the only people who do complain about graphics though arent console gamers, its only the PC elitists who feel entitled for having better hardware. who gives a shit if you shelled out $2000 for a top of the line gaming rig? you font own the company and it would hurt their profits just to cancel other versions to make yours better.

and then the thing that really bugs me is the same people going off saying things were better in the 80s and 90s, back when games were pixilated and polygons were huge.

bonzobanana said:
I'm amazed people didn't think Fallout 3 graphics weren't amazing. Ok maybe they weren't visually pleasing but they were hugely atmospheric and there was a lot going on in the game world and decent physics. Fallout 4 looks like a good upgrade visually. Huge amount of texturing in the fallout world and a huge amount of animation too with people moving about naturally with normal motion. The ambition of fallout 3 and 4 is huge and I spent 100s of hours in the fallout 3 world. Loved the game and Fallout 4 is one of the few games I'll probably buy on the release day.

What many people often describe as good graphics is often a very basic game engine, basic repeated texturing and on rails action with little variation in movement. Often the graphics don't even attempt to look realistic and could be achieved on very humble hardware. So you end up with very few gameplay choices.

Fallout 4 is a game that probably is only possible on a reasonable pc, ps4 and xbone requiring a lot resources. The sort of game that separates the current generation with the old generation and under powered systems like android boxes, wii u and handhelds.

LoL, double negative. I remember thinking Fallout 3 looked quite good, but my worries about it being an upgraded version of gamebryo were confirmed with the crazy glitches, thus I am more warry of a repeat. I don't mind too much as it's quite funny seeing a characters head go backwards, but I think it might be nice to have a less buggy engine this time. I'm not expecting Crytek level graphics, but I think that isn't too much to hope for. Who are all these people complaining about the graphics anyway, can someone point them out? I see more complaining about the unsourced complaints.


As for the Witcher 3 complaints, I can understand them. As someone not familiar with game development I don't know why they couldn't just add the assets shown in the trailer to the final version. Why would a downgrade be necessary on the PC version? I feel like they lied to the people like me who pre-ordered.

Game Boy  master race

Yerm said:
when 8th gen was announced everyone thought "oh wow i bet the graphics are going to be better than ever" and you know what, THEY ARE! we could never get that kind of graphical quality on the PS3, XB360, and hell the Wii wasnt even an HD console and when games like Super Mario Galaxy and Xenoblade Chronicles came out they were hit with near perfect scores.

the only people who do complain about graphics though arent console gamers, its only the PC elitists who feel entitled for having better hardware. who gives a shit if you shelled out $2000 for a top of the line gaming rig? you font own the company and it would hurt their profits just to cancel other versions to make yours better.

and then the thing that really bugs me is the same people going off saying things were better in the 80s and 90s, back when games were pixilated and polygons were huge.

Do you really think that it's only PC elitists with $2000 computers that complain about graphics?  That's quite the far-fetched baseless accusation.  

marley said:

Do you really think that it's only PC elitists with $2000 computers that complain about graphics?  That's quite the far-fetched baseless accusation.  

That and he's insulting others who spend money on what they want/love, I'm actually quite disgusted that we're getting to that point in this thread, it's only going to get lower.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

what is wrong in asking for better graphics, when its clear that its not up to current gen level. Will adding better graphic tech would somehow make the game bad. I pray that they have utilized majority of the resources in bettering AI and NPC. The Thing is Graphics, Music and the world is the first thing you see when a game is revealed, and at very end of the list we see gameplay and you need to make an impression with your first look

Fallout loyalist are pointing out improvement in gameplay and immersion is important, doesnt graphics help in immersion? even if they are targeting 60fps this graphics is not upto the mark and people giving excuses about open world and shit. i would say Witcher 3, GTA 5, Watchdogs, infamous SS. Sure people whined about downgrade on some of those games, its just they set false expectation and not there's anything wrong with the final result, they look phenomenal. Heck MGS:GZ  was at 60fps.

How many of us remember how Titanfall was critized, for using an old engine, even though it was their first game, and this Bethesda they have earned billion from their previous games, why are they getting a free pass, also  saying that Bethesda was never know for good graphics is a very lame defense. Skyrim for its time looked stunning and was leaps and bounds improvement over Oblivion. hopefully this will jog your memory

And if the rumor about the upcoming Guerrilla Games Open world RPG HORIZON is true, and given GG pedigree in graphics department. Fallout 4 will be compared to no end. Considering the writer on Horizon is the one from Fallout3 :New Vegas